Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2100: Even A Man Is A Bit Difficult To Handle. (1 More)

Palace, in the main hall.

An animal fur blanket was spread on the ground, and Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan were lying on the ground, with countless puzzle pieces piled up in front of them.

Seeing the countless pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, Xi Beiqi wanted to cry but said without tears: "Mu Liang, I hate you."

Xiao Zi stood aside, holding a wooden box in her arms, which was the pile of puzzle pieces she brought from the study.

A smile flashed in her eyes, and she said crisply: "Your Majesty said, I will give you a month to put together the ten thousand pieces of the jigsaw puzzle."

Yue Feiyan pursed her mouth and couldn't help shouting: "Ah~~~"

"Mu Liang, you are really cruel. Xi Beiqi said aggrievedly.

She thought that Mu Liang would have forgotten about the 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle in the past few days, but she didn't expect the little maid to deliver it today.

The fox fairy walked over gracefully, and said in a charming voice: "I heard that, I will tell Mu Liang later that he should make another jigsaw puzzle with 30,000 pieces for you.

"Sister Fox Immortal, I was wrong." Xi Beiqi hurriedly apologized without any bottom line.

Yue Feiyan was also aggrieved and said: "Beauty Fox Immortal, please don't~~~"

A smile flashed in Hu Xian's eyes, and he leaned down and said: "Mu Liang is doing all this for your own good, and learning to control your emotions will help you improve your strength.

"Understood, we understand." Xi Beiqi nodded vigorously with a solemn expression.

"Yeah, I understand too." Yue Feiyan raised her hand as a gesture.

The fox fairy raised the corners of her lips and blinked her pink eyes: "That's good."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

She turned around and walked towards the study, going to talk to Mu Liang about something.

After the fox-tailed woman left, Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi looked at each other, and bent down resignedly to their fate and began to puzzle together.

They are resting today, and Charlotte and others are watching over the air force base, which also allows them to exercise their abilities.

"Knock knock knock~~ww

The fox fairy knocked on the study door, and asked charmingly: "Muliang big brother, can I go in?"

There was silence in the study for a while.

Mu Liang's voice sounded: "Ahem, come in.

A smile flashed in Hu Xian's eyes, and she pushed open the door to enter the study, Mei Mou saw Mu Liang sitting on the dragon chair, staring at her with dim eyes.

"Muliang big brother?" The fox fairy raised the corners of his lips.

"You're skinny again." Mu Liang's throat moved, with a helpless expression on his face.

Hu Immortal's stunning appearance, calling him "big brother" with a charming voice, is a bit difficult to control even a man.

"Don't you like it?" Hu Immortal's slender eyelashes trembled, she stepped to Mu Liang's side, and sat on his lap.

Mu Liang coughed twice, and said softly: "Ahem, I like it."

With a smile on his beautiful eyes, the fox fairy stretched out his hand to lift Mu Liang's chin, and said in a teasing tone: "Big brother, I'll come to you tonight.

"Where did you learn this trick?" Mu Liang hugged her tightly, causing the fox-tailed woman to cry out coquettishly.

Fox Immortal snuggled into Mu Liang's arms, and said softly: "On the phone, that heroine is very good at seducing men.

Mu Liang showed such an expression on his face, no wonder the fox-tailed woman was so abnormal today, it turned out that she took herself as the goal of practice.

The fox fairy raised his head, and said with a smile: "Okay, no kidding, I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang asked casually, and continued to follow the slender waist of the fox-tailed woman.

"It's about car sales." Hu Immortal put his hand on Mu Liang's shoulder, staring into his deep eyes.

She continued in a charming voice: "In the past month, people have been asking me to buy a car, but I have rejected them at high prices. But yesterday, a nobleman came and wanted to buy a car with five ninth-level magic beast crystals."

"Five ninth-level monster crystals?" Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, the surprise on his face couldn't be concealed.

Hu Xianmei said: "Yes, I am a little tempted."

Mu Liang thought for a while, raised his eyes and said: "The car can be sold, but it needs to be improved.

He wants to put a few 'locks' on the car to prevent it from being dismantled and copied by outsiders, which will affect the future planning of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The beautiful eyes of the fox fairy lit up: "Then when can the delivery be delivered?"

"Ten days later, if you can wait, it's fine, if you can't wait, forget it." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Ten days, yes." Hu Immortal said without hesitation.

Mu Liang glanced at the fox-tailed woman, and said with a smile: "You know I will agree."

The fox fairy approached Mu Liang, put his forehead against his forehead, and said charmingly: "Of course, you won't have trouble with the magic beast spar, let alone this deal is not a loss."

"Well, of course." Mu Liang smiled.

The fox fairy glanced at the swinging clock on the wall, and said charmingly, "It's eight o'clock in the morning, and I can stay for another hour."

Mu Liang was stunned for a moment, then the corners of his lips curled up, and he said in a clear voice: "One hour may not be enough.

He stretched out his hand and hugged the Fox star woman by the waist.


The fox fairy's ears were flushed, and he said in a firm tone: "It's really only an hour."

Mu Liang didn't say a word, and went to the rest room with the fox-tailed woman in his arms. As for whether it will be an hour or two hours, it is really unknown.

Outside the door, Buff listened attentively to the movement in the study, and then guarded the door wisely.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mayfair walked over with light steps, holding a glass bottle filled with emerald green liquid.

She asked crisply: "Buff, is Mu Liang in there?"

Buff moved a step sideways, blocked the door and asked in a crisp voice: "Miss Yuffier, what can I do with Your Majesty?"

Yu Feier shook the glass bottle in her hand, and said charmingly: "I have already researched the extraction method of the star fruit, and I want to tell him.

Buff said regretfully: "Miss Yuffier came at the wrong time, His Majesty is resting after a busy day.

"I'm resting..." Yuffier's pink lips slightly curled up.

Buff blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "Miss Yuffier, come back in the afternoon."

"Alright, don't disturb Mu Liang's rest." You Fei'er nodded Jiaohan, turned around and walked to the main hall, wanting to see what Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan were up to.

Buff let out a breath, and said in a weak voice: "I lie for His Majesty's benefit, it should be fine..."

Her pretty face was slightly red, and she looked at the back of the blond girl with double ponytails leaving, and said inwardly: Guilty.

Yu Feier came to the main hall and saw Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan who were full of sorrow.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

"Puzzle." Xi Beiqi replied without raising her head.

Yuffier leaned forward upon hearing this, and said with interest: "It looks like a lot of fun.

"Then do you want to play?" Yue Crimson's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Let me try." Yuffier said and was about to squat down.

Xi Beiqi hurriedly stopped and said: "I don't want it anymore, if Mu Liang saw it, he might really give us a puzzle with 30,000 pieces.

"That's right." Yue Feiyan came to her senses and stopped the blonde girl with twin ponytails.

"Okay." Yuffier shrugged regretfully.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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