Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2090: Capture Operation. (1 More)


Laya turned over and made a cat-like sound from her throat.

She slowly opened her eyes, the room was a bit dim, and she could still smell the scent of food vaguely.


She grumbled a few times, as if in protest.

"Katya?" Laya called softly, but there was no response.

She frowned and got out of bed, muttering softly: "Where's the person?"

"Tap Tat ~ www

The woman pushed the door and left the room. The corridor was very quiet, and the doors of the rooms on the opposite side and on the left and right were tightly closed.

"Xina?" Raya called out.

Very quiet, still no one responded.

She frowned suddenly, stepped to the room where Xi Na lived, raised her hand and knocked on the door, but no one responded.


Laya tried to push the door hard, but the door was pushed open amidst the creaking sound, and there was no one in the room.

"Where did everyone go?" She looked around the room, the maid's salute was still there, and there was no sign of a fight.

She stepped out of the room, her face serious.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Footsteps were heard from the stairs, and Katya's voice sounded: "Laya, you finally woke up.

The coldness on Laya's face disappeared, and he twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, "Where have you been?" 24 Katya explained: "I went for a walk, and I stepped on the spot in advance."

"That's it..." Laya's depression also dissipated.

Kajia's eyes flashed, and she whispered: "I probably know where Heyou is hiding."

Laya raised her eyebrows lightly, and asked in surprise, "Where is it?"

Katya lowered her voice and said, "Just to the east of the city you mentioned, there is a big businessman living there, the house is very conspicuous, you can see it at a glance.

"If it's just like this, I can't be sure why is in it." Laya shook her head and said.

Kajia stretched out her index finger and shook it, and said crisply: "No, the businessman has a big clock in his house, which is made of purple pattern light steel.

"Purple pattern light steel!" Laya's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

"This looks very suspicious, right?" Katya raised her chin slightly and said.

"Well, it's really suspicious." Laya nodded slowly.

"Have you rested yet?" Katya asked suddenly.

"Laya was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Katya to change the subject so quickly.

She was stunned for a moment before replying: "Have a good rest, I'm just hungry."

Kajia said crisply: "There is food in the room, go and eat some, we will act at night and arrest people while it is dark.

"Alright." Laya nodded slowly.

She tilted her head and asked, "Where are Xi Na and the others?"

Katya explained: "I sent her away to buy food, and let the highland guards follow secretly.

"Okay." Laya was stunned, no wonder she didn't see the highland guards and maids.

When she returned to the room, she saw a plate of fried meat on the table. It looked delicious, but it was completely cold.

"Do you need to heat it up for you?" Katya asked casually.

"No need." Laya said indifferently.

She sat down, poked the fried meat with a knife and fork and stuffed it into her mouth. Although the taste of the cold fried meat was not good, it tasted good.

After she finished eating the fried meat, the two whispered about the details of their actions at night.

Time passed, and when it was getting dark, Xina came back with a big bag of ingredients, and put the bag on the table sweating.

"Master Kajia, these are enough for us to eat for a few days." Xi Na gasped.

"Well, go and rest." Katya said indifferently.

"Okay." Xi Na didn't think much, she was indeed a little tired, so she turned and went back to her room to rest.

After she closed the door, Katya and Laya looked at each other, patiently waited for the time to pass, and asked Lonai to give Xi Na a sleeping potion.

When it was late at night, the two walked towards the window together, flipped the window and left the room with a quick movement, and after a few ups and downs, they came to the alley downstairs.

"Go this way. Katya walked towards the east of the city.

Laya tightened the black robe on her body, and followed her briskly.

In the darkness, the highland guards followed like ghosts, shuttling through the darkness, making it impossible for people to find them.

Half an hour later, the group arrived at the location that Katya had set out in advance. Next to it was the house of a big businessman. The courtyard wall on one side was more than 500 meters long.

"Lonai, go find the way." Katya ordered in a low voice into the darkness.

"Yes." A cold reply sounded, and a shadow flashed past, jumped over the courtyard wall and disappeared.

Not long after, the cold female voice sounded again: "No one, you can enter."

"Let's go." Katya and Laya looked at each other, and they jumped up swiftly, entering the courtyard wall under the cover of the night.

After the two of them landed, they were surrounded by a large area of ​​green plants, and not far away were several wooden buildings, two-story wooden buildings.

Katya stood up and walked towards the nearest wooden building.

She used to be the red deacon of the black phoenix, and although she is no longer a black mage, her extraordinary investigative ability is still there.

They avoided the guards on duty and entered the wooden building smoothly.

Raya also saw the big clock that stuck, which was hung from the beams on the second floor.

The big purple clock is only one meter high, and the casting process can be seen to be very rough.

Laya asked in confusion: "What is this big clock used for?"

Katya shook her head, reached out to caress the big clock, and said softly: "I don't know, it doesn't look like a magic tool, it's more like a decoration.

"It's nothing out of the ordinary, go and have a look elsewhere." Laya whispered.

"Yeah." Katya nodded and turned to search other rooms.

The two walk very lightly, and every time before entering the room, they will throw a potion made of mist pollen, which can make people fall asleep completely in a very short time.


After putting in the potion, Katya pushed open the door of the room and went in. Under the dim moonlight, she saw a man and a woman lying on the bed, and they fell asleep hugging each other.

Katya rolled her eyes, and after confirming that the obese man was not the one she was looking for, she searched the room and left without finding anything else.

"Lord Katya, Lord Laya has found out why." Ron's voice sounded beside Katya's ear.

"Where is it?" Kajiamei's eyes lit up immediately.

In order to improve the speed and efficiency of the search, she and Laya searched different rooms separately.

"In another wooden building." Luo Nai replied.

"Let's go." Hearing this, Kajia stepped away and rushed towards another wooden building.

When she came to the room where Raya was, she was turning over the cabinets and drawers.

Katya asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

"Check to see if there is any criminal evidence." Laya responded casually.

Katya nodded, and looked away at the middle-aged man who was sleeping on the bed. He looked to be in his forties.

"Why are you sure he is?" She couldn't help asking.

Laya turned her head and said, "Well, his face appeared during the calculation."

Kajia said coldly: "Then take it back first."

"Yes." The highland guard hiding in the dark appeared, tied up Heyou with a rope, and put it into a nine-color bag.

This is made of the scales of the nine-colored lizard, and the things contained in it can be invisible together with the bag.

"Let's go, go back." Laya closed the drawer and stuffed a piece of animal skin into her arms.

Seeing this, Kajia didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left together.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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