Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2104: 100,000-Word Self-Criticism. (2 More)

In the depths of the Misty Sea, three thousand meters below the seabed, the Void Ghost Kings continued to dig holes.


The earth and rocks were flying, and the virtual ghost kings took turns digging the soil, and the speed was not slow.

Xu Wuwang laughed strangely and said: "Jie Jie Jie, according to this speed, it should be able to cross the sea of ​​mist very soon.

The Second King Xu turned back and asked, "Do you know how big the Misty Sea is?"

"I don't know." Xu Wuwang curled his lips.

Xu Erwang stared coldly, and continued to dig the earth and rocks in front of him.

The other virtual ghost kings looked at each other in blank dismay, and continued to dig earth and rocks, trying to cross the sea of ​​mist at the fastest speed, to devour the humans over there.

After an unknown amount of time, a familiar aura came from behind them, and the Void Ghost Kings stopped what they were doing.


A familiar voice sounded: "We are late."

"It's Xu Twelve Kings and the others." Xu's "six nine three" five kings' eyes lit up.

In the dark underground, except for the three virtual ghost kings captured by Mu Liang, the rest of the virtual ghost kings gathered together.

Xu Twelve King grinned and said: "Jie Jie Jie, long time no see everyone."

Xu Er Wang said bluntly: "If it is not because Master Xu Huang is about to wake up, I don't want to see you."

"Jie Jie Jie, King Xu is still so disgusting with Wang's impolite choking.

"I agree." Another voice sounded, King Xu Yi looked at King Xu Er, with an unkind expression on his face.

Xu Er Wang's eyes flickered, and he said indifferently: "Xu Yi Wang, long time no see."

"I think, you don't want to see me." King Xu Yi said indifferently.

Xu Erwang said coldly: "You guessed it right."

Xu Wuwang said: "Jie Jie Jie, don't waste time, since everyone is here, let's dig together."

"That's right, let's do it." The other virtual ghost kings echoed their voices, and they didn't want them to have infighting, which would be detrimental to the follow-up plan.

King Xu Er and King Xu Yi looked at each other, snorted coldly at each other, and decided to temporarily put aside their dissatisfaction with each other and open up the passage under the sea of ​​mist together.

The most urgent task is to go to another continent to devour human beings and complete the final evolution.

There is no oxygen in the underground space and it is completely filled with seawater. The Void Ghost King does not rely on oxygen to survive, which has no effect on them.

At the same time, in the Old Continent, all ghosts above the eighth level moved into action, quietly entered the salt water area, and rushed from the bottom of the water to the sea of ​​mist.

In this case, no human beings have discovered it, or in other words, all the human beings who have discovered it have been killed.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

The ferocious beasts living in the salt water area became restless, feeling the deadly threat, and avoided the passing high-level virtual ghosts one after another.

The migration of the virtual ghosts is proceeding silently. In the next month, they will cross the salt water area to the Misty Sea, and enter another continent through the tunnel dug by the virtual ghost king.

On the other side, in the Xuanwu Kingdom, no one noticed this change.

The ghost king is very smart, he chose to dig the hole far away from the Xuanwu Kingdom, he just didn't want to be discovered.

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, Mu Liang is processing the documents sent by the acropolis.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Li Yue pushed open the door and walked into the study, and said in a crisp voice: "Mu Liang, the Elder of Oasis will arrive in Fuqi Kingdom today."

Mu Liang said in a calm tone: "Well, let him pay attention to the influence, as long as he catches Boli, don't start a conflict."

"Yes." Li Yue replied.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and said: "But don't be afraid of them, if anyone stops the arrest, then they will be arrested together.

The corners of Li Yue's lips raised, she nodded and said: "I will pass on the words."

For Mu Liang, the so-called aristocratic status does not apply, as long as the interests of the Xuanwu Kingdom are violated, even the king will arrest him.

She turned and left the study, and asked the little maid to notify Oasis Da Changni through the liaison room.

The silver-haired girl went back to the study and accompanied Mu Liang to approve the remaining documents.

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Have you not rested for a few days?"

Liyue thought for a while, then said softly: "Eight days."

"Take a two-day rest tomorrow, there is nothing to be busy with now." Mu Liang said softly.

"Listen to you." Li Yue nodded.

Mu Liang asked: "By the way, what happened to those people in the kingdom who had the 'infection of ghosts'?"

Liyue replied: "A few days ago, I informed them to go to the hospital, and they were all cured through treatment."

The secret medicine to treat the 'infection of virtual ghosts' has begun to be mass-produced, and some of the secret medicines produced will be sent to hospitals to treat infected people in society.

People who are infected by virtual ghosts only need to go to the hospital to register with the infection department with their ID cards, and they will be able to receive free treatment for the 'infection of virtual ghosts'. This is the benefit that full-fledged citizens of the Xuanwu Kingdom can enjoy.

If you don't have an ID card, you will be charged for treatment....

Mu Liang nodded and said: "Well, remember to send a batch of secret medicine to the transit base."

Liyue replied: "This matter has been done by Nijisha, and when a new batch of secret medicine is produced, it will be transported by the transport spaceship.

"You can always predict my plans in advance." Mu Liang looked at the silver-haired girl with a smile in his eyes.

Li Yue blushed slightly, and said softly: "Does this count as mutual understanding?"

"Forget it." Mu Liang smiled.

Liyue continued: "Raja is back, have you seen them?"

After Laya and Katya left Yili City, they went to Salunr City, loaded goods in the factory there, stayed for two days, and then returned to Xuanwu Kingdom together.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "No need, this task was completed very well, let them have a good rest for two days."

"Then what are you going to do with Su Linyisi?" Li Yue asked.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Let her write a 30,000-word self-criticism for me."

"Thirty thousand words?" Li Yue's eyes twitched.

Mu Liang said with a smile in his eyes: "Is this considered punishment?"

"Forget it." Li Yue nodded seriously.

Let alone a 30,000-word review, it would be difficult for her to write a 1,000-word review.

Mu Liang smiled, and said softly: "That's fine, tell her that the 30,000-word self-criticism must be written by hand, and no other people can help, otherwise hand me a 100,000-word self-criticism.

"Yes." Li Yue's spirit was shaken, and she suddenly felt that Su Lin Yisi was very pitiful.

She left room 5.8 and walked to the contact room, asking the little maid to contact Su Linyisi.

The resonator fluttered its wings and contacted another resonator far away in Yili City.

Not long after, the two resonators successfully established contact, and Yin Yisi's cold voice sounded: "I am Su Lin Yisi.

Li Yue said: "I am Li Yue, Your Majesty has something to tell you."

"Tell me." Su Linyisi was shocked.

"The 30,000-word review requires you to write it yourself..." Li Yue repeated Mu Liang's words, which caused Su Linyisi, who was on the other side of the resonance bug, to fall into a long silence.

"Understood?" Li Yue asked coldly.

"Understood." Su Linyisi's voice sounded, and people could hear the resentment in her words.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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