Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2089: Pour Unknown Liquid Into It. (3 More)

In the Kingdom of Lanlupo, the flight of the transport spaceship is very stable at high altitude.

On the deck of the transport spaceship, Laya looked very comfortable drinking hot tea and eating small biscuits.

Katya was sitting opposite her, also drinking tea and biscuits, while Hina waited beside her, pouring tea and water.

Laya glanced at Xi Na, looked at the kettle she brought, and reached out to touch the body of the kettle.

"Lord Laya, what's wrong?" Xina asked suspiciously.

Laya withdrew her hand, and said calmly: "There are skills in making tea, and the temperature is very important, especially for brewing star tea, you have to use boiling water. Your water is still warm." Re-boil.

"Yes." Xi Na nodded, picked up the water bottle and got up to leave.

Seeing her leave, Laya looked at Kajia seriously and said, "I was wondering if I should kill her."

Katya smiled lightly: "Let her follow, at least the service is okay."

Laya "150" asked: "Aren't you worried that she will report to Sulin Yis?"

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything." Katya shrugged indifferently.

She paused and continued: "Unless the loss of the purple pattern light steel is really related to Su Linyisi, she is afraid that we will find out the truth, otherwise there is nothing to worry about.

Laya curled her lips: "Although what you said makes sense, I don't like people following me all the time."

"Then I go?" Katya smiled.

"I didn't mention you." Laya gave her a blank look.

Katya comforted: "Okay, it's just a maid, to borrow a sentence from the movie, she can't make waves.

"Okay." Laya waved her hand indifferently.

She changed the subject, looked sideways towards the bow of the ship: "The city of Bom is right ahead.

Katya nodded: "Well, it's time to activate the invisible state."

"Go to pass the order and turn on the stealth mode." Laya heard the words and looked at the highland guards.

"Yes." The highland guard turned and left.

Not long after, the huge transport spaceship became invisible and merged with the surrounding clouds.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xi Na returned to the deck, put down a pot of boiling water, and brewed Star Tea again.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

The hot water soaks the star tea leaves, and the water quickly turns light blue, which looks very healthy and attractive.

Several people chatted one after another until the highland guard came back and whispered a few words in Raya's ear.

"It's finally here." Laya stood up after hearing this.

"Are you there?" Hina blinked her eyes.

Katya got up when she heard the words, knowing that it was time to get off the boat.

The highland guard said respectfully: "The worker bees are ready, Boom City is ahead, avoid attracting attention, the transport spaceship will not land here."

"Understood, let's go." Laya said indifferently.

After hearing this, Xi Na hurriedly followed, and followed closely.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Laya didn't look at her, acquiescing to the existence of this 'little tail'.

Several people took the worker bees, left the transport spaceship, and fell into the dense jungle below.

Not long after, the worker bees landed in the jungle. Laya and others got off the worker bees, sorted their clothes, and walked towards Bom City in the right direction.

Several people left the jungle and saw the gate of Bom City from a distance.

The city gate is not big, and it can be seen that it is a small city.

Before leaving the jungle, everyone had already put on black robes, covering most of their bodies, except for their eyes.

Several people walked into the city, but no one stopped them, and no one charged them a fee to enter the city.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Hina couldn't help asking, "Where are we going now?"

Laya said indifferently: "Find a place to live first, and then slowly find someone."

"What if he took the opportunity to escape?" Katya said worriedly.

Laya said with a serious face: "No, I've calculated, he won't leave in a short time."

"Then don't worry." Katya felt relieved.

Xi Na watched the two chatting like a riddle, feeling very depressed and unable to get in the conversation.

Soon after, they found a restaurant to stay in. Laya and Katya still lived in the same room, with highland guards living on both sides, and Xi Na lived in the opposite room.

In the room, Laya drew a magic circle, ready to find someone.

Katya asked suspiciously: "There is no reason for the hair, can you still find it?"

Laya didn't raise her head and explained: "This time the distance is close enough. Using the magic circle last time, we can calculate his approximate location."

"Oh, that's it." Katya nodded slowly.

More than half an hour later, Laya finished drawing the magic circle and began to calculate the position of Heyou.

Time passed slowly, quietly waiting.

After more than half an hour, Laya opened her eyes, her breath was a little heavy, other than that, she had no other discomfort...

"It's in the east of the city, far away from us." Laya said coldly.

"Go find it now?" Katya asked seriously.

"No hurry, let me take a rest." Laya waved her hand, got up and went to the bed to lie down.


The wooden bed shook and made a loud creaking sound.

"This bed..." Laya felt dizzy.

Kajia smiled and said: "Get over it, this is not a transport spaceship, let alone the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Laya sighed: "Oh, I really hope that Mu Liang can build a Xuanwu restaurant here, so we can stay here for free."

Kajia hit and said: "Just think about it, don't dream, this place is so remote, if I were Mu Liang, I wouldn't choose to build Xuanwu Restaurant here.

"Stop talking, let me lie down." Laya sighed.

"You rest, I'll let Xina get some food." Katya stood up and was about to leave the room.

Laya turned her head and asked, "Aren't you afraid that she will add ingredients to you while cooking?"

"Ah, what to add?" Katya asked doubtfully.

Raya wrote lightly: "Spitting in food, throwing a handful of dirt, or a cloud of boogers.

.......vomit. "Katya retched.

"It may be possible to pour an unknown liquid into it, or..." Laya shrugged.

Kajia quickly interrupted: "Okay, don't disgust me, I'll let Lonna cook."

Laya's words made her almost lose her appetite 5.3, thinking that the food prepared by Xi Na a few days ago made her feel bad.

"Could she really do that?" Katya's face turned pale.

Laya chuckled and said, "Okay, I'm just kidding, she shouldn't be like this."

"Hmph." Katya rolled her eyes.

Laya suppressed a smile, ignored Katya's resentful eyes, and watched her leave the room.


Not long after Katya left, Ya fell asleep from exhaustion.

After the girl ordered the highland guards to prepare food, Laya was already fast asleep when she came back.

"So tired?" Katya murmured, and approached Laya lightly, pulling the quilt over her body.

She looked towards the window and murmured: "Why is this, let's look for it tomorrow."

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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