Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2095: Zhendong Barracks. (2 More)

"Boom boom boom~~~"

In the main city, bells sounded melodiously, announcing the arrival of a new day.


The door of the lounge was pushed open, and Mu Liang fully dressed and returned to the study.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

As soon as he sat down, there was a knock on the door of the study room, and a voice sounded: "Is Your Majesty awake?"

"Well, come in." Mu Liang responded casually.

The study door was pushed open.

Qing Wu walked into the study with the hot animal milk, put it by Mu Liang's hand and said, "Your Majesty, we have to wait for half an hour for breakfast, let's have a cup of animal milk first.

"it is good."

Mu Liang nodded lightly, and asked, "Where's Chiyue?"

When he woke up today, the silver-haired girl was no longer in the lounge.

"Miss Liyue went to practice in the morning and will be back before breakfast." Qingwu replied.

"Understood." Mu Liang waved his hands when he heard the words, picked up the animal milk and drank it slowly.

Seeing this, Qing Wu left the study, and gently closed the door,

"System, open the 4D attribute panel." Mu Liang thought.

Trainer: Mu Liang.

Physical strength: 24992.2. Speed: 24914.0.

Strength: 24999.9. Spirit: 24900.5.

Lifespan: 25 years/133071 years.

Domestication point: 7112. Evolution points: 2830,9524738887.

Abilities: Throwing Leaves into Beasts (Level 9), Enlightenment (Level 9), Body Changing (Level 8), Blood Poison Control (Level 6), Soul Poison (Level 5), Enormization (Level 3).


Domesticated Beast: Rock Shell Turtle Talent: Black Hole Gravity (Level 12).

King Bee·Talent: Contract Induction (Level 10).

Hexagonal Bloodthirsty · Talent: Blood Poison Control (Level 6).

Centipede·Talent: Soul Toxin (Level 5).

Four-Eared Golden Beast · Talent: Enormization (Level 3).


domesticated plants:

Fengshu·Talent: Sprinkle Leaves into Beasts (Level 9).

Bodhi Grass Talent: Enlightenment (Level 9).

Blue Silver Waterweed·Talent: Weakened Domain (Level 5).


"Da da da~~~"

Mu Liang tapped the table lightly with his fingers, lowering his eyes. A few days ago, he used up a lot of evolution points, allowing the domesticated beasts with low strength and upgraded to level nine to evolve.

"It's not durable." He sighed and closed the four-dimensional attribute panel.

"Your Majesty, you can have breakfast." Qingwu came to the study again.

"Understood." Mu Liang responded indifferently.

He got up and left the study, and when he came to the restaurant, Yue Feiyan and the others were already there.


Yue Feiyan yawned and said hello: "Mu Liang, good morning."

"Didn't sleep well last night?" Mu Liang sat down and asked.

"Not enough sleep." Yue Feiyan said this with resentment in her eyes.

Mu Liang blinked his black eyes, a little confused.

"Mu Liang, the jigsaw puzzle has been completed, take a look." Xi Beiqi took out the framed jigsaw puzzle from the space magic tool.

Mu Liang glanced at it, and said with a warm smile, "The efficiency is pretty fast."

Xi Beiqi said coquettishly: "That's right, we didn't finish it until midnight last night."

Mu Liang suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the red-haired girl's eyes were full of resentment, so it was because of this.

He smiled and said, "Very good, let you rest for a few days, first complete the training of recruits, and then complete the jigsaw puzzle with 10,000 pieces."

"..." Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi looked at each other, and their eyes became more resentful.

Alina held back her smile and said, "Mu Liang, don't mention such hurtful things for breakfast."

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled, picked up a section of corn and ate it.

Yue Feiyan picked up a piece of corn and watched Mu Liang gnaw it, as if she regarded the corn as Mu Liang.

Yan Bing asked softly, "Mu Liang, what are you going to do today?"

"Go to Zhendong Military Camp." Mu Liang said softly.

The number of virtual ghosts in the old continent is increasing, and many tribes and small towns have suffered heavy casualties. This makes Mu Liang feel that something is wrong, and a new round of virtual ghosts may break out in a short time in the future.

He wants to prevent problems before they happen, and will go to the major military camps to make another inspection in the next few days.

Yan Bing said: "Today Liyue is going to test the newcomers, I'll go with you to the barracks.

"Yeah, that's okay." Mu Liang nodded.

On weekdays, Liyue would follow him when he went out, unless there was a training mission on him.

After breakfast, Mu Liang returned to the lounge to change the clothes he had gone out, while Yan Bing prepared the transport spaceship to go out.

Half an hour later, Mu Liang and Yan Bing boarded the transport spaceship and headed for the Zhendong military camp.

From the main city to the Zhendong military camp, at the speed of a transport spaceship, it can be reached in 20 minutes.

When the transport spaceship landed, Qin Yu and his staff were already waiting beside the takeoff and landing site of the transport spaceship.

All major military camps have their own landing pads for transport spaceships, which can land four large transport spaceships at the same time, facilitating the rapid transportation of weapons, supplies, and soldiers in future wars.

The transport spaceship landed steadily, and the accompanying highland guards got off the worker bees and stood in two rows at the exit of the transport spaceship.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang and Yan Bing got off the transport spaceship one after another, looking at Qin Yu and the others who had been waiting for a long time.

"Your Majesty Wanan." Qin Yu raised her hand in salute.

"Your Majesty, Wan An." The soldiers behind her raised their hands in salute.

"En." Mu Liang nodded indifferently.

Qin Yu asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, what do you need me to do?"

Mu Liang looked at Qin Yu who was wearing thunder armor, and said calmly: "Take me to see the training situation of the recruits.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please follow me." Qin Yu gestured with her hand, walked ahead to lead the way, and walked back to the barracks training ground.

Mu Liang walked a few steps, turned his head and ordered: "Yan Bing, take someone to check the internal affairs."

"Yes." Yan Bing replied, and took away the four highland guards.

Qin Yu's eyes flickered, hoping that there would be no problems with the internal affairs this time, otherwise punishment would be inevitable.

She usually pays close attention to the internal affairs of the soldiers, but this time she is inspecting Yan Bing and the people around Mu Liang, so maybe she will see different problems.

Not long after, everyone came to the training ground, and they could hear the neat voices of the recruits from a distance.

The instructors sternly reprimanded: "Raise your hand, the action is not up to standard, did you not eat breakfast?"

"Yes!" The recruits shouted in unison.

This batch of recruits was recruited two months ago, most of them were from the old continent, and a small part were recruited from the new continent.

With scrutiny in his eyes, Mu Liang glanced at everyone present.

The instructor saw Mu Liang and gave an order: "Your Majesty is coming, salute.

"Your Majesty, Wan An." The recruits trembled in heart, raised their hands in order to salute, and let out a powerful cry from their throats.

"Well, continue training." Mu Liang's tone was calm, but it rang in everyone's ears.

"Yes. The soldiers shouted excitedly.

Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction, then turned his head and said, "Go and have a look elsewhere."

"Okay." Qin Yu saluted respectfully.

Two hours later, Yan Bing returned to Mu Liang, raised his hand in salute and said, "Your Majesty, the internal affairs are not serious.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded indifferently, and continued to inspect the Zhendong barracks.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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