Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2093: Domineering Side Leakage. (1 More)

Mu Liang looked at the resonance bug in Buff's arms, and ordered: "Contact Laya."

"Yes." Buff nodded obediently, and stroked the roots of the resonator's wings rhythmically.

The resonator flapped its wings and made a buzzing sound, then flew away~ from the arms of the little maid.

Yue Qinlan and the others watched quietly, waiting for the female resonator to establish contact with the male resonator.

Under normal circumstances, in a pair of sympathetic insects, the sympathetic worms that stay in the communication room are all females, in order to reproduce offspring "so let the male sympathetic worms 'run around' outside.

After a few minutes, the frequency of the female resonator's wings became stable, followed by a cool female voice.

"I'm Laya." Laya's voice came from the resonator.

"Miss Laya, Your Majesty is beside you." Buff said obediently.

"Your Majesty!" Laya and Katya's voices sounded together.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice, "Where are you now?"

Katya replied: "On the transport spaceship, not long after leaving Bom City."

After they caught He You, they left Bom City overnight, returned to the transport spaceship, and flew to Yili City.

"How is Heyou's situation?" Mu Liang asked.

Laya respectfully said: "You are still in a coma, do you want to interrogate yourself?"

"Tell me about the specific situation first." Mu Liang sat on the sofa.

"Yes." Laya said respectfully, talking about what happened at a moderate speed.

Yue Qinlan listened with downcast eyes, and when she knew that the theft of the purple-patterned light steel had nothing to do with Su Linyisi, she raised her eyes to meet Mu Liang's gaze.

"There is no need to find a new ruler." The corners of her lips raised.

"Well, I have to be punished, the management is not strict." Mu Liang said slowly.

Kajia said in a serious tone: "Your Majesty, what you need to pay attention to is Duke Boli of the Kingdom of Fuqi.

"Well, his hand is too long." Mu Liang's eyes flashed coldly.

He said in a deep voice: "Continue to interrogate, save his life, it will be useful in the future."

"Yes." Katya and Raya responded in unison.

Laya asked softly: "Your Majesty, do you want to talk to Su Linyisi about this first?"

"No, let her guess." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yes." Laya responded respectfully again.

"Go and get busy. Mu Liangping said in a peaceful voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty." After the words of Katya and Laya fell, the resonator stopped flapping its wings and fell back into the arms of the little maid.

A cold light flashed in Yueqin's blue eyes, and she turned her head and asked, "I didn't expect this matter would involve the Kingdom of Fuchs, do I need to send someone to get in touch?"

The Foch Kingdom is a big country, and its overall strength is stronger than that of the Haiting Kingdom. The Duke of Boli is a nobleman of the Foch Kingdom.

"After the interrogation is clear, let's talk about it after we catch Duke Boli." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

"Is this what you mean by killing first and playing later?" Yue Qinlan's lips curled up slightly.

Mu Liang raised his hand and lightly touched Xia Yueqinlan's forehead: "This word is not used properly, I don't need to ask Fu Qi's permission to do things, and I don't need to report to him.

Fuqi is the king of the Fuqi Kingdom, a powerhouse of the supreme level.

Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi's beautiful eyes widened, and they both felt that Mu Liang was a bit domineering.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water blue eyes. "Then shall I send someone to capture the Duke of Burleigh?"

"I don't even know where the Duke of Boli is, where to catch him?" Mu Liang smiled.

He leaned back and said slowly: "Don't worry, he can't run away, let Kajia ask why, maybe he can find out where Boli is going."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement.

Mu Liang looked up at the vampire girl and the red-haired girl, raised his eyebrows and said, "There are still 10,000 pieces of the jigsaw puzzle waiting for you, you have to work hard."


"Mu Liang." Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan wailed.

Unexpectedly, Mu Liang really made a jigsaw puzzle with 10,000 pieces. He thought it was Yue Qinlan's joke.

Mu Hao said with a smile: "Puzzles are fun, don't be so resentful."

"Then why don't you fight?" Yue Feiyan muttered.

Mu Liang said to himself: "I should be able to put together this three thousand piece jigsaw puzzle in a minute."

Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi moved their mouths and lowered their heads resignedly.

"Oh~~~" Shibeki sighed.

"Calm down, you can't be frizzy all the time." Mu Liang said softly.

"Understood." Shibeki replied with her lips pouted.

Mu Liang smiled, turned around and left the main hall to go back to the study.

On the other side, on the transport spaceship.

Kajia looked at the sympathetic worm that had stopped fluttering, tilted her head to look at Laya, and asked, "Why continue to torture me while the effect of the 'Secret Medicine of Truth' is still there?"

"Alright, bring him here." Laya nodded and looked at Luo Nai.

"Yes." Luo Nai replied, turned and left the room.

On the other side, Xi Na woke up from the bed, feeling a little headache.

"It feels like I've slept for a long time." She raised her hand and rubbed her temples, afraid to get up and sit on the edge of the bed.

She looked around the room, and was shocked to find that she was no longer in the restaurant, but returned to the transport spaceship.

"Hey, am I dreaming?" Xina widened her eyes and hurriedly stood up and walked towards the door.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

She pushed open the door, and saw Luo Nai passing by with the unconscious He You.

"Miss Luo Nai." Xi Na called out hastily.

Luo Nai looked back, with a questioning look in her eyes.

Xi Na shrank her neck and asked timidly, "How did we get back to the transport spaceship?"


Luo Nai thought for a while, and said coldly: "The mission is completed, and now we have to go back to Yili City, so we are on the transport spaceship."

"Mission completed?" Xi Na was puzzled.

Lonai didn't explain, turned around and continued walking, and soon returned to the room where Katya and Laya were.


She threw it away, and He You fell to the ground, which made him wake up in pain.


He You wrinkled his face, reluctantly opened his eyes, and when he saw Laya and others, his face turned pale instantly.

Laya asked coldly: "I ask you, where is the Duke of Boli?"

"He's back to the Kingdom of Fudge." He You took it for granted.

Katya rolled her eyes: "Foch's kingdom is so big, where did he go?"

He You's throat moved: "Wangcheng.

Laya continued to ask: "Aside from stealing the purple-patterned light steel, what else did he ask you to do?"

"Or do you have some secrets from us?" Katya added.

"No, really not." He You shook his head quickly.

Katya stared coldly, why there was no other reaction, which meant that he was not lying,

"It turns out that He You has been caught." Outside the door, Xi Na widened her beautiful eyes and listened to the conversation of several people.

"Xina, bring a pot of tea here." Laya's voice came from the room.

Xina trembled, and hurriedly responded: "Yes, Lord Laya."

ps: [1 more]: Please customize thousands. .

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