Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2082: It Turns Out That The Clown Is Myself. (1 More)

Yili City, a side hall in the palace, Katya closed the door behind her backhand.

Outside the door, Xi Na was leaning against the wall, pinching the corner of her clothes with her small hands in front of her.

In the side hall, Katya glanced at the door, then turned her head and exchanged glances with Laya.

Kajia whispered: "Do you think that Hina was sent by Su Linyisi to monitor us?"

"What do you think?" Ray asked back.

"Obviously, it looks obedient on the outside, but in reality it can confuse people." Kajia said seriously.

She looked at her friend and said earnestly: "Fortunately, you and I are both smart, so we won't let our guard down.

...." Laya resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

She waved her hand and said: "Okay, I'm going to start looking for why, don't let other people disturb me.

"Understood, you are busy." Katya nodded.

She looked at the door, stepped forward lightly, and dropped the lock.

Raya took out the items needed for divination magic and began to draw a magic circle on the ground.

The whole process takes two to three hours and cannot be interrupted.

Time passed, and there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Knock knock knock~~ww

"Lord Laya, Lord Katya, it's time for lunch." 297 Hina's voice sounded.

"Don't eat, we're not hungry." Katya responded.

Xi Na showed embarrassment: "Master Kajia, it's almost here, let's eat something.

"Can't you understand human language?" Katya said coldly.

She said through the door: "We are too tired and need to rest, don't disturb us."

"But..." Xina said anxiously.

The order she received was not to let Kajia and others leave her sight for too long.

"Back off." Katya said coldly.

"Yes." Xi Na sighed inwardly, fearing that she might be seen, so she had to give up her next plan.

She stood guard outside the door, listening carefully to the movement in the room, hoping to hear some sounds.

However, she was destined to be disappointed. Katya had already installed the silencer on the wall, and the sound-proof area was opened so that people outside the door could not hear the sound in the room.

Raya is still drawing the magic circle, and it has come to an end.

Half an hour later, she stopped her hands, took out the hair she got from Heyou's bed, and placed it in the center of the magic circle.

"Are you sure this is why's hair?" Katya asked, tilting her head.

Laya said with a serious face: "I asked, He You's hair is this color, there should be nothing wrong."

Katya nodded: "Well, I hope it's right, otherwise it's a waste of time."

"I'm going to start." Laya said and closed her eyes.

Katya closed her mouth at the right time, quietly watching Laya's movements.

The magic power was fluctuating, the expression on Laya's face remained unchanged, the brown hair in the magic circle fluttered, and it spun automatically without wind.

Katya blinked her beautiful eyes, she was no stranger to this scene, she had seen Laya perform the same magic several times before.

Time passed, and ten minutes passed quickly.

Laya still kept her eyes closed, and her brows were slightly frowned.

"No result yet?" Katya muttered in a low voice.

She looked back at the door, Hina should still be outside, right?

"I found it." Laya suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and the brown hair in front of her fell to the ground in ashes.

She stood up with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Where is it?" Katya asked happily.

Laya looked at the woman and said word by word: "Bom City."

Katya froze for a moment, then asked in amazement, "Pom City, where is that?"

"I don't know, find someone to ask." Laya shook her head.

"Okay." Katya rolled her eyes, turned and came to the door, took the muffler off the wall and turned it off.

She unlocked the door and pulled the door open, waking up the maid guarding the door.

Xi Na hurriedly stood up straight, and asked respectfully, "Have you rested, my lords?"

"Well, let's go for a walk now." Katya replied lightly.

Without saying a word, Laya followed the girl and left the side hall.

Seeing this, Xi Na hurriedly followed, looking at the two (cdci) walking in front with confused eyes, thinking about how to get useful information out of her mouth.

Kajia paused, turned around and asked casually: "By the way, Xina, what other cities are there around Yili City?"

Xi Na thought for a while, and said truthfully: "Master Kajia, there are four cities that are closer to Yili City, and they can be reached within a day by animal cart."

"What cities are they?" Laya asked.

Xi Na said crisply: "Yiluo City, Kain City, Fu'ou City and Boone City."

Laya and Katya looked at each other, their brows were slightly frowned, and there was no city of Bom nearby.

"What's farther away?" Katya asked calmly.

Xi Na said softly: "It's farther away, and it will take three days to get there by beast car."

"What city is there?" Laya glanced at the girl.

Xi Na shook her hand, and quickly said the names of the three big cities, but there was still no city of Bom.

Laya said with a cold face: "Understood."

"...Yes." Xi Na bit her lower lip.

Kajia tilted her head and said softly: "Without Bom City, could it be that you made a mistake?"

Laya narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a bad mood: "Magic can't lie or make mistakes."

Katya whispered: "Then where do you think Bom City is?"

Laya's eyes sparkled, and she said coldly: "Maybe in a farther place..."

"In the Kingdom of Lanlupo, is there a place called Bom City?" Katya turned around and asked suddenly.

Xi Na tilted her head and thought for a while, then slowly shook her head and said: "Pom City... I haven't heard of it.

"Understood." Katya turned her head disappointed.

She looked at Laya and said in a low voice: "This city of Bom is more likely to be in another kingdom.

Laya pondered for a moment, then shook her head and said, "This is difficult, let the highland guards collect clues about Bom City."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Katya nodded in agreement.

The two walked around the city of Yili, and finally returned to the side hall of the palace, where Xi Na was shut out again.

Katya installed the silencer, and said to the empty space in the room: "Lonai, go and find out where Bom City is."

"My lord, what specific information do I need to know?" A cold female voice sounded, and a highland guard wearing a ghost cloak appeared in the room.

She is a fifth-level powerhouse, and she is the team leader who went out this time, managing the other highland guards who accompanied her.

Laya said: "It is enough to find out the location of Bom City, the information of the city owner and various forces.

"Yes." Luo Nai replied, stretched out her hand to pull the cloak to cover her body, and disappeared in the same place the next moment.

Katya spread her hands: "I hope it's not too far away."

"There is a transport spaceship, what are you afraid of?" Laya gave his friend a look.

Kajia looked back at her friend with the eyes of a fool, and reminded: "It will be too conspicuous. You can tell that it is someone from the Xuanwu Kingdom at a glance. What should I do if I scare He You away?"

"The transport spaceship can be invisible." Laya smiled slightly.

.” Katya opened her mouth, and it turned out that the clown was herself.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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