Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2087: Self-Esteem Is Hurt. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Orlis, Leopolu and others squeezed through the crowd and came to the blood-selling counter in the deepest part of the big market.

Compared with other counters in the big market, the blood sales counter is much deserted, only one staff member is there, reading fascinatedly with a book in his hand.

The number of vampires in the Xuanwu Kingdom is very small, and sometimes they can't sell a bottle of animal blood in a day. The staff working here are bored and can only find something to pass the time.

The girl was fascinated by the book, giggling from time to time.

"Giggle, it's so funny." She laughed straight into her thigh.


"We're here to buy blood." Olis couldn't hold back, and raised his hand to knock on the counter.

"Ah, someone is here." The girl was shocked, and quickly put down the book in her hand and stood up.

Orlis glanced at the book that the girl had put down. On the cover were written a few big words 'Girl's Love Diary'.

"Are you all here to buy blood?" the girl asked enthusiastically.

"Hmm." Xue Ye responded.

Lancey smiled and asked, "What grade of blood do you want to buy, do you need my introduction?"

"Let me introduce you." Xue Ye nodded.

Seeing this, Olis was also unorganized, and waited with his hands in his arms.

Lan Xi smiled and said: "At present, there are six levels of blood at our blood sales counter. From low to high, they are first-level blood, second-level blood, third-level blood...777...sixth-level blood, which correspond to different blood levels. Realm monster blood, the higher the level, the more expensive it is."

Brillang blinked his eyes, and asked in astonishment: "The highest level is only the blood of a sixth-level monster?"

Lan Xi nodded and said: "Yes, currently, there may be seventh-order blood in the future."

"How do you sell Tier 6 blood?" Xue Ye couldn't help asking.

Lan Xi replied: "The sixth-order blood is more expensive, a bottle of blood is 2,000 yuan."

"So expensive!" Xue Ye couldn't help exclaiming.

Lan Xi shook her finger and said: "It's not expensive, this is the sixth-grade blood, and it has been specially processed, the taste of the blood will be better, and it will not cause side effects when people drink it, and the smell of animal blood will also be removed gone."

"Is it really that good?" Brilang looked suspicious.

Lanxi nodded and said solemnly: "Of course, we also provide different flavors of animal blood. You can add animal milk, juice, and ice cubes, and the taste will be richer."

Orlis couldn't help asking: "Did you work in an ice drink shop before?"

"Hey, how do you know, know me? Brazilian soundtrack.

She had indeed worked in the ice drink shop in Shanhai Commercial City before, and was transferred to work in the big market later.

..." Ao (cdci) Lisi twitched the corners of her mouth, the girl's sales tone was exactly the same as the ice drink shop in Shanhai Commercial City.

Leopolo interrupted: "I'll give you a bottle of sixth-order blood."

"Do you want to add ingredients?" Lanxi's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Leopolo said in a deep voice, "Add ice cubes and animal milk."

Lan Xi nodded and reminded: "Okay, drink the blood with ice cubes and animal milk as soon as possible, otherwise the milk in the animal blood will agglomerate, which will affect the taste."

"Have you drank it?" Olis couldn't help asking.

The girl in front of me, no matter how she sees it, she is a human being, how can she act like a beast blood?

Lan Xi explained: "No, but I asked Xia Li."

Bu Lilang asked in confusion, "Xia Li?"

Orlis curled his lips and said, "A half-blood vampire."

Brilang sneered, "Mixed blood vampire."

Ranxi put her hands on her hips when she heard the words, and asked angrily, "Do you still want to buy blood?"

"Buy." Olis said quickly.

"Give me the blood certificate and ID card." Lan Xi stretched out her hand.

"Here." The vampires took out their ID cards and put them on the counter.

Lan Xi picked up the certificates, carefully checked and compared them one by one, and made sure that the blood certificate and the ID card corresponded to each other, and then took out the registration book and started registration.

She looked up at Xue Ye and the others and asked, "What level of blood do you want to buy?"

Xue Ye hesitated for a moment, and said, "I want fourth-order blood."

"I also want Tier 4 blood." Brilang said in a deep voice.

"I want fifth-order blood." Orlis said lightly.

"There is still a sixth-order blood, right?" Lancey looked at Leopolu.

"Yeah." Leopolo nodded indifferently.

After registering, Lanxi put down her pen, raised her eyes and said, "A bottle of fourth-level blood is 400 yuan, fifth-level blood is 800 yuan, and sixth-level blood is 2,000 yuan a bottle. Give me the money."

Without changing his expression, Leopolo took out a stack of basalt coins with a denomination of one hundred yuan, counted twenty and placed them on the counter.

The same is true for Orlis and others, and no one pays for anyone.

"Wait a minute." Lan Xi put away the Xuanwu coin, checked it one by one, and put it away after making sure that there is no problem.

She turned around and opened the refrigerator behind the counter, and took out bottles of cryogenically refrigerated animal blood, one of which was particularly bright red in color.


Lancey opened the brightest red animal blood, added ice cubes and animal blood to it, shook it well and handed it to Leopold: this is the sixth-grade blood.

After the sixth-order blood was added with animal milk and ice cubes, the color turned pink.

Xue Ye and Brilang stared at Tier 6 Blood with fiery eyes, and their throats rolled unconsciously.

Ignoring the gazes of several people, Leopolo raised his face and drank the sixth-order blood.

I saw his throat move up and down, and the bottle of Tier 6 blood quickly drained away, leaving only a few cubes of ice.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

Leopolo put down the bottle, squinted his eyes slightly, with an expression of enjoyment and reminiscence on his face.

"It's so delicious, even better than the blood of the blood slave." He couldn't help sighing.

Lan Xi proudly said: "Of course, this is improved."

Seeing this, Orlis and the others also picked up the animal blood, sniffed it first, and then tried to drink it.

Immediately afterwards, several people began to swallow, with expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

Lanxi put her hands on the counter, and understood that the reason why His Majesty specially improved the animal blood was to make the vampires obsessed with these improved animal blood.

In this way, vampires will not attack other people, or raise blood slaves in private, affecting the peace between different races. This is also a means of controlling the people.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

"It's really delicious." Xue Ye praised.

"I don't want to drink other blood anymore." Brilang's eyes lit up.

Xue Ye pursed her red lips, and her golden eyes gleamed: "I don't know what the taste of sixth-order blood is like."

"If you drink it often, you can't afford it..." Brilang twitched the corner of his mouth, there are not many basalt coins in the bank.

He thought for a while, and couldn't help but say: "Why don't you find a job..."

"No." Xue Ye quickly shook her head.

She said with a serious face: "We are noble pure blood vampires, how can we do this kind of self-deprecation?"

"You're right." Brilang pursed his lips.

Lan Xi behind the counter rolled her eyes and muttered, "You're still noble, but it doesn't look as good as Miss Xia Li.

......" The faces of Brilang and Xue Ye turned black at the same time, their self-esteem was hurt.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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