Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2084: Inexpensive Hospital. (3 More)

Cheng Mao was stunned for a moment when he got the number plate and the bill, then looked at the staff behind the window and asked, "Then what should I do?"

The staff replied patiently: "Then take your wife to the doctor to see a doctor, it is written on the number plate."

Cheng Mao quickly looked at the number plate, Dr. Cao Ersen in the first consultation room on the third floor.

"Thank you." He thanked, turned and returned to Yuzi.

At this time, Yuzi was chatting with the nurse.

Yuzi looked at the white suit on the nurse, and asked, "Your clothes are pretty, do you sell them?"

The nurse looked at the injured taro, and said with a smile: "This is a nurse's uniform, only nurses can wear it, and you can't buy it outside.

The overalls worn by doctors and nurses are made according to Mu Liang's design, which is very similar to the nurse's uniform in his previous life.

"Well, it's just that white is not resistant to dirt." Yuzi regretted.

......" The nurse twitched the corners of her mouth. "Five nine seven"

Cheng Mao came back in a hurry: "Yuzi, I have a good name."

The nurse glanced at the number plate and directed: "Follow the instructions on the number plate, just go to the first consultation room on the third floor to find Dr. Cao Ersen, he will heal your injury."

"Okay." Yuzi thanked and followed her husband to the transport ladder.

The hospital has installed two sets of transport ladders, which are for the convenience of patients with inconvenient legs and feet and difficulty moving up and down the stairs.

In addition to the transport ladder, there are two sets of escalators on each floor.

The transportation ladder started and finally stopped on the third floor.

When the two left the transport ladder, there was a three-meter-wide horizontal corridor in front of them. There was a guide desk on the wall directly opposite, and there were nurses on duty.

"Hello." The nurse greeted sweetly.

Cheng Mao hurriedly said, "Let's find Dr. Cao Ersen."

"Give me the registration number plate." The nurse gestured with her hand.

Cheng Mao hastily handed over the number plate.

The nurse checked and registered, then raised her finger to the corridor on the left, and signaled: "Go to the first consulting room on the left at the end."

"Okay, okay." Cheng Mao nodded repeatedly, and walked to the left with his wife.

Yuzi looked around curiously. The overall color of the promenade is very light blue, and the ground is frosted glass, which is non-slip and anti-fall.

There are also handrails on the wall, extending all the way to the end.

There are many rooms on both sides of the long corridor, and there are standing signs on the doors, with different characters written: sixth consultation room, fifth consultation room, fourth consultation room... treatment room, isolation room.

Soon the two found a consulting room and went straight in after seeing someone inside.

The layout of the consulting room is very simple. The entrance is a desk with paper, pens, tweezers and other utensils on the table.

Behind the desk is an opaque curtain, which is the examination area for patients to check their bodies.

Sitting behind the desk was a middle-aged woman in white, looking up at them.

Cheng Mao tentatively asked, "Doctor Cao Ersen?"

"It's me, come in." Cao Ersen nodded in greeting.

Yuzi couldn't help but said: "Um, from the name, I thought it would be a man.

"Then you treat me as a man." Cao Ersen smiled kindly.

Yuzi chuckled and came to Cao Ersen's side.

"Sit down, what's wrong?" Cao Ersen asked casually.

Cheng Mao hurriedly said: "Doctor Cao Ersen, my wife's hand was cut and left a lot of blood.

"Let me see." Cao Ersen motioned.

Yuzi stretched out her hand, showing her injured fingers, and the red-dyed cloth made Cao Ersen more energetic.

"I'll take a look." She stretched out her hand and carefully unwrapped the fabric wrapped around her fingers.


Yuzi frowned, and the cloth was soaked in blood, sticking to the wound, and it was extremely painful to pull the wound when the cloth was uncovered.

Cao Ersen said in a low voice: "Be patient."

She moved carefully and tore off the last piece of cloth stuck to the wound, and blood immediately flowed from the wound.

"It hurts." Taro frowned.

Cheng Mao asked nervously, "Doctor Cao Ersen, what should we do now?"

If it were him, he might use the previous treatment method, pressing the wound with burnt charcoal, which could stop the bleeding abruptly.

It is Yuzi who is injured now, his wife, and there is a secret medicine to heal the injury, so he has endured until now.

"It's fine, it's easy to deal with." Cao Ersen said calmly.

She took out a glass jar, which contained a transparent liquid, which was high-concentration alcohol, and was used for disinfection and sterilization.

Cao Ersen took out another clean sackcloth, poured alcohol on the wound, rinsed the wound for disinfection and sterilization.


Taro couldn't help exhaling in pain, and his body trembled a few times.

"Be patient, it won't hurt soon." Cao Ersen said without changing his expression.

She had been trained by a medical soldier for a month, had seen all kinds of wounds, and had experience in how to deal with such wounds.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Soon after half a bottle of alcohol was poured, Cao Ersen held down Yuzi's wound, raised his eyes and asked, "Now there are two treatment options, one is to suture the wound, and the other is to use a small amount of secret medicine, which can promote wound healing, so there is no need to sew up the wound." Wire....."

"Stitches?" Taro's lips trembled.

Cao Ersen nodded and said, "Well, using thread to sew the two pieces of flesh you cut together can effectively prevent the wound from cracking and can also promote wound healing."

Taro's mouth trembled and said, "It's the second type, the first type is too scary."

"The price is also different, and the secret medicine will definitely be more expensive." Cao Ersen reminded.

Yuzi calmed down after hearing this, and quickly asked, "How much does it cost?"

"No matter how much it costs, use the second one." Cheng Mao said without hesitation.

Cao Ersen explained: "It's not expensive, fifty-five yuan Xuanwu coins, and sixteen yuan Xuanwu coins for sutures.

The hospital charges are not expensive, so that the poor can afford to see a doctor, and the rich can directly use the secret medicine they bought.

"Just use the secret medicine." Cheng Mao said seriously.

Yuzi hesitated for a while, but was finally frightened by the first treatment plan, and nodded in agreement.

Upon seeing this, Cao Ersen took out the printed receipt, wrote on it, clearly stated the treatment plan and the required cost, and finally stamped his personal seal.

"Take it to the first floor to pay." She tore off the receipt and handed it to Cheng Mao.

"Okay." Cheng Mao ran downstairs with the receipt.

Cao Ersen took out a small bottle of secret medicine in white powder form, as well as spider silk cloth and alcohol for bandaging the wound.

After Cheng Mao came back, Cao Ersen began to treat the wound on Yu 5.3's hand.

She sterilized Taro's wound with alcohol again, and then sprinkled a layer of white powder, which can quickly scab the wound.

Cao Ersen wrapped the injured finger with a spider silk cloth and fixed it with a small piece of wood to prevent the finger from bending and cracking the wound.

Cao Ersen reminded: "Well, on weekdays, avoid touching the wound with water, so as not to infect the wound."

"That's good." Cheng Mao was stunned for a moment.

Cao Ersen said kindly: "Of course not, this injury will take two days at the fastest to fully heal."

"Oh, okay." Cheng Mao let out a breath of relief when he saw that his wife's wound was no longer bleeding.

"Go back." Cao Ersen waved his hand.

"Thank you." Cheng Mao nodded quickly, and left the consulting room with Li.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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