Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2083: The Hospital Opens. (2 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, in the main city.

In Room 3, Building 6, Jiayi Street, Yuzi came out of the room yawning, with the sound of the Xuanwu Bell echoing in his ears.

"It's eight o'clock." She grinned and raised her hand to scratch her messy hair.

She rests today, so she can sleep until she is full before getting up and enjoying the leisure time of the day~light.


The door was suddenly pushed open, Cheng Mao walked into the house, took off his hat and coat, and hung them on the hooks on the wall as usual.

Yuzi froze for a moment, then asked in astonishment: "Hey, why did Brother Cheng come back suddenly?"

"I was on the night shift last night, so I can take a break today." Cheng Mao explained with a smile.

He stepped forward, reached out and pulled his wife into his arms, buried his head in her hair and took a deep breath.

Yuzi patted her husband's back and comforted him: "I'm very tired, go and rest for a while, I'll prepare breakfast."

"Fortunately, not too tired." Cheng Mao raised his head and reached out to pinch his wife's face.

Yuzi said softly: "Then you go take a bath first, you smell of sweat."

"Eh..... I've been exercising for an hour in the morning, so I'm sweating a bit." Cheng Mao said embarrassingly.

"Go and wash." Taro pointed to the bathroom.

"Okay." Cheng Mao grinned, turned and went to the bathroom.

Taro went back to the room, took a set of clean clothes and sent them to the bathroom.

She hung up her clothes and asked, "Brother Cheng, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Wheat porridge, boiled eggs, and roasted sweet potatoes." Cheng Mao responded.

"Okay." Yuzi responded, turned and went into the kitchen, put on her apron and started preparing today's breakfast.

When Cheng Mao came out after washing, Yuzi had already baked the sweet potatoes by the fire.

"Need help?" Cheng Mao rolled up his sleeves and asked.

"No, you go and rest." Tarotou waved his hand without returning.

She poured the wheat into the pot, added a few handfuls of rice, and finally added water and put it on the stove to cook.

Cheng Mao leaned against the door frame and asked doubtfully, "Don't we have Lingmi at home, why don't we eat it?"

He is the deputy head of the patrol guards, and in the welfare benefits that are distributed every month, there are three catties of Lingmi.

Yuzi explained: "Lingmi has to be cooked after Xiaoxiao comes back. She is learning magic very hard now, so she has to make up for it when she comes back."

"Okay, let's eat after Xiaoxiao comes back." Cheng Mao nodded in agreement.

Yuzi looked back at her husband and asked softly, "How long can I rest this time?"

Since Cheng Xiao went to the magician school, Cheng Mao was very busy at work, and she often came home from get off work to be alone.

"I can rest for two days." Cheng Mao said clearly.

"Really?" Taro's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and she didn't pay attention to the knife in her hand. When she fell, she cut a three centimeter wide wound with her index finger, and the bone could already be seen.


She screamed, the kitchen knife fell to the ground, and blood gushed out from the wound.

"Let me see." Cheng Mao was taken aback, and hurried forward, grabbing his wife's injured finger.

Yuzi frowned tightly, reluctantly said: "Fortunately, it just hurts a little."

"Da da da~~~"

Blood continued to flow out from the wound, leaving drops of splattered blood stains on the ground.

Cheng Mao pressed the wound on his wife's hand and said worriedly: "No, you have to use a secret medicine."

"No, just wait a while." Taro shook his head.

Healing secret medicine is very expensive, and you have to go to a pharmacy to buy it.

Cheng Yu said solemnly: "The wound is too deep, it won't heal without the secret medicine, it must be used.

"This..." Yuzi looked at his bleeding fingers and hesitated.

She could feel the sensation of the skin and flesh being opened, the so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, the pain was far stronger than imagined.

Yuzi complained: "This knife is too sharp."

"Let's go, go buy it now." Cheng Mao found a piece of cloth, tied his wife's fingers, and pulled her out.

Yuzi hurriedly shouted: "Wait, turn off the fire."

"Understood." Cheng Mao walked quickly to the kitchen, and poured out the burning wood in the stove with a basin of water.


She made sure the flames were extinguished before pulling her wife out of the house.

The two went downstairs, Cheng Mao pushed out the bicycle, straddled it skillfully, stepped on the pedal with one foot and turned back and said: "Come on."

Yuzi endured the pain and sat sideways on the back seat of the bicycle. The cloth on his fingers had been stained red.

"Sit still, I have to speed up." Cheng Mao said with a serious face, kicked his feet hard, and rode his bicycle straight to the pharmacy in the residential area.

Taro bit her lower lip, and the pain in her fingers was always there.

She raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the main city square, and saw a newly built tall building, a look of astonishment flashed across her face.

"Brother Cheng, what's that place?" Yuzi couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Cheng Mao looked sideways and responded casually: "That's the main city hospital.

"Hospital, what kind of place?" Yuzi reluctantly asked.

...asking for flowers...

Cheng Mao replied subconsciously: "It's a place to cure diseases and save lives."

Yuzi asked in surprise: "Then, can I go there to heal my injury?"

Cheng Yu thought for a while, and said unsurely: "The hospital just opened today, I don't know very well, why don't we go buy the secret medicine.

Yuzi shook his head and said: "This hospital is right in front of you, if you want to buy any secret medicine, go and have a look first."

"Okay, let's go and have a look first, and if it doesn't cure, go to the pharmacy immediately." Cheng Mao said with a serious expression.

"Yeah." Taro agreed.

Cheng Mao turned around and rode towards the hospital.

The hospital has six floors, covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters. The first floor is the reception hall, registration, and fee collection.

Cheng Mao parked his bicycle and hurried into the reception hall with Yuzi.

In the reception hall, the nurses are busy behind the counter.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Cheng Mao stepped forward and hurriedly shouted: "Hi, my wife hurt her hand.

"Is the injury serious?" The nurse hurried out from behind the counter upon hearing this.

Cheng Mao said nervously: "I think it's quite serious, a lot of blood has been shed."

"It's just cut in hand, don't worry." Yuzi comforted.

Seeing the red-dyed cloth on Yuzi's hand, the nurse became serious, and hurriedly said, "Go to register and pay the fee first.

"Ah, registration and payment?" Cheng Mao was stunned.

The nurse pointed to the front left window: "Window No. 1 is the registration window, and the registration fee is only one yuan."

"Oh, I'm going to register now." Hearing this, Cheng Mao ran to the registration window.

The registration window is transparent, the lower part is a long table, and the upper part is separated by a glazed wall, leaving only a window the size of a human head.

"I want to register." Cheng Mao shouted.

The staff at the window asked, "You want to see a doctor?"

"It's my wife." Cheng Mao explained.

"Give me your wife's ID card." The staff member stretched out his hand.

When registering to see a doctor in the hospital, it is necessary to register the patient's personal information.

Cheng Mao was stunned when he heard this, and quickly ran back to his wife, got his ID card and went back to the window to register.

The staff will write down the ID card number, charge a registration fee of one yuan, and finally issue a charge certificate and stamp a red seal on it.

"Okay, let's go." The staff handed the payment certificate and number plate to Cheng Mao.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize the mountain. .

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