Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2096: Do You Want This Throne? (3 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

In the transport spaceship, Lonai knocked on the door: "Lord Laya, Yili City is coming soon."

"Understood." Laya's voice came from the room.

Katya's voice sounded: "Lonai, remember to take He Yu with you when you leave."

"Yes." Luo Nai replied.

In the room, Katya, Laya, and Xi Na sat cross-legged on the carpet and were fighting the landlord, with many cards scattered in front of them.

"Three four five six seven. Katya draws five cards and discards them.

"Six, seven, eight, ninety." Laya immediately drew out five tickets and put them down.

"No..." Xi Na whispered.

Three missing one, she was called to make up the number of people, just learned how to play Doudizhu, even if she knew how to play, she would not dare to beat Katya and Laya.

"Blow you up." Katya pulled out four '2's and threw them down.

"Damn it, I'll blow you up too." Laya drew out two cards, big and small, and threw them down.

.......No. "Xina responded weakly.

Katya glanced at the girl and said angrily, "Why don't you have any cards?"

..." Xi Na shrank her neck, that was Wang Zha, how could there be any cards to suppress it?

"It seems that I won." Laya put down the remaining two cards in her hand, and looked at Katya proudly.

Katya gritted her silver teeth and refused to admit defeat: "Come again."

Laya stood up, clapped her hands and said, "I don't want to fight anymore, the transport spaceship is about to land, so why fight?"

"It's really not the time." Katya muttered.

Laya joked: "If you want to fight, when you go back to the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can go to the prison to find Black Phoenix to fight. She will probably be very happy that you went to see her."

Katya rolled her eyes: "I'm afraid she wants to swallow me in one gulp, but she's still happy..."

Laya said crisply: "Speaking of which, we haven't seen her yet."

"I don't want to see her in my life." Katya said seriously.

"Okay, pack up and get ready to go out." Laya shrugged and gave Xi Na a look.

"Yes." Xi Na breathed a sigh of relief, and put away the scattered playing cards.

Not long after, the transport spaceship landed in Yili City, the cabin door opened, and Laya and others left the transport spaceship.

"came back.". "Xina secretly breathed a sigh of relief, which means that this task has been successfully completed and can be explained to His Majesty Su Linyisi.

Kajia and others did not inform Su Linyisi when they came back this time, so no one came to greet them.

They got off the boat and went straight to the palace in the beast cart.

In the animal cart, He You looked at the familiar environment, his face turned paler, and he was afraid of returning to Yili City.

More than half an hour later, the animal cart stopped outside the palace, Luo Nai escorted He You out of the car, followed Jia and others into the palace.


Su Linyisi and Uncle Zhang who received the news were already waiting in the main hall, and when they saw He You, their eyes turned cold.

"Welcome back." Su Linyisi looked at Katya and Laya.

Laya said neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time."

Su Linyisi said slowly: "Thank you for your hard work."

She looked at He You, her voice became cold: "He You, you really gave me a hard time to find, have you ever thought about today?"

He You's face was pale, and his lips trembled: "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Su Linyisi turned her head and said, "Uncle Zhang, please interrogate me carefully."

"Yes." Uncle Zhang nodded respectfully.

Laya said coldly: "We have already interrogated, this matter has nothing to do with His Majesty, it was a duke named Bo Li who bribed Tiqu to steal the purple light steel.

"Duke Boli, a nobleman of the Foch Kingdom?" Su Linyisi frowned.

Laya continued: "Yes, this matter has been reported to our Majesty, and our Majesty will arrange for someone to handle the follow-up situation.

"I can handle this too." Sulin Yisi frowned.

Katya said indifferently: "This is our Majesty's decision."

Laya said: "With the strength of your Lanlupo Kingdom, you cannot put pressure on the Fuqi Kingdom. It is very appropriate for His Majesty Mu Liang to take action on this matter."

Su Linyisi's face was cold, Mu Liang took action on this matter, which meant that she had no chance to make up for her mistakes.

"Your Majesty has a heart, why don't you think about how to avoid similar situations from happening again." Laya said coldly.

"I understand." Su Linyisi let out a breath slowly.

Laya looked at He You who was trembling, and said, "As for He You, His Majesty will deal with it on his own."

"Understood." Su Linyisi's eyes drooped slightly, her eyes were frighteningly cold.

"There is nothing else, let's leave first." Katya said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Uncle Zhang, send me the two of you." Su Linyisi said coldly.

Raya waved her hand and said, "No need, I hope we won't meet again because of the same thing.

"No." Su Linyisi said with a blunt tone.

"I look forward to seeing you next time." Laya smiled and turned away.

Xi Na watched from the side, not daring to take a breath.

Katya and Laya left the palace, boarded the animal cart and headed for the landing position of the transport spaceship.

"Three are missing and one is missing." Katya said, leaning on the cushion.

Laya yawned and said, "Let Lonai take over, the journey back is boring anyway."

Fighting Landlords is the best choice to pass the time on the transport spaceship, and you can play for half a day.

Katya opened the mouth and said: "~ Well, but we have to go to Salun City first, there is a batch of goods that need to be transported back to the kingdom.

"Well, then go to Salon City first." Laya said indifferently.

Katya looked at her friend and sighed, "This kind of life is much more comfortable than before."

"Who says no, this black magician is not a dog." Laya said and closed her beautiful eyes.

"..." Katya tilted her head and thought about it. No matter how she heard this, she felt a little strange. What is it called a dog?

She glanced at her friend, raised her hand and pinched the other side's waist.

"Don't make trouble." Laya rolled her eyes and gave her a blank look.

After Katya and Raya left, the palace became quiet.

Su Linyisi felt dizzy, the queen's position was not easy to assume.

She glanced sideways at Uncle Zhang who also had a dignified face, and suddenly asked, "Uncle Zhang, do you want this throne?"

Uncle Zhang trembled, his eyes widened and he exclaimed (from Zhao Zhao): "Your Majesty, don't make such a joke."

Sulin Yisi said earnestly: "I'm not joking."

"Your Majesty, this kind of joke is not funny at all." Uncle Zhang said seriously.

"Alas..." Su Linyisi sighed again.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty Mu Liang still values ​​you." Uncle Zhang said seriously.

Su Linyisi twitched the corners of her mouth, waved her hand and said, "Don't mention him, I have a headache.

"Yes." Uncle Zhang saluted respectfully.

Su Linyi raised her eyes, looked at He You and ordered: "Take He You down to me and take good care of him."

"Yes." Uncle Zhang responded, and walked towards He You.

He You fell to his knees and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, I was forced!"

Su Linyisi looked at him coldly, her expression not changing at all.

Seeing this, Uncle Zhang didn't hesitate anymore, he reached out to lift He You's neck, and dragged him away from the palace.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for custom resistance. .

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