Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2105: The Foreign Version Of The Talent Market. (3 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, in the residential area of ​​the main city.

Xueye is at Brilang's home.

"I want to drink animal blood again." Brilang raised his hand and scratched his hair, his golden eyes were shining with a faint red light.

"Stop talking, I want to too, but deposits are not allowed." Xue Ye sighed.

It has been more than a month since the two came to the Xuanwu Kingdom, during which time they only drank animal blood twice, each time they could savor it for several days.

Brilang asked: "How many Xuanwu coins do you have?"

"How many do you have?" Xue Ye asked back.

"You talk first." Brilang said with a straight face.

Xue Ye rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Then don't talk about it.

Brilang twitched the corner of his mouth and muttered: "Stingy."

"Hmph, do you want me to buy you animal blood?" Brilang gave Brilang a serious look.

Brilang's mouth moved, but he didn't speak.

Xue Ye narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and said suspiciously: "Wait a minute, did you secretly buy animal blood?"

Bu Lilang's mouth trembled, his eyes became erratic, and he hesitated, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Xue Ye widened her beautiful eyes, and said in a firm tone: "Sure enough, you must have bought 24 animal blood, and then you didn't tell me that you spent all the Xuanwu coins, and now you're planning on me."

"I can't help it." Brilang shrank his neck.

He is afraid of Xue Ye, whether it is in Yeyue city or here.

Xue Ye said coldly: "Hmph, don't even think about it, wait until the elders come to pay you living expenses.

Bu Lilang's eyes widened, and he said in a long voice: "Ah, I still want to eat rice rolls, and I also want to drink iced drinks.

"If you don't eat these, you won't die." Xue Ye said coldly.

...Don't you want to eat?" Brilang asked squinting.

"I can bear it." Xue Ye said with a straight face.

Brillang rolled his eyes and said mysteriously, "Why don't we find a way to get some Xuanwu coins?"

"Steal, or rob?" Xue Ye rolled his eyes at the man.

She warned: "Don't think about it, we are noble vampires, it's shameful to do such a thing, it's a disgrace to the Yeyue family.

"There is no stealing or robbing, what are you thinking?" Brilang said angrily.

Xue Ye's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, she had guesses in her heart, and she still asked: "Then what are you referring to?"

"Let's go find a job." Briarang said with difficulty.

Xue Ye narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I've been thinking about it for several days. It's normal for me to integrate into the Xuanwu Kingdom." Brilang coughed a few times.

Xue Ye thought about it, thinking about her savings balance, and the time and amount of the next payment of living expenses, because her heart was a little moved.

"Will you go?" Brilang asked again.

"Go find it now?" Xue Ye asked in amazement.

Brilang said with a serious face: "Of course, since you've thought about it, you have to act."

"Then what kind of job are you looking for?" Xue Ye asked coldly.

Brilang shook his head: "I don't know, I have to ask.

"Where can I ask?" Xue Ye glanced at the man.

Brilang looked at the woman with the eyes of a fool, and said, "Of course I'm going to the talent market. There's a place to find a job."

"The talent market, why don't I know about it?" Xue Ye said in astonishment.

Briarang proudly said: "It was newly opened a few days ago, and it was written in the newspaper that it is a place for job hunting. You don't read newspapers, of course you don't know.

There are more and more people in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and more people are looking for jobs, which makes the Road Administration Busy.

In order to disperse the flow of people, Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan discussed and separated the "job recruitment" part of the administration to build a talent market.

The talent market can transport staff for various acropolis, factories, and shops.

"Are you despising me?" Xue Ye said coldly.

"No, you feel wrong." Brilang said with a straight face.

Xue Ye glared at the man: "It's best."

"Ahem, let's go out." Brilang coughed lightly.

Xue Ye proudly raised his chin and said, "All right, I'll accompany you to have a look."

Brilang glanced at her, and didn't want to expose her intentions, knowing that she would look for a job when the talent market came.

The two tidied up briefly, and then tiptoed out the door, without being noticed by other vampires living in the same building.

"Shh, be careful." Brilang signaled.

Xue Ye rolled her eyes and said, "Understood."

When the two went down the stairs, each step was very light. After all, vampires have excellent hearing, just like bats.

Only vampires live in this building, and people can clearly hear people coming and going.

After the two left the building, they walked quickly along the long street.

"Where is the talent market?" Xue Ye looked around and asked.

Brilang replied without turning his head: "Behind the Administration Bureau, soon.

Xue Ye said coldly: "Then let's go."

Brilang walked forward resentfully, crossing the long street to the main city square.

You can reach the main city management office by crossing the main city square, and go around to the back of the main city management office, which is the newly built talent market.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The main city square was too big, and the two of them walked for a few minutes before arriving at the main city administration, and detoured from the side streets.

After more than ten minutes, the two came to the gate of the talent market.

The talent market is composed of three five-story buildings, with soldiers on duty at the entrance, and there are many people entering and leaving the talent market at this time.

"There are so many people here looking for work?" Brilang said in amazement.

Xue Ye curled her lips and said: "With so many people, the good jobs have all been selected.

"Let's go in and have a look at 673 first." Brilang's throat moved, and he walked towards the talent market.

Xue Ye hesitated for a moment, looked back to make sure that no other vampires found out, and then bit the bullet and followed.

She also wants to drink animal blood often, but the deposit is not allowed, so she can only drink a bottle occasionally.

The two entered the talent market and saw many display boards hanging from the ceiling, with various job positions written on them.

There are tables and chairs at the bottom of the display board, and the staff are sitting in the back, answering the people who come to inquire about the work.

Xue Ye raised her eyes and looked at the display board, which showed various job positions.

"Dishwasher, the monthly salary is 300 yuan, and there are four days off every month, without food or housing..."

"The sanitation workers are responsible for the sanitation of one to three long streets, with a monthly salary of 500 yuan and four days of vacation.

Xue Ye frowned, and said in a low voice: "This salary is not enough to drink animal blood, so don't consider it."

"It's too low," Brown nodded in agreement.

He looked at another display board and read: "Working in a farm, responsible for feeding fold-eared fluffy rabbits, with a monthly salary of 800 yuan and four days of vacation."

"Eight hundred yuan doesn't seem like much." Xue Ye shook his head.

Brilang twitched his lips and said, "This job is not noble, so I don't think about it."

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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