"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yue Qinlan pushed open the door, looked at Mu Liang behind the desk and said, "Mu Liang, Kajia and Laya have arrived in Yili City."

"Well, let them pay attention to safety." Mu Liang said softly.

"Don't worry, none of them are weak." Yue Qinlan put down the document in her hand.

She sat down and continued: "In a few days, we should be able to investigate the whereabouts of the purple-patterned light steel."

Mu Liang said softly: "Well, don't worry, with Laya's ability, you can always find out.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "In fact, it is not difficult to track down the whereabouts of this batch of purple-patterned light steel. Pay attention to those merchants and nobles, whether they have used purple-patterned light steel recently, you should be able to find clues.

"That's a way." Mu Liang smiled.

"Don't talk about it, just leave it to Laya and Kajia to investigate." Yue Qinlan waved her hand.

She crossed her legs gracefully, and said softly: "I came to you because I have another matter to tell you.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang's eyes showed surprise.

Yue Qinlan said crisply: "About the hospital building you mentioned earlier."

"Well, what's the matter?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows and asked.

He plans to build several hospitals in the Xuanwu Kingdom to improve and solve people's livelihood problems.

The physical fitness of ordinary people is uneven. Many people have some minor ailments more or less, and there will be accidents on weekdays, such as cutting hands while cooking, accidentally falling and falling, being hit by a beast car, and so on.

Although these diseases and injuries can be cured by healing secret medicines, for some serious injuries, ordinary healing medicines are not effective.

Better healing elixir is unaffordable, and production is limited.

There are still many problems in daily life, such as when you need to rest in bed, and when there is no one to take care of you, these problems can be solved by the hospital.

In addition to hospitals, many nursing homes will be built, which will gradually improve in the future.

Yue Qinlan suggested: "I want the hospital to be built on the side of the main city square, where the transportation is the most convenient, and it is also the closest to all residential streets, and there are patrol guards next to it, so that problems can be solved as quickly as possible..

"Well, it makes sense." Mu Liang nodded thoughtfully.

Yue Qinlan took out the notepad, flipped through a few pages and handed it to Mu Liang: "Here are the positions I selected, take a look.

"Okay." Mu Liang took the notepad and glanced at it, thinking seriously.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water-blue eyes. The hospital is built next to the main city square, which is conducive to daily management.

Mu Liang gestured on the map with his finger: "Build it here, the location is big enough, next to the main road of the main city, and a parking lot can be built here."

"I also think this place is very suitable." Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Then let's build the hospital here, and wait for me to finish drawing in the next two days.

"By the way, how is the training of medical staff going?" he asked again.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "I just went to see them today, and they will be able to start work in half a month."

Since Mu Liang said she wanted to build a hospital, she began to recruit people from the society, and then asked the medical soldiers to help train medical staff.

Medical soldiers also train on weekdays, but the intensity is lighter than other soldiers, so that they can help train medical personnel.

"Half a month is enough time." Mu Liang said softly.

Yue Qinlan smiled like a flower and said, "Don't worry, there's time."

"En." Mu Liang responded.

Yue Qinlan stood up and said gracefully: "Okay, I'm going to get busy."

"Go." Mu Liang responded, picked up the documents sent by Zi Lan and began to review them.

Yue Qinlan left the study and walked outside.

Qingwu stopped her and asked: "Master Qinlan, do you want to try the lemon tea you just made?"

"Lemon tea?" Yue Qinlan paused.

Qing Wu nodded and said: "Yes, Lord Mu Liang said that lemon tea is delicious, so I tried to make it, and the taste is indeed very good.

"Then I'll try it." Yue Qinlan turned and walked towards the main hall.

Qingwu took a clean cup, added a few cubes of ice into it, poured in the boiled lemon tea, stirred it evenly, and handed it to Yueqinlan.

Yue Qinlan looked at the cold lemon tea, took a sip tentatively, the taste was slightly astringent, but soon returned to sweetness, and the taste of star tea and lemon spread in her mouth.

"It's really delicious." Her beautiful eyes lit up.

Qingwu Jiaohan asked: "I didn't put a lot of sugar, Your Majesty likes to drink sour ones, Master Qinlan, do you want to add more sugar?"

"No need, I like this taste." Elegantly connected with Qinglan.

She finished the lemon tea in the cup and signaled the little maid to pour another cup.


Soon the glass cup was filled with lemon tea, Yue Qinlan was holding the cup, drinking while walking out.

"Cup..." Qing Wu opened her mouth.

"Bring it back at night." Yue Qinlan responded casually.

Qingwu Jiaohan responded: "Okay."

She originally wanted to give Yue Qinlan a water cup that was easy to carry, but after thinking about it, the other party had a portable space magic tool, so she could easily carry the cup away.

As soon as Yue Qinlan walked out of the palace, she ran into Yue Feiyan head-on.

々Mother, what are you drinking?" Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes.

"Lemon tea." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Yue Feiyan pursed her pink lips, and said crisply: "It looks pretty good."

"It's quite delicious." Yue Qinlan raised her hand suddenly, avoiding her daughter who rushed forward.

"Damn it, it was close." Yue Feiyan angrily withdrew her snatching hand, and looked at her mother with regret.

Yue Qinlan rolled her pretty eyes, and said in a bad mood: "You were raised by me, and you can tell what you're thinking when you roll your eyes."

"Mother, I'll just have a taste." Yue said seriously.

Yue Qinlan shook her head and said, "One sip you say, and you will finish my whole cup."

"How could it be? I said take a sip and just take a sip." Yue Feiyan said with a blushing face.

Yue Qinlan agreed: "Yes, you can indeed drink a whole glass of water in one gulp."

"Mother, you don't even love me, it's not the same as what you played in the movie (Wang Zhao)." Yue Feiyan pursed her lips and yelled.

"Haven't you heard a word?" Yue Qinlan asked with a half-smile.

"What?" Yue Feiyan asked curiously.

Yue Qinlan opened the mouth and said: "No matter how sweet you are, you can't sweeten your children, no matter how bitter you are, you can't hurt yourself. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Without children and grandchildren, I will enjoy happiness~~~Team"

...Where did you learn this fallacy?" Yue Crimson's face was full of black lines.

"From Muliang's mobile phone." Yue Qinlan smiled reluctantly.

Yue Feiyan said angrily: "It's all nonsense."

"Mu Liang said that you can become a master only by suffering hardships, and you can become a master by suffering first, be good."

Yue Qinlan patted her daughter's shoulder, turned around and left gracefully.

Yue Feiyan stuck out her tongue at her mother's back, made a few childish faces, and then turned back to the palace.


ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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