
Under the cover of night, Laya, Kajia and others returned to the restaurant where they lived, and the bag containing He You was thrown on the ground.

Kajia looked at Luo Nai, and said: "Go and see if Xi Na is awake."

"Yes." Luo Nai turned and left the room, pushing away the room where the maid was resting.

When she came to the bed, she saw that the girl was sleeping deeply, showing no signs of waking up, so she stretched out her hand and gently opened the maid's eyelids.

Luo Nai glanced at it before letting go, and said, "This potion is quite effective."

She returned to Katya's room and said respectfully, "She won't be able to wake up for a while."

"Well, that's good, go and wake me up." Katya ordered.

"Yes." Hearing this, Luo Nai knelt down and opened the bag to let He You out.

She took out the potion for relieving drowsiness and put it under He You's nose. The fine powder was inhaled into his body with his breathing to relieve the effect of the mist pollen.

After a while, He You's breathing became short of breath, and then he coughed violently several times.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

His body trembled a few times, and finally opened his eyes abruptly, a trace of bewilderment flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

"Wake up." Luo Nai took two steps back, getting out of the way next to He You.

"Where is this place?" He You asked hoarsely.

He was still a little out of shape at this time, and didn't know what happened.

In order to confirm He Yu's identity, Katya asked, "He Yu, right?"

"What's the matter?" He You responded subconsciously, and then realized that something was wrong, and was horrified to find that his body was bound by spider silk.

The man struggled in fright, but it was useless, with his strength, he couldn't break free from the spider silk rope on his body.

He looked up at Laya and the others, and asked angrily, "Who are you?"

"Guess." Katya stared at He You coldly.

He You thought of something, his face turned pale instantly, and his expression became flustered.

His lips trembled a few times, and he was speechless for a while.

Laya glanced at the man and said with a sneer: "I didn't expect things to be revealed, did I?"?"

He You shouted with a cold face: "I don't know what you are talking about, let me go."

His voice was so loud that it even echoed in the room.

"Stop shouting, people outside can't hear you." Katya reminded kindly.

The room has been shrouded in a 'muffler', no matter how loud the sound is in the room, you can't hear the slightest sound from outside.

Why didn't he give up, and continued to shout, saying angry words loudly, trying to attract the attention of outsiders.

Seeing this, Luo Nai raised her foot and directly stepped on his mouth, so that all the words that followed were blocked back into her throat.

She threatened in a cold voice: "Call again, I will cut off your tongue, fill your mouth with charcoal fire and open the area.

He You trembled in fear when he heard this, and looked at Luo Nai with the eyes of a devil.

Katya looked at Lonai with admiring eyes, satisfied with her threat.

She looked at He You condescendingly, and asked coldly, "Where is that batch of purple-patterned light steel?"

Why didn't he answer immediately, thoughts were racing in his mind.

"Go and prepare charcoal and boiling water." Laya said coldly.

"Yes." Luo Nai turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, I said!" He You shouted in horror.

Luo Nai kept walking, and quickly started to boil the water, which made the fear in He You's heart reach its peak.

Kajia asked indifferently: "Tell me, where is that batch of purple-patterned light steel? And who ordered you to do this?"

He You said tremblingly: "The batch of purple-patterned light steel has already been traded out, and no one instructed me to do so."

Kajia and Laya looked at each other, and the bottom of their eyes flashed joy at the same time. The loss of the purple-patterned light steel was indeed related to He You, which meant that they did not catch the wrong person this time.

Laya turned her head, looked down at the man and said, "Do you know what will happen if you lie?"

"What I said is true." He You shouted hastily.

Laya didn't talk nonsense with him, and took out a glass bottle, which contained a few gray pills.

She poured out one in the palm of her hand, and let the highland guard pinch the man's mouth open, and stuffed the pill into his mouth, and Chandy swallowed it.


He You was choked and couldn't help coughing.

"What is it for me to eat?" He looked at Laya in horror.

Laya said calmly: "The secret medicine that allows you to tell the truth, if you lie, it will make you feel worse than death.

This potion was researched by Yuffier, and the raw materials used are very expensive and rare, so the quantity is not much.

He You's pupils contracted, and he was a little suspicious. There is really such a potion in the world?

Laya asked coldly: "I'll ask you again, where is the batch of purple-patterned light steel?"

"I said, it's really been traded." He You tremblingly said.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Laya continued to ask, "Who did the deal go to?"

"A nobleman." He You gritted his teeth.

"Who?" Raya frowned.

He You kept his mouth shut, thinking about many things in his mind, if he revealed the noble status of the transaction, would he die?

--The boiling water is ready. "Lona's voice sounded.

He You looked sideways and saw a woman holding a kettle, which was steaming heavily.

Katya raised her chin: "Put it in his mouth."

"No, I said, I'll say it right away." He You screamed, and his body twisted violently.

Katya said indifferently: "No more nonsense, I won't give you a second chance."

He You couldn't help but said: "The Duke of Boli asked me to do this. He asked me to smuggle a batch of purple-patterned light steel to him at a high price. It will also allow me to eat and drink in the future..."

"Duke Boli?" Laya narrowed her eyes slightly.

He You continued to speak anxiously: "The Duke of Boli is in the Kingdom of Fuqi, and the batch of purple-patterned light steel was shipped back five days ago, and it is not with me.

"Does it have anything to do with Sulin Yisi?" Katya asked suddenly.

"No, His Majesty probably doesn't know." He You shook his head tremblingly.

Kajia and Laya's eyes flickered at the same time, Su Linyisi's suspicion was temporarily cleared.

She asked (Wang Qian's) coldly: "How did you transport so much light steel with purple patterns?"

He You turned pale and said, "Duke Boli has a space magician beside him, and he sent the purple-patterned light steel away from the valley for the first time."

"Space magician?" Laya's heart tightened, she had to talk to Mu Liang about this.

She thought of something, and asked again: "What happened to the light steel clock with purple patterns in that merchant's house?"

He You said with a guilty conscience: "That is the purple-patterned light steel that I secretly left behind, and then sold it to him... By the way, I will temporarily stay for a few days to take refuge."

"Very good." Katya sneered a few times, her eyes getting colder and colder.

Laya ordered: "Knock him out, take him back to the transport spaceship and throw it away."

"Yes." Luo Nai responded, and amidst He You's protest, a hand knife knocked him unconscious.

He was put back in the bag and carried away by another highland guard.

ps: [2 more]: J. .

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