Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2101: A Girl's Love Diary. (2 More)

Alina pushed open the study door, waved the book in her hand and shouted, "Mu Liang, my 'Girls' Love Diary' is finished, take a look."

When she saw the picture in front of her clearly, she froze for a moment: "Hey, where's Mu Liang?"

"Your Majesty has gone to the spirit weapon workshop on the seventh floor of the highland." Cen Fei'er's voice sounded from behind.

"When did you go?" Alina looked back at the little maid.

Cen Feier replied: "Half an hour ago."

"Okay, when did you come back?" Alina asked crisply.

Cen Fei'er guessed: "No, but it shouldn't be soon, His Majesty said that the security measures of the car will be improved.

Alina said regretfully: "Okay, then I'll show it to him later in the evening."

"Yeah." Cen Feier nodded.

Elina turned and left with the book in her arms, ready to go to Yuffier and let her be the first to read her new book.

When she passed the main hall, she saw three girls lying on the carpet with their buttocks pouted, facing a pile of jigsaw puzzle pieces.

You Fei'er said delicately: "It seems wrong, the pattern of this fragment doesn't even match."

She didn't help with the puzzle, but just corrected the mistakes. She was so engrossed in watching that she didn't even notice that Mu Liang left the palace.

"Really, I look alike, I thought it could be connected." Yue Feiyan nodded.

Xi Beiqi stretched out her hand and scratched her hair, muttering, "This one doesn't seem to be the case either."

Alina stepped forward, her pink eyes staring at piles of jigsaw pieces, only to feel that every piece looks the same.

"It looks difficult." She smiled.

Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan looked back at the pink-haired girl with resentment in their eyes.

"Okay, I won't talk anymore." Alina quickly waved her hand.

She came to sit down beside You Fei'er, and handed her the book in her hand: "Yu Fei'er, do you want to be the first person to read my new book?"

Yu Feier's beautiful eyes lit up immediately when she heard the words, she nodded quickly and said: "Yes"

Alina said crisply: "Here, if you find something wrong, you have to tell me.".

"Got it." Yuffier sat down cross-legged, looking at the title of the book with even more interest.

She opened the "Girl's Love Diary", and the first page introduced the identity of the heroine, as well as her family background and life background.

Yu Feier read softly: "A noble girl is very eager for love..."

Alina watched with fiery eyes, waiting for the blond girl's review.

As time passed, Yuffier's page-turning speed became slower and slower, and her golden eyes became brighter.

Alina couldn't help asking: "How is it?"

"It's so touching, I also want to fall in love." Yuffier's eyes showed eagerness.

Alina widened her beautiful pink eyes and asked, "Is there nothing wrong or unreasonable?"

Yuffier eagerly said: "No, everything is so beautiful, it makes people want to fall in love after seeing it.

"That's good." Alina said with satisfaction.

You Feier stared at the pink-haired girl, and said word by word: "I said I want to fall in love."

Alina glanced at her friend, lowered her voice and asked, "Why, you don't like Mu Liang anymore?"

"Of course I do."

Yu Feier blushed pretty, and responded in a low voice: "I will always like it.

"Then let's date Mu Liang." Alina waved her hand.

She learned the word "love" from movies, which is why she came up with the idea of ​​writing "A Girl's Love Diary".

"Ah, will Mu Liang agree?" You Fei'er's ears turned red this time.

"What?" A suspicious voice sounded, and Mu Liang stepped into the main hall.

He just came back from the Spirit Tool Workshop, and he improved the car with Jia Luo, adding protective functions to the engine, body, steering shaft and other places.

Alina opened her mouth and replied: "Mu Liang, Yu Feier wants to be with you......"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yuffier covered the pink-haired girl's mouth, making the second half of her sentence stuck in her throat.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

Alina blinked her eyes quickly, signaling with her eyes to let go.

Yuffier lowered her voice and threatened: "Don't talk nonsense, or I will give you a poison that can cause diarrhea at night."

.......Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” irina’s pink eyes widened in disbelief.

"Is there anything interesting?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

"No." Yuffier shook her head hastily, and put down her hand covering the pink-haired girl.


Alina coughed a few times, and changed the subject under the threatening eyes of the blond girl: "It's a new book I wrote, I want to show it to you."

"Look." She picked up the book on the side and handed it to Mu Liang.

Hearing this, Mu Liang took the book and sat down, looking at the title, he became interested: "A Girl's Love Diary."

He turned to the first page and scanned ten lines at a glance, with a strange expression on his face and a smile on his face.

Both Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi were attracted to the content of the book.

However, Muliang turned the pages very quickly, and he could read the entire book in five minutes, which made the vampire girl and the red-haired girl read endlessly.

Alina asked: "~ How is the writing?"

Mu Liang let out a sigh of relief, and said in a pertinent tone: "In the language of my hometown, the plot is very bloody, but the content is attractive enough.

The book written by the pink-haired girl is a typical Mary Su plot, but often this type of story is sought after by innocent noble girls.

"Is that good? Or is it not good?" Alina asked puzzled.

With a smile in his eyes, Mu Liang nodded and said: "Okay, you can approve the emperor's printing.

"Really?" Alina's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Mu Liang said with a smile: "Well, but there are a few typos, check it a few times before printing."

"Okay, I'll check now. Alina nodded excitedly.

She asked crisply, "How many copies should be printed?"

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said softly: "Let's print 5,000 copies first, and if the sales volume is good, then let the printing workshop print more.

Alina froze for a moment: "Won't five thousand copies be too much?"

Mu Liang patted Alina on the shoulder, and said in a clear voice: "Five thousand books is not too much, you have to believe in your writing ability." A girl's love diary is still very attractive

Alina said seriously: "Okay, let's print 5,000 copies first, and if the sales are good, I'll write the second one.

Yuffier tilted her head and asked, "Then you won't write your adventure travelogue?"

"Of course I have to write it, but I don't have any material to refer to. I will write it after I collect new stories." Alina explained.

Mu Liang suggested: "You can chat more with those wandering merchants. They have been to many places and should be able to provide you with a lot of ideas."

"It makes sense." Alina had an idea in her heart.

She decided to take the time to go to Qianthorn Commercial City, where there are many wasteland merchants from the old continent.

"Mu Liang, this is for you." Yu Feier thought of something, took out the glass bottle from the magic tool and handed it to Mu Liang.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize it. .

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