Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2086: It Will Literally Chop Off Your Head. (2 More)

The main city, Jiasan Street, some of the vampires from Yeyue City live here.

Oris and his father Leopolo lived in a room, and four other vampires lived two floors downstairs.

On the third floor, Olis looked at his father who had just woken up and asked, "Father, are you going to buy blood today?"

Leopold nodded and said: "Well, go to the big market to see what quality blood you can buy.

It has been ten days since they settled down in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and they haven't bought blood yet, and they eat sweet potatoes, animal meat and other foods every day.

They had the habit of drinking blood on weekdays, and after ten days passed, the vampires couldn't help it anymore.

"I heard that only animal blood can be bought." Olis muttered.

Leopolu said in a deep voice: "There is no difference between animal blood and human blood of the same quality, but the taste is almost the same."

"Human blood tastes better." Olis sighed.

Leopolo said with a serious face: "Don't give up your idea, don't anger Mu Liang, Xi Beiqi will really cut off your head."

"Understood." Olis pouted.

The appearance of the vampire girl appeared in his mind, and he imagined the appearance of her raising a big knife, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"Okay, pack up, let's go out." Leopolo said in a deep voice.

"Got it." Orlis stood up and went to change into a better set of clothes.

He thinks that pure-blooded vampires are noble, and they should pay attention to their appearance when they go out, so they have to wear the best clothes when they go out.

Ten minutes later, the father and son went out and went downstairs. When they passed the second floor, the two vampires who lived on the second floor also went out, and the four of them just met.

"Third Elder, Deacon Orlis." Xue Ye greeted Brown sensiblely.

Both of them are the juniors of the Yeyue family, with the strength of the fourth level, and they are the children of several other deacons who stayed behind in the Yeyue family.

"Well, are you going out?" Leopolo asked indifferently.

"Yeah, we're going to buy blood." Brilang explained

"You guys are going to buy blood too." Oris frowned.


Xue Ye was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Are the elders and Deacon Oris also going to buy blood?"?"

"Yes." Oliver nodded.

Xue Ye's golden eyes sparkled: "Then let's go together, we haven't been there yet."

Golden eyes are the characteristic of the Ye family.

Orlis glanced at his father, and seeing that he had no objection, he agreed, "Then let's go."

"Yeah." Xue Ye and Brilang hurriedly followed, and excitedly left the residential building and walked towards the big market.

In the big market, there is a special counter for selling blood, and only those who have a blood purchase certificate can buy it with their ID card.

To buy a blood certificate, this was also handled together when the vampire applied for the ID card.

The validity period of the blood certificate is one year, and it must be re-applied after one year.

The vampires were walking on the street, surrounded by people, many of them were riding bicycles.

Xue Ye couldn't help but said: "Elder, why don't we fly over directly, it's very tiring to walk.

"Did you forget the rules of the main city?" Leopolo said coldly.

"I know that flying in the main city without permission is prohibited." Brilang raised his hand.

"It's good to know." Olis said indifferently.

"Oh." Xue Ye curled her lips and looked enviously at the people riding bicycles.

"I want a bike too," she exclaimed.

"Go buy it yourself." Orlis said lightly.

Hearing this, Xue Ye glanced at the Xuanwu coins in his pocket. He carried a thousand yuan with him, and the rest were stored in the bank of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

She exchanged all the beast crystals brought from Yeyue City into basalt coins, and kept only a part for use at any time, and the rest were stored in the bank, which ensured safety.

Xue Ye grinned and said, "It's better to forget it. After buying a bicycle and deducting the money for blood and three meals a day, there is not much money left."

She came to settle in the Xuanwu Kingdom from Yeyue City, and she didn't bring a lot of beast crystals out, but stayed in the family to revitalize the family.

Brilang twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't have many basalt coins, so I won't really have to work in the future, will I?"

Orlis said indifferently: "There's nothing wrong with working, it's better than being idle."

Hearing this, Xue Ye quickly asked: "Deacon Orlis, are you also working in Xuanwu Jinguo?"

..." Orlis twitched the corners of his mouth, and glanced at the two of them.

Xue Ye closed her mouth tactfully, and did not press further.

Brilang said depressedly: "I'm a pure-blooded vampire from the Yeyue family, why do I still have to work..."

Leopolo said in a cold tone: "The family's monthly living expenses are limited. If you want to live a good life, you have to earn Xuanwu coins by yourself."

"Can I go back?" Xue Ye asked in a small voice.

"Of course, as long as you are willing." Leopolo said indifferently.

....." Xue Ye opened his mouth, and finally heaved a sigh.

She likes the Xuanwu Kingdom in her heart. There are too many delicious foods here, and the environment is beautiful and clean. Compared with Yeyue City, this place is a paradise on earth.

"I don't work, and I don't buy bicycles anymore." Brilang said seriously.

Oris and Leopolu looked at each other, their golden eyes gleamed, and they needed work in the end to let the clansmen integrate into the life of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Leopolo said indifferently: "々Do whatever you want, I'm not in charge of your life."

The corners of Xue Ye and Brilang's mouths curled downwards, they were determined in their hearts, they would never work in the Xuanwu Kingdom, that would be too embarrassing for noble vampires.

Not long after, several people came to the outside of the big market. The inside was crowded with people, and it looked very lively.

"Let's take a look, 10% off corn, 10% off five catties of sweet potatoes..."

"The new sofa is on the market, it only costs 230 yuan.

In the big market, there is constant hawking, attracting customers to go to different counters for consumption.

"A lot of people." Xue Ye clicked her tongue.

"The blood counter is over there." The sharp-eyed Olis saw the counter deep in the big market, with the words 'Blood Sales Office' hanging on it.

"In the past." Several people squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the sales office.

"Tap Tat ~~~ (Li Zhaohao)"

As soon as Brilang took two steps, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a counter selling bicycles.

Those brand new bicycles immediately caught his attention.

"Bicycle." His eyes lit up.

Xue Ye glanced at him: "Do you want to buy a voice?"

Brilang hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head vigorously: "Forget it, for the sake of my quality of life."

"Or you can buy one together and use it together in the future." Olis said lightly.

"Eh?" Xue Ye's golden eyes lit up immediately.

Leopolu twitched his lips, feeling a little ashamed, the dignified and noble vampire actually wanted to buy a bicycle together for use.

"I think it's okay." Brilang's eyes sparkled.

"Go back later and discuss it later." Xue Ye said seriously.

Brilliant nodded: "Okay."

ps: [2 more]: To cool down, I have caught a cold, everyone put on more clothes. .

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