Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2103: Abnormal Virtual Family. (1 More)

The Old Continent, in the Wanku Forest.

The transfer base where Flying Bird City is located has already entered a first-level combat readiness state, and this situation has lasted for a month.

At the entrance of the bird city, the bird knights looked serious, holding crossbows, spears and other weapons in their hands.

In addition to long spears, weapons such as military crossbows, sniper rifles, and spirit weapon cannons were all provided by the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The current Bird City can be said to belong to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and Mu Liang will provide security facilities-.

"A lot of people came today." Xia Luotai folded her arms in front of her, staring at the walking merchants and the distressed crowd.

Cannes nodded and said: "They should all want to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom."

There are more and more virtual ghosts in Wanku Forest. Although the number is not as high as that during the virtual ghost tide, it cannot be underestimated.

There are branches of the tree of life in Bird City and the transit base, exuding a strong breath of life at all times, which is attractive to Xu Gui.

Killing all life forms except the Xu clan is engraved in Xu Gui's genes, and it is also an order given to them by Xu Huang and Xu Gui King.

The number of virtual ghosts has increased, and the humans living in Wanku Forest and surrounding areas have begun to flee. The best choice in their hearts is naturally the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The fugitives lined up, registered their identities and then walked through the virtual ghost to detect the spiritual weapon, and only those who had no problem could enter the bird city.

Every ten days, there will be a transport spaceship going to the Xuanwu Kingdom. Those who want to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom in the near future can only seize this opportunity.

Cannes sighed: "I don't know what my little sister is doing now."

"Maybe it's training. The look on Charlotte's face is full of miss.

He sighed and said, "I miss my little sister a little bit."

"Me too." Shanaen sighed.

Xia Luotai nodded slowly and said: "But my little sister is in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and with Mu Liang around, she will be very safe."

The two chatted, while maintaining the order of the city gate, to guard against ghosts pretending to be humans and sneaking into Bird City.

In the transfer base, Yuan Ketian stood in front of the branches of the tree of life.

The branches of the tree of life lit up with emerald green light, the body of the tree fluctuated like water ripples, and Mu Liangmu stepped out.

"Your Majesty!" Shakov saluted respectfully.

Mu Liangmu's avatar said indifferently: "Well, what's happening in the Xu Clan these days?"

Shakov respectfully said: "Your Majesty, there are more ghosts in the Wanku Forest, but no one above the seventh level has yet appeared. 11

Mu Liangmu's avatar pondered, all the low-level virtual ghosts appeared, and the high-level virtual ghosts disappeared, which is very abnormal.

During this period of time, he was looking for the traces of the Void Ghost King, and found too many abnormal places. Even the Void Ghost Lair that he discovered by accident contained only low-level Void Ghosts.

Shakov continued: "Your Majesty, in the last five days, there have been four waves of virtual ghosts attacking Bird City, with the number exceeding 3,000."

"How about the casualties?" Mu Liangmu clone asked indifferently.

Shakov said respectfully: "Only some merchants who did not enter the city in time died."

Flying Bird City has a defense system, as well as weapons such as spiritual weapons and cannons. It is still very easy for low-level virtual ghosts below 3,000.

Mu Liangmu's avatar nodded and said, "Well, continue to monitor closely."

There are four major transfer bases in the Old Continent and the salt water area, and the wooden avatar must stay here all the time to ensure the safety of the transfer base, and at the same time protect the branches of the tree of life.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Hasty footsteps came.

Outside the towering glazed wall, the voice of the Flying Bird Knight sounded: "Master Shakov, the Void Ghost is here again.

Shakov's expression became serious, and he turned around and said, "Understood."

"Go and have a look." Mu Liangmu's avatar said flatly.

He took a step forward, and his figure disappeared in place. Before Shakov could react, his body was also carried away.

When the two reappeared, they had already arrived outside the Bird City.

sooo sooo


As soon as Shakov appeared, he heard Xu Gui's strange cry.

"Ah, it's Xugui, run away~~~"


Those who hadn't had time to enter the city screamed and ran to the city gate like crazy.

Cannes shouted: "Block it, people who fail the test cannot enter the city."

"Get closer, and shoot them all." Charlotte ordered coldly.

The next moment, the defense system was activated, and the spirit weapon cannon turned to aim at the approaching virtual ghosts.

The number of virtual ghosts this time is extremely large, more than two thousand. The most powerful ones are nearly fifty seventh-level virtual ghosts, and more than a hundred sixth-level virtual ghosts.

Too bad~~~"

Mi Mi Mi

The virtual ghosts roared, attacking the city gate desperately.

...asking for flowers...

The spirit weapon cannon was activated, shooting beams of light, and all the virtual Guiwu hit exploded into pieces everywhere except for one.

Mu Liangmu's avatar watched calmly. The low-level Void Ghost didn't need him to take action. He could test the limits of the defense system and allow the Asuka Knight and the soldiers stationed to accumulate combat experience.

Shakov looked serious, and the four pairs of wings on his back vibrated slightly.

Half an hour later, Xu Gui was all killed, and the ground in front of Bird City was covered with Xu Gui's minced meat.


The wind and sand were still raging, and the air was filled with a burnt smell, and the smell was disgusting.

"It smells bad." Cannes raised her hand to cover her nose.

Charlotte ordered with a straight face: "Clear the battlefield.

The bird knights acted, skillfully cleaned up the minced meat on the ground, piled them all together, and lit the fire at the end.

Mu Liangmu's avatar looked at the rising smoke, and the visibility of Wankulin seemed to have become even lower.

He had a cold look in his eyes: "The pollution situation can only be resolved if the Xu Clan is completely eliminated."

Two hours later, the order in Bird City returned to normal, and the refugees continued to line up to enter the city.

Mu Liangmu's avatar changed his expression, looked sideways at Shakov and said, "I'm going to Jinyuan City now."

Through the branches of the tree of life, he felt that Jinyuan City was being attacked by the virtual ghosts, so he had to take a look just to be safe.

"Yes." Shakov saluted respectfully.

He watched Mu Liangmu's avatar disappear out of thin air, and the wooden avatar returned to the branch of the tree of life.

His body merged into the trunk, and through the connection between the branches of the tree of life, he crossed half of the continent to the transit base in Jinyuan City.

When Mu Liangmu's avatar came to Jinyuan City, groups of virtual ghosts were attacking the transit base and Jinyuan City, and the defense system on the shelter barrier had already been activated.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The spirit weapon cannons were activated in twos and threes, shooting and killing the approaching virtual ghosts, and the low-level virtual ghosts fell down in pieces.

When Mu Liangmu's avatar saw Su Jin on the city wall, she looked serious at this moment, and directed her subordinates to clean up the remaining ghosts.

He looked at it for a while, and after confirming that Su Jin could solve it, he didn't help.

War is the best opportunity to train soldiers. Only after the baptism of blood and artillery can we become stronger.

ps: [1 update]: The positive code is the second update of 100 million. .

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