Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2097: Manipulating The Weather. (1 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, in the main city.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yi Liyi left home, pushed her bicycle along the long street in the residential area, and was going to have breakfast on the street.

She woke up very early today, half an hour earlier than usual, so she was much more relaxed.

Yi Liyi whispered to herself: "I heard that there is a new rice noodle shop on the street, so let's have that for breakfast today."

New shops are often opened in the main city, which enriches the lives of the people, and at the same time increases the people's sense of happiness and belonging.

"Tap Tat ~~~

She came to the end of the long street. The newly opened rice noodle shop had three floors, and many bicycles were parked at the door.

Yi Liyi was surprised and said: "There are so many people, it should be delicious."

She parked her bicycle and walked into the sausage noodle shop. The tables on the first floor were almost full, and the later diners could only go to the second and third floors.

The decoration of the rice roll shop is very simple, the walls are pure white, the seats are all wooden, and there are a few photos of rice rolls hanging on the wall, the crystal clear appearance looks delicious

The clerk recognized Yi Liyi and greeted him warmly: "Mr. Yi Liyi, good morning."

Her daughter is a student of Yi Liyi, and she has seen her a few times when picking up and dropping off the children to and from school.

"Hi, good morning." Yi Liyi smiled back

She came to the counter, looked at the menu above, and had difficulty choosing.

She frowned slightly: "Signature rice rolls 950, egg rolls, egg rolls...?"

The clerk recommended: "Teacher Yi Liyi, the signature rice rolls and egg meat rolls are the best, add a little chili, you will definitely like it.

"Okay, listen to you, I want the signature roll." Yi Liyi nodded with a smile.

The clerk smiled and said, "Okay, a signature rice roll, three yuan."

"Here." Yi Liyi took out the change and handed it to the clerk.

The clerk put away the basalt coins, wrote the word 'signboard' on the small note, turned around and handed it to the window behind him. Behind the window is the meal preparation area, where a staff member cooks rice rolls.

The staff handed Yi Liyi a sign with the number '23' written on it.

She explained: "Teacher Yi Liyi, this is the number plate for food delivery, just put it on the table, and the rice rolls will be delivered after cooking."

"Okay." Yi Liyi nodded slowly, turned around and returned to her seat to sit down.

She saw that there were several grooves on the table, so she inserted the number plate on it and waited quietly for the rice rolls to be ready.

While the woman was waiting for her meal, many people came in one after another, and soon the empty tables on the second floor were filled.

"The food recommended by His Majesty must be delicious." The new diners chatted.

"Yes (ceda), I heard that rice rolls are often eaten for breakfast in the palace."

When the sausage noodle shop opened, it was advertised through newspapers, and the slogan used was "the delicacy that His Majesty has praised, you must not miss it".

After a while, the clerk who delivered the food shouted: "Where is No. 23?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Liyi quickly raised her hand: "Here."

The clerk came over hearing the words and put down the rice roll in his hand: "Your signature rice roll tastes better when it's hot."

"Okay." Yi Liyi looked at the steaming rice rolls on the plate, and couldn't help but move her throat.

The off-white rice rolls are very tempting with the special sauce, and the ingredients inside can be seen through the crystal clear skin.

Yi Liyi picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of rice rolls and stuffed it into her mouth, chewed slowly a few times, her beautiful eyes sparkled immediately.

too delicious. "She exclaimed, and the chopsticks couldn't stop.

"How can it be so delicious~~~"

Yi Liyi kept chopsticks, and a plate of rice rolls was quickly eaten up, even the sauce was drunk.

The clerk in charge of ordering at the counter asked with a smile: "Mr. Yi Liyi, is the taste good?"

"Yeah, it's very delicious." Yi Liyi answered with certainty.

The clerk put his hands on the counter and chatted: "No one who has eaten rice rolls will say that it is not delicious. Yesterday, a few nobles came to eat eighteen dishes..."

Yi Liyi thought for a while, then signaled: "I don't seem to be full, let's have another egg and meat sausage roll."

"Okay, four yuan for egg and meat rice rolls." The clerk said.

"Here." Yi Liyi took out Xuanwu coins to settle the bill.

She pursed her pink lips and waited for six or seven minutes before the clerk brought the steaming egg and meat sausage fun to the table.

"It looks more delicious." Yi Liyi's throat moved, and she couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks to taste the delicious food.


She narrowed her beautiful eyes, savoring the taste of egg meat rice rolls carefully, feeling the special sauce flowing in her mouth.

Yi Liyi sipped the sauce from the corner of her lips, secretly decided to have rice rolls for lunch, this delicacy is really irresistible.


Ten minutes later, the woman burped uncontrollably and stood up contentedly.

"I'm so full." Yi Liyi glanced at the swinging clock on the wall, which showed the time was seven thirty.

She whispered softly: "It's still early, let's ride slowly to school."

She is going to teach at the vocational school this morning, and then go to the main city administration to handle work in the afternoon, and to go to the printing workshop in the evening, so she has to read the newspapers that will be published tomorrow.

Yi Liyi is very busy every day and holds several jobs at the same time, but fortunately, there are four paid holidays a month, and the monthly salary and various benefits are very good.

Leaving the Yechang Fen shop and riding a bicycle to the printing workshop

Her breakfast, lunch, and dinner today are rice rolls. Fortunately, her monthly salary is very high, so even if she eats rice rolls every day, she will not be poor.

In the printing workshop, the staff were busy, comparing the newspaper templates sent by the administration, and arranging the 'typefaces' one by one according to the above content.

The printing technology of the printing workshop is still movable type printing.

Only when printing patterns, the staff who take the "enabling pearls" will be allowed to use their abilities to make an integrated pattern template with colored glaze to realize batch printing of patterns and photos

"Master Yi Liyi is here." The staff greeted the woman warmly when they saw the woman coming in.

Yi Liyi nodded and asked, "Well, has the template for today's newspaper been delivered?"

As she worked more, the 'editing' of the newspaper was taken over by someone else, who would do a final content check before batch printing.

"It's here, we're typesetting in 'typeface'." The staff replied.

"Let me take a look at the template." Yiliyi gestured.

The staff handed over the newspaper template: "Yes, here it is."

Yi Liyi sat down and checked line by line.

She frowned suddenly, and said in doubt: "It will rain at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, please prepare your rain gear, the rain will last for three hours..."

"Rain?" Yi Liyi looked at the staff.

As far as she knows, the Xuanwu Kingdom is in the Misty Sea, and there is a tree of life, so the possibility of rain is unlikely.

The staff quickly explained: "I have checked this content, and said that His Majesty requested it to be added."

Yi Liyi pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Then add it in, Your Majesty should have other plans."

"Yes." The staff responded.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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