Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2106: Find A Normal Job. (1 More)

Bu Lilang looked at the display board above, frowned and said, "There are so many jobs, how do I choose?"

Xue Ye stayed in front of each display board, and the first thing she saw was the salary, and those below 800 were not considered.

For her, a job worth less than eight hundred basalt coins is not worthy of a noble vampire.

Brillang paused, his golden eyes lit up and said, "This one seems pretty good, the salary is a thousand yuan a month.

Xue Ye heard the words and looked sideways, and the details of the job position were written on the display board.

She squinted her beautiful eyes and read aloud: "We are recruiting spiritual weapon masters, junior spiritual weapon masters, the minimum monthly salary is 1,000 yuan, and the highest is 3,000 yuan, and the intermediate spiritual weapon master" has the lowest monthly salary.

"This salary is really good." Brilang couldn't help sighing.

Xue Ye squinted and asked, "Are you a spirit weapon master?"

"Uh, it's not..." Brilang twitched the corners of his mouth, and his high mood immediately sank down.

"Find a normal job." Xue Ye pouted.

"Normal work......" Brilang tilted his head and thought for a while.

He looked serious, turned his head and said, "Then I think it's only suitable for sucking blood. Is there such a job?"

Xue Ye was speechless for a moment, then said coldly: "If you don't want to find a job, you can go back now.

"Don't be angry, I was just joking." Brilang waved his hand quickly.

Xue Ye said unhappily: "Stop talking nonsense, find a job quickly, don't be discovered by the elders."

She is a noble pure-blooded vampire. It is very embarrassing to go to work to live a good life. If she is known by the tribe, she will be ridiculed.

"Yes, yes, I understand." Brilang nodded.

The two stopped in front of the display boards one by one to choose suitable jobs.

Xue Ye read softly: "Working in a textile factory, weaving positions, daily piecework settlement of salary, more work and more earning... Food is not covered."

"It seems pretty good." Brilang said with some emotion.

Xue Ye asked again: "You know how to weave"~?"

"No, but you can learn it." Brilang said seriously.

Xue Ye raised his chin and said coldly: "Then you go to the interview, I don't like this job, look at other things.

Bu Lilang resentfully said: "Then I'll take another look. It's better to work together so that we can cover each other."

Xue Ye ignored him and continued to walk to the next display board.

Many people in the talent market are looking for work, most of them are people who have just come from the old continent and the new continent.

They want to stay in Xuanwu Kingdom to live, if they are not rich people, they have to choose to work to support themselves.

Under the display board, the staff sat in a row and were answering various questions of these job seekers.

"Our job includes food and housing, and we can rest four days a month. The monthly salary is 500 yuan Xuanwu coins."

"We only look for people who know how to make medicine, and the minimum monthly salary is 1,000 Yuan Xuanwu coins?"

Xue Ye moved her mouth, feeling a little depressed in her heart, why is it so difficult to find a suitable job?

Brilang couldn't help asking: "Haven't you seen the right one?"

It has been three hours since the two came to the talent market, and they have seen more than a hundred positions.

There are more than a dozen jobs that Bu Lilang is interested in, but Xue Ye doesn't like it. She insists on finding a job that is high-paying, noble, not hard, and that she likes.

"No." Xue Ye replied with a straight face.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

She paused her steps, saw the acquaintance with sharp eyes, and her face suddenly became weird.

Brilliantly asked, "What's wrong?"

Xue Ye turned her head to the side, and motioned to the work inquiry office not far away: "Is that Mercer?"

Hearing the words, Bu Lilang looked quickly, and he saw a familiar figure, who was also from the Yeyue family who came to live in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"She also came to look for a job?" He said in astonishment.

Xue Ye curled her lips and said, "Obviously."

She raised her eyes and looked at the display board of the job position that Mercer inquired about, and said softly: "Fashion designer, responsible for designing new clothes, with a monthly salary of 800 basalt coins, and the salary of the outstanding ones will increase..."

Bu Lilang said in astonishment: "The job is to design new clothes, will she?"

Xue Ye said with warm eyes: "Who knows, but this is a good job."

Brilang said in astonishment: "Hey, she followed that human being."

Mercer stood up and followed the staff to the second floor with an excited face. The second floor is the interview place. If you pass the interview, you can get this enviable job.

With a cold face, Xue Ye raised her chin and refused to admit defeat: "No, I can't lose to her. I want to find a job with better salary and benefits."

"It's not so easy to find this kind of job." Brilang pouted.

"I think this job is good." Xue Ye said suddenly.

"What?" Bu Lilang said in astonishment, Xueye finally found a job he likes?

He quickly followed the girl's line of sight, and his attention fell on a display board for recruiting models.

He read aloud: "Recruiting a model, the monthly salary starts at 800 yuan, and there will be work sharing..."

Before Bu Lilang could understand, Xue had already walked towards the job consultation office.

"I want to be a model." Xue Ye looked at the staff seriously.

The staff was stunned for a moment, then carefully looked at Xue Ye's face, and nodded slightly in satisfaction.

She raised her hand and said: "Stand up and take two steps back, slowly turn around twice for me to see."

Xue Ye moved his mouth, got up in coordination, took two steps back, and turned clockwise twice.

The staff nodded slowly, and said with satisfaction: "You are very beautiful, and your height seems to agree with the request, but you still have to be more specific."

She stood up, walked around the long table with a soft ruler, and came in front of the vampire girl.

Xue Ye lowered her eyes, resisting the urge to refuse, and let the staff take a soft ruler to measure her body.

She comforted herself that they were all women, and it was fine.

"Very good, 1.72 meters tall, very good figure."

The staff put down the tape measure and said with satisfaction: "Now take a few steps and let me see.

Xue Ye did as (Li De's) and walked around twice.

The staff raised eyebrows and commented: "Well, there is a problem with the walking posture, you need to participate in training, and the other conditions are very good."

"So am I suitable?" Xue Ye couldn't help asking.

The staff member said: "Based on your conditions, you can get 800 Xuanwu coins as a monthly salary, but you have to attend training to correct your walking posture and learn to wear high heels."


With the rapid development of the clothing industry in the Xuanwu Kingdom, the demand for models is also increasing.

"No problem." Xue Ye's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

"Okay, go upstairs with me and talk about it in detail, and sign the work contract if there is no problem." The staff waved their hands.

"Okay." Xue Ye's beautiful golden eyes became brighter, leaving behind Brilang with a dull expression, and followed the staff upstairs without looking back.

"What should I do?" Brilang opened his mouth.


ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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