Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2099: The First Heavy Rain In Xuanwu Kingdom. (3 More)

"Boom boom boom~~~"

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, the bell rang at seven o'clock in the morning.

In the main city, Wei Geng's home.

Su'er got up very early today, and was preparing today's breakfast in the kitchen. Her husband, Wei Geng, was going back to work in Shanhaiguan today, so I wanted him to have breakfast before leaving.

Wei Geng was on vacation two days ago and is going back to Shanhaiguan today.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

He came to the door of the kitchen and said softly: "Don't be busy, just eat something."

Su'er turned back and said: "That's not good, you finally came back, there are still a few dishes that you haven't tried, I'll let you try them this morning."

"Okay." Wei Geng raised his hand and touched his nose, not to dampen his wife's enthusiasm.

He leaned against the door frame, looked at his wife's busy back, and suddenly asked, "Xiao Lan hasn't been back for a few days?"

Su'er sighed and said: "Don't mention it, Xiaolan is busier than you, either in the "230" hall of the palace or in the main city management office, and she hasn't come back for ten days.

Wei Geng sighed: "Xiaolan is valued by His Majesty and the clerk, so it's better to be busy."

Wei Youlan has been very busy recently, she only met Su'er once outside the management office, chatted briefly and then continued to be busy.

Su'er turned around and said, "You haven't seen Xiaolan for a month, right?"

Wei Geng nodded and said: "Well, I don't need to go to the palace to report on my work recently, if I have time, I can drop by to see her."

He wants to go back to Shanhai Commercial City, he can go to the highland to borrow the space portal, he is on the franchise list.

Not everyone can use the space portal, so Liyue drew up a special list for this purpose, including more than 300 people, including the managers of the acropolis, the captain of the three fortresses, and the highland guards.

Su'er turned back and said, "It's early seven o'clock, and you should arrive at Shanhaiguan at nine o'clock, so there should be enough time."

"Yeah." Wei Geng nodded.

More than ten minutes later, a hearty breakfast was brought to the table, steaming hot and appetizing.

"Eat quickly, and then go out early" said crisply.

Wei Geng nodded and asked, "Yeah, are you going to work today?"

Su'er said softly: "Yes, we have to catch a batch of goods."

The two chatted, breakfast ended in more than ten minutes, and they simply cleaned up and were ready to go out.

Su'er changed her clothes and said, "Next time you come back, you can try rice rolls, it's really delicious."

"Okay." Wei Geng replied with a clear voice.

He has four days of vacation every month, and with the portal, it is very convenient to return to the main city.

Su'er thought of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, I have to bring an umbrella."

"Why bring an umbrella?" Wei Geng asked in surprise.

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, there are already umbrellas for sale, and the ribs of the umbrellas are made of colored glaze.

The fans are made of different materials according to the price, and the fans are usually oiled paper fans.

Su'er explained: "It will rain today, it was written in the newspaper."

"Will it rain?" Wei Geng was taken aback.

He went outside the door and looked up at the crown of the tree of life above his head. How is it going to rain?

"Just in case, let's bring a fan." Su'er said crisply.

Wei Geng said casually: "Okay, just take it with you, I will go back through the portal."

"Yeah." Su'er took her umbrella and went out with her husband.

The two separated downstairs and went in different directions.

Wei Geng walked towards the high ground, and saw many people carrying umbrellas on the road.

From time to time, he looked up at the canopy of the tree of life, would it really rain?

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Wei Geng walked quickly to the high ground, at his speed, it would take him twenty minutes to reach the high ground.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

As he passed the main city authority, the bell rang eight o'clock.

The bell is melodious, and the sound is refreshing to the ears.

"It's eight o'clock." Wei Geng muttered.


A strange sound resounded in the air, and the blue-gold crystal dragon fish appeared in the air, and it made a strange sound.

Wei Geng watched it, and there was more and more water vapor in the air, wrapping around the crystal dragon fish like a cloud.

Its body rippled with a circle of blue ripples, covering the entire turtle's back at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The crystal dragon fish mobilized the water element, and like a chain reaction, the water element above the entire turtle's back became restless.

The next moment, the water vapor in the air condensed into water droplets, which fell in a straight line and hit the ground.


"It's really raining." Wei Geng exclaimed in shock.

He reached out to catch the dripping water.

The rain fell on his face, and the water was cool, which also woke him up.

"It's raining."

"Find a place to hide."

The people shouted, some with umbrellas quickly opened their umbrellas to keep the rain out...

Wei Geng looked around and ran to the main city management office to avoid the rain.


"It's really raining." The staff of the administration came out one after another to watch the rain.

Since the founding of the Xuanwu Kingdom, it has never rained, which surprised the people.

Looking down on the entire turtle back from the air, you will find that it is completely covered by rain.

"Father, why are you here?" A surprised female voice sounded.

Wei Geng looked behind him, Wei Youlan was holding the document in her hand, staring at herself with beautiful eyes.

Without waiting for his answer, Wei Youlan asked herself and answered: "I came to Master Qinlan for something, I'll take my father there.

Wei Geng quickly said: "No, I came to see you."

"Hey, came to see me specifically?" Youlan widened her beautiful eyes.

"Ahem, yes." Wei Geng nodded seriously.

Wei Youlan tilted her head and asked, "Is father not on duty today?"

"If you want, just go to Shanhaiguan at nine o'clock." Wei Geng explained.

"Then it's eight o'clock, and there's still an hour left." Wei Youlan nodded slowly.

She thought for a while and asked, "Does father want to sit in the office?"

Wei Geng said in surprise: "You have your own office?"

Wei Youlan blushed slightly and said, "No, my office is with Master Qinlan."

"Master Qinlan is also here, so let's not go." Wei Geng said with a sneer.

Wei Youlan looked outside the door, the rain was still heavy, and her vision became hazy 5.6.

She said softly: "Okay, then the rain won't stop for a while, it won't be necessary.

Wei Geng said seriously: "That won't work, I'd better go to the high ground in the rain, I can't be late."

"Wait, I'll borrow an umbrella." Wei Youlan said hastily.

She turned and ran to the second floor, and after a few minutes, she came down with an umbrella.

She handed the umbrella forward: "Father, use this umbrella."

"Okay, I'll send it back to you next time. Wei Geng didn't refuse, and prepared to leave with his umbrella.

He took two steps, then turned around and said, "Xiao Lan, go back and see your mother when you have time, she misses you a little bit."

Wei Youlan shook her hand, bit her lower lip and nodded vigorously: "Okay."

Wei Geng showed a gratified smile, turned and left the main city administration.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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