Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2092: Don't Make That Weird Noise. (3 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, inside the Highland Palace.

In the main hall, Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan were sitting on the carpet, and there was a small square table with short legs in front of them, and many fragments and irregular pieces of glass were piled up on the table.

The glass fragments are opaque, with a pattern printed on one side, which looks like the puzzles Mu Liang played in his previous life.

Yue Feiyan said with a straight face: "This piece should be here, you are wrong."

She and Xi Beiqi were playing with a puzzle made by Mu Liangxin. The total number of puzzle pieces reached 3,000 pieces. It was still a bit difficult for the two of them who were playing puzzles for the first time.

"No, I think this piece should be here." Xi Beiqi widened her beautiful eyes, snatched the jigsaw puzzle from the red-haired girl's hand, and pressed it on the lower left corner of the semi-finished jigsaw puzzle.

The so-called semi-finished product is only assembled from ten pieces.

She proudly said: "Look, it's just right, and the pattern can be connected."

Seeing this, Yue Feiyan curled her lips and refused to admit defeat: "You are just lucky.

The two have been working together for an hour on the puzzle in front of them.

"No, this is my strength." Xi Beiqi gave the red-haired Shaoan a white look.

Yue Feiyan snorted and said, "Then you put together the next piece too."

"Fight it." Xibeqi pouted, looking for the next piece among the remaining 2,989 pieces.

Yue Feiyan rubbed her eyes, and 583 muttered, "Aha, I'm a little dazzled after watching it for a long time."

Xibeqi squinted and asked, "Is this not enough?"

Yue Feiyan argued: "No, I just need to relax my eyes so that I can better display my strength.

"Yes yes yes." Xi Beiqi responded with a begging tone.

Yue Feiyan gave the vampire girl a white look, took out a bottle of eye drops, and poured it into her eyes with her face up.

Two drops in each eye, the light blue medicinal liquid wrapped the exposed eyeballs, quickly relieving fatigue and moisturizing the nerves of the eyes.

This kind of eye drops, in some factories and workshops that require fine operation, workers have a bottle in hand, so as to avoid operation errors caused by eye fatigue.


"It's so cool and comfortable." Yue Feiyan sighed.

Xi Beiqi said coquettishly, "Don't make such strange noises."

"It's your fault, pervert." Yue Feiyan said angrily.

Xibeqi wrinkled her pretty nose, turned her head and ignored the teasing of the people around her, and continued to look for the next piece of the puzzle.

Seeing that the vampire girl ignored her, Yue Feiyan didn't continue to tease her, and turned her attention back to the puzzle.

She tilted her head and said, "I can't complete this three thousand piece puzzle until tomorrow."

Xi Beiqi was unrequited and said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it for three days......"

Footsteps came.

Yue Qinlan walked over with graceful steps, and scolded: "Mu Liang asked you to do the puzzle to calm your mind, not to play with it.

Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi are too noisy, and they seem to have endless energy every day. For this reason, Mu Liang specially made this jigsaw puzzle to consume the energy of the two girls and learn to practice meditation.

"Mother, this puzzle is too difficult." Yue Feiyan said angrily.

Yue Qinlan laughed and said, "A 3,000-piece jigsaw puzzle is difficult, but Mu Liangxin made a 30,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, so why don't you cry to death?"

"There are still 30,000 pieces of the jigsaw puzzle?" Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan widened their beautiful eyes at the same time, almost screaming.

"Of course, it's already done. The pattern is that of the tree of life." Yue Qinlan nodded.

Xibeqi headed forward: "The pattern of the tree of life is all green and leaves. Many pieces look the same. How do you spell it?"

Yue Qinlan took it for granted: "This will allow you to calm down, instead of jumping up and down every day.

"We were able to meditate." Xibeqi blushed prettyly.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "This matter was decided by Mu Liang, it's useless for you to tell me."


The two women wailed and raised their voices in protest.

Yueqin gave the two girls a blue and white look, and said crisply: "Okay, if you have time to argue with me, why don't you hurry up and complete this puzzle.

"Got it...(cecj)" Yue Feiyan drooped her head.


"Do you need my help?" A warm voice sounded, Mu Liang came out of the study, and came to several people when he passed the main hall.

Yue Feiyan's red eyes lit up immediately, and she looked at him affectionately: "Muliang~~~"

Mu Liang smiled and said: "The puzzle is actually very simple, and you can quickly put it together if you find a way.

"Can't you not fight?" Yue Feiyan asked delicately.

"No." Mu Liang smiled slightly.

His words made the red-haired girl droop her head again, and let out a feeble cry of hunger.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "It's really not difficult. You can put together along the edge first. The shape of the outermost circle of fragments is straight, so it's easy to distinguish."

"Okay, I'll try." Yue Feiyan raised her head slightly.

The two put themselves into the jigsaw puzzle again, and quickly found more than a dozen straight-sided jigsaw puzzle pieces, which were sorted and placed next to each other.

Yue Qinlan chatted with Mu Liang: "You can make more puzzles and sell them in the commercial city, and you should be able to make some money."

"Well, it's not impossible, but the process is a little troublesome." Mu Liang nodded thoughtfully.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly, "These can be solved, I will let them study."

Puzzles are still a novelty in this world. Those nobles who are bored every day will be interested in puzzles that can pass the time.

"Well, you can arrange someone to do it." Mu Liang said casually.

He thought of another thing, maybe he could make the Rubik's Cube, which is also a good thing to pass the time.

Muliang used to play Rubik's Cube in his previous life to exercise his fingers and mind.

There are many types of Rubik's cube, square, cylindrical, etc. He has played many.

"What are you thinking about?" Yue Qinlan raised her hand and waved in front of Mu Liang.

Mu Liang shook his head and said softly, "It's nothing, I thought of a new toy."

Xi Beiqi and Yue Hongyan shook their hands when they heard the words. Every time a new toy comes out, they are the ones who suffer, just like this jigsaw puzzle.

With hurried steps from far to near, Buff came out of the liaison room.

Buffy said naively: "Your Majesty, Miss Laya and Miss Kajia came back with news, why did they catch them.

Yue Qinlan glanced at Mu Liang, and said gracefully: "It's slower than expected."

Mu Liang understood: "What you think is different from what they actually encountered. It's normal for a few days at night."

"Bring the resonance bug that connects them." He looked at the little maid and said.

"Yes." Buff nodded obediently, turned around and ran back to the liaison room, and soon came out with a resonance bug in his arms.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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