In the study room, Yue Qinlan pushed the door open and came in front of Mu Liang with a document in his hand.

She said elegantly: "Mu Liang, this is the report on the operation of the hospital in the past three days since it opened.

"You wrote it?" Mu Liang asked softly.

"Of course." Yueqinlan Shi sat down quietly.

When Mu Liang heard this, he opened the report, and the beautiful small characters on it were highly recognizable, and they were indeed written by a woman.

He glanced at the lines of handwritten words: "The hospital has been open for three days, six people registered to see a doctor on the first day, twenty-three on the second day, and sixty-five on the third day...

On the first day the hospital opened, not many people knew about it, nor did they understand the functions of the hospital.

On the second and third days of opening, through the publicity in newspapers and television, the public gradually became aware of the hospital, and the number of people who went to see a doctor increased.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and praised: "The data are very clear, not bad."

Yue Qinlan raised her chin slightly, and said elegantly: "I know what you want to know, so I have to write the report myself."

"You still understand me." Mu Liang smiled and put down the promise in 23's hand.

Yue Qinlan tilted her head slightly, and asked softly: "So after reading this report, what do you think?"

"Well, we need to add an ophthalmology department. Many people have eye diseases." Mu Liang nodded.

Judging from the medical records of patients in the past three days, there are 15 people with eye problems, which is three times the proportion of other diseases.

"Well, I think so too." Yue Qinlan responded.

"The process of seeing a doctor is a bit complicated, so it needs to be optimized and streamlined...

Mu Liang said softly: "We have to remind people who come to register to see a doctor to bring their ID cards from the newspaper."

Judging from the report, nearly three-quarters of the people who came to the hospital did not bring their ID cards, which is a problem.

"Okay, I will arrange this matter." Yue Qinlan wrote it down seriously.

Mu Liang said clearly: "By the way, the hospital will also be open at night, remember to arrange people to be on night shift."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded again.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said calmly: "For the time being, let's talk about these issues when we discover the rest."

Yue Qinlan suggested: "We can also solicit suggestions from the public, and those that are reasonable can be adopted."

The hospital serves the public, and the public thinks it is good is really good, and reasonable suggestions can make the hospital better and better.

"Yes, yes." Mu Liang agreed.

He said clearly: "Then install a collection box in the hospital."

"I'll arrange someone to pretend." Yue Qinlan agreed.

Mu Liang nodded lightly, and asked softly, "How's the situation at Laya's side?"

Yue Qinlan looked serious, nodded and said: "We have found Bom City, at the border of Lanlupo Kingdom, next to Haiting Kingdom."

Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in surprise, "Why is this so interesting, you have traveled so far in just a few days?"

Yue Qinlan agreed: "I suspect that someone will respond, otherwise with his strength, even if he travels day and night in a beast cart, it is impossible to go to Bom City in half a month.

Yili City is far away from Bom City, and far away from the seaside. Waterways are not allowed, and they can only be crossed by animal carts or flying.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and said in a serious tone: "Well, this possibility is very high, let Laya and Kajia pay attention to safety.

"Things are more complicated than I imagined." Yue Qinlan sighed.

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Did Su Linyisi's people follow Laya and the others?"

Yue Qinlan replied: "A maid named Xi Na followed."

"Maid, this Su Linyisi is also big-hearted." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

Yue Qinlan shrugged and said: "On the bright side, only Xi Na is following, but who is behind, then I don't know."

A cold light flashed in Mu Liang's eyes, and he said coldly: "Then see if this matter is related to her."

Yue Qinlan sighed: "I hope not, otherwise I have to choose another queen, and it will be very difficult.

"Yeah, I think so too." Mu Liang's tone softened.

The Kingdom of Lanlupo is not the focus of Muliang's development, so it only needs one person in power who can be under his control, and Su Linyisi is a good candidate.

"If it doesn't work, let's give up the Kingdom of Lanlupo. Mu Liang's eyes flashed.

"Well, it's up to you to decide." Yue Qinlan said indifferently.

Mu Liang smiled, stood up and said: "Let's go, accompany me to see the production of the secret medicine.

Mass production of the secret medicine for the treatment of 'Virtual Ghost Infection' has begun [he hasn't visited the factory yet.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan stood up, and stretched out her hand to hold Mu Liang's arm.

The two left the study, got into the car and headed for the pharmaceutical factory in the main city.

The newly built pharmaceutical factory is located in the main city, specializing in the production of various rare and secret medicines. In addition to the secret medicines for the treatment of 'infection of virtual ghosts', there are also secret medicines for healing wounds, secret medicines for hemostasis, etc., which are all produced there.

Soon after, the car stopped outside the pharmaceutical factory.

The gate of the factory is guarded by highland guards and soldiers, and the guards are so strict that no one who is not involved can approach it.

"Your Majesty, the clerk." The soldiers and the highland guards raised their hands respectfully.

"En. Mu Liang nodded lightly, and walked into the pharmaceutical factory.

There are three pharmaceutical factories in total, each with three floors, and each floor produces different secret medicines.

The person in charge quickly came out to greet the news, and saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, Mr. Secretary.

Run Sheng said: "Well, take me to see the production of new drugs."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please follow me." The person in charge of the factory gestured with his hand.

With his hands behind his back, Mu Liang followed the person in charge 010 to the innermost factory building.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Under the guidance of the person in charge, Mu Liang and others walked into the third factory building, and the secret medicine to treat the infection in the east was on the second floor.

The production process of the secret medicine was completely disrupted, the staff in different processes could not contact each other, and their identities were kept secret, which ensured that the formula of the secret medicine would not be leaked out.

Walking into the second floor of the factory building, there are pools for cleaning raw materials in front of you.

The workers are very careful and carefully clean the raw materials, clean the herbs and put them into the cart, and other staff will push them to the treatment room inside for secondary treatment.

Mu Liang watched with a calm expression, asking a few questions from time to time to test the professionalism of the person in charge.

Yue Qinlan said in a flat tone: "These secret medicines are very important, and we must not be careless at all. If something goes wrong, be careful with your head."

The person in charge looked serious, and said respectfully: "Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty and the clerk, I will personally check every process here."

Mu Liangzhu instructed: "Well, remember to send the first batch of secret medicine produced to Yu Fei'er for testing.

The blond girl with twin ponytails is responsible for the inspection of the secret medicine, and only those who pass the test will be stored in the warehouse for future use.

"Yes." The person in charge respectfully agreed.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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