Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2079: Investigation Team. (2 More)


Above the sea, the huge transport spaceship advances with the wind.

On the deck, Katya and Laya stood at the bow and looked ahead, and they could vaguely see the land.

Katya put down the binoculars and said softly, "We're almost there, Ili City is in front of us."

"Get ready to descend." Laya nodded and looked back at the staff on the transport spaceship.

The staff understood, turned and went to the cockpit of the transport spacecraft.

Soon after, the transport spacecraft began to descend to the flying altitude, heading for the distant city of Ili.

In Yili City, Su Linyisi had been waiting for a long time, staring at the transport spaceship that was getting closer and closer to the horizon, her face was not good-looking.

"Here we come." She said softly.

Uncle Zhang stood behind the woman, waiting for the transport plane to land with a sullen face.

Uncle Zhang said respectfully: "Your Majesty, who will be here this time?"

"I don't know, maybe it's Yueqinlan." Su Linyisi's eyes flickered, and she didn't know who it would be.

At this time, she was a little nervous. The presence of people from the Xuanwu Kingdom was related to whether 23 could secure her position as queen.

Uncle Zhang recalled Yue Qinlan's appearance, he only knew her appearance, but not her behavior style.


The huge transport spaceship flew into Yili City, slowed down and flew towards the square.

Su Linyisi cheered up and watched the transport spaceship land safely. After the cabin door opened, Katya and Laya got off the ship one after another.

"Ili City, I haven't been here for a long time." Laya said calmly.

Katya muttered, "There's nothing interesting here."

Laya glanced at Kajia, and said calmly: "We are here to perform tasks, not to play."

Katya nodded and said: "Yes, go to Yisi to find out the situation.

"We still have to prepare things for divination." Laya responded slowly.

She was worried that she couldn't find He Yu, and the items for divination had to be prepared in advance, and when she got He Yu's personal items, she could do the next calculation.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The sound of footsteps came, and Su Linyisi and Uncle Zhang came in front of Laya and the others.

Laya and Katya looked up and recognized Su Linyisi, and Mei Jianyin was a little surprised.

At the same time, Su Linyisi was also looking at Laya and Kajia, and said with a smile: "You two have worked hard all the way, and I have already prepared a resting place."

She was not familiar with Laya and Katya, she didn't know their abilities and status in Xuanwu Kingdom, so she was going to treat them with caution.

Laya said neither humble nor overbearing: "His Majesty Su Linyisi has a heart."

Katya looked at Su Linyisi, trying to see something from her, and finally retracted her eyes regretfully.

"You two, please follow me." Uncle Zhang said.

Laya shook her head and said calmly: "Don't worry, before that, please answer a few questions from His Majesty Sulinyis."

"You ask." Su Linyisi looked at her calmly.

Laya asked in a cold voice: "Aside from He You, who else has handled the purple-patterned light steel?"

Katya did not stop it, this is what was to be investigated.

Zhang Shudai replied: "Except for He You, the other people who have handled the purple pattern light steel have been investigated, and they are not suspected.

Laya asked in a calm tone: "The people you have investigated, can you compile a detailed information for me?"

Mu Liang asked her to investigate the disappearance of the purple-patterned light steel. He didn't believe Su Linyisi's investigation results in his heart, and planned to get the suspect's information first, and then investigate it himself.

Su Linyisi's face was slightly cold for a moment, and she said indifferently: "Of course, but it will take time, and someone will send it to you tomorrow."

"Okay." Laya nodded lightly.

She asked again: "Does Your Majesty know whether it is life or death?"

Su Linyisi said lightly: "I don't know, my people are also looking for him, I hope he can live.

"Okay, I'm done asking my questions." Laya's eyes flickered slightly.

She thought of something, and asked again: "By the way, where does He You live, can you take me to see it?"

"Yes, I will let Uncle Zhang take you there." Su Linyisi said indifferently.

In the few days since she issued the reward order, there is still no news of why, and if no one is caught, this matter will be difficult to settle.

Su Linyi thought about how the people from the Xuanwu Kingdom would find the 'disappeared' people.

"Okay." Laya smiled.

Uncle Zhang stretched out his hand again to signal: "Please come with me, both of you, and take you to the resting place first, and then we will go to He You's residence later."

"Okay." Laya nodded again, and left with Kajia and others following Uncle Zhang.

Su Linyisi watched their backs, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

Under the guidance of Uncle Zhang, Laya and Kajia came to the palace in Yili City and were arranged to rest in a side hall.

Uncle Zhang called a maid and introduced: "Her name is Xina, and she will serve the two of you these few days."

Xi Na is very young, only fourteen or fifteen years old from the outside, with a height of 1.55 meters and short brown hair, she looks very cute.

She bowed to Laya and the other two cautiously: "Hi, my lords, my name is Xi Na."

"She is very clever, you can find her for anything." Uncle Zhang said seriously.

"Okay." Laya nodded nonchalantly.

Uncle Zhang gave a knight salute, and said in a deep voice: "I still have something to do, she will take you to He You's residence this afternoon.

"Your Excellency, go get busy." Katya smiled slightly.

Uncle Zhang nodded, turned and left the side hall, only Kajia, Laya and the accompanying highland guards were left in the room.

Laya looked at Xi Na with scrutiny in her eyes, which made the maid a little nervous and uncomfortable.

"My lord......" Xi Na said submissively.

Laya said coldly: "Take us to He You's residence." 923 "Aren't you going to rest first?" Xi Na asked softly.

Laya waved her hand and said, "I'm not tired, let's go."

"Okay." Xi Na didn't insist anymore, she reached out her hand to signal.

Everyone left the palace, got on a beast cart and headed for the steel factory outside Yili City.

In the animal cart, Laya and Katya sat next to each other, and Xi Na sat opposite to the two highland guards.

Katya asked aloud, "How long has the purple pattern light steel been lost?"

Xi Na thought for a while and replied, "It's been half a month."

Laya pursed her lips, and complained: "This purple-patterned light steel has been lost for half a month, and it has not been investigated until now. The efficiency is low enough."

"..." Xi Na laughed resentfully.

Not long after, the animal cart arrived outside the steel factory, and Laya and Katya followed the maid to He You's residence.

He You lives in a collective dormitory, and the bed is in the corner.

Laya walked into the dormitory, wrinkled her nose, looked around, and walked to He You's bed.

Xi Na explained: "He You slept here before, and nothing has been moved since he left."

Hearing this, Laya leaned down, reached out and stroked the pillow gently, and calmly took away a piece of brown hair, which was needed for divination.

"It doesn't look like there are any clues, let's go back." She turned and walked out.

Xi Na was stunned, and left now?

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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