Inside the palace, Yue Qinlan had just returned from the main city administration.

Xiao Zi obediently asked: "Lord Qin Lan, would you like something to drink?"

"Pink soda, add more ice." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Okay." Xiao Zi replied, turned around and walked towards the refrigerator.

Yue Qinlan came to sit down on the sofa in the main hall, took off her shoes and curled up lazily on the sofa.

The little maid brought pink soda, and a plate of peeled lychees and oranges.


Yueqinlan took a sip of the powder soda, felt the bubbles explode in her mouth, and couldn't help but let out a satisfied sound.

She tilted her head and asked elegantly, "Where's Mu Liang?"

Xiao Zi replied: "Your Majesty is in the studio."

"Go to the studio again, what are you doing?" Yue Qinlan frowned slightly, looking at the little maid in surprise.

Xiao Zi tilted her head and said, "It seems to be some kind of monitor, and I don't quite understand it."

"Monitor?" Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes, did Mu Liang have any new ideas?

She put down her curled legs, and asked softly, "Did you ask no one to disturb you?"

"No." Xiao Zi shook her head.

"Then I'll go and have a look." Yue Qinlan said as she stood up and walked to High Heels 140 Studio.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The thin heel hit the ground, making a crisp sound.

Yue Qinlan came outside the studio, and Buff stood by the door, holding a book in his hand and reading, it was "Girl's Love Diary" written by Elina.

The book has already been printed in batches and the first copies are on sale.

Buff drew his attention away from the book, and said hello with a blushing face: "Qin Lan Tian Ping.

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "Well, is Mu Liang still busy?"

"Yes, Master Qinlan wants to go in?" Buff asked in a low voice.

"Well, I'll go in and take a look." Yue Qinlan raised her chin.

Buff heard the words and hurriedly opened the door of the studio to let Yue Qinlan in.

In the studio, Mu Liang is processing the Warcraft spar, and depicting a new magic circle inside.

Seeing this, Yue Qinlan slowed down her steps, came to Mu Liang and sat down beside Mu Liang, quietly looking at the Warcraft spar floating in the air.

Mu Liang's movements are very smooth, depicting the magic circle in the Warcraft spar, which has extremely high requirements on mental power and soul power.


Yue Qinlan blinked her water-blue eyes, and felt that there were several different energy fluctuations in the studio (cedg), including magic power fluctuations, soul power fluctuations, and Mu Liang's ability fluctuations.

After half an hour, Mu Liang's hand movements stopped, and the suspended Warcraft spar emitted a dazzling light, and after a few breaths, it retracted back into the Warcraft spar.

"Okay, there is no failure. Mu Liang let out a breath, his expression relaxed.

Yue Qinlan asked in a crisp voice, "Are you done?"

Mu Liang said softly: "Not yet, just finished the core part of the monitor."

Yue Qinlan leaned forward slightly, and asked softly: "So what is the monitor you are talking about?"

Mu Liangyan explained concisely: "It is more appropriate to use surveillance cameras to describe it."

"Surveillance camera?" Yue Qinlan became even more confused.

Mu Liang sat down and explained the features and functions of the surveillance camera.

Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes widened, and she said in surprise: "Hey, can this kind of thing really be made?"

Mu Liang said confidently: "It shouldn't be difficult, just improve it with a camera."

Yue Qinlan said thoughtfully: "Listen to you, this surveillance camera is very similar to a video camera, except that the surveillance camera has to be running all the time, and it has to store the captured images for a long time.

"Yes." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

Yue Qinlan asked curiously: "Why did you suddenly think of being a surveillance camera?"

Mu Liang said softly: "Some jobs cannot be watched by people all the time, but surveillance cameras can do all-round surveillance, save manpower and retain some evidence.

Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes lit up and said: "It makes sense, if someone steals something and it happens to be caught by a surveillance camera, then when you go to court in the future, you don't have to bother to find evidence."

"Yes." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "Then you still have to keep busy?"

"What's the matter with you?" Mu Liang asked gently.

"No, I'm done with work today, I can rest for half a day." Yue Qinlan shook her head lightly.

Mu Liang thought about it, and there is nothing to be busy with today, the surveillance camera at hand is half done, there is no reason to put it down and busy with other unimportant things.

"Go ahead, I'll accompany you." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled and continued with the work at hand.

He put down the magic beast spar with the magic circle on it, picked up the beast material and started to process it.

Regardless of whether it is a monster material or a monster material, they all have common characteristics and can be mixed together, just like the monster spar and the monster spar.

The studio became quiet. Yue Qinlan got up and left the studio after sitting for a while. When she came back, she had an extra book in her hand, which she had brought from the little maid.

She hasn't read "A Girl's Love Diary" written by Alina, but she can finish it quietly now that she is free.

In the studio, the sound of Mu Liang processing materials and Yue Qin Lan's sound of flipping through books remained.

She watched it with gusto, and soon became addicted to it.

Mu Liang glanced sideways, and had to admire Alina's ability to write "Mary Su's plot" in his heart, which can make viewers deeply attracted and look forward to the follow-up plot.

Time passed, and Yue Qinlan looked at it for two hours, and when she turned to the last page, her face was full of unsatisfactory expressions.

"It's gone?" She closed the book in disappointment, and sighed slowly.

Mu Liang said softly: "Alina is preparing to write the second part, you can look forward to it."

Yue Qinlan crossed her legs and said in a serious tone: "I have to urge her to write the second part as soon as possible."

Mu Liang smiled and said, "We can change the plot and make it into a TV series."

"Then I have to let Xue Ji take pictures, she is better at taking pictures related to love." Yueqin's blue eyes lit up.

The Variety Witch and Yue Qinyi have different focuses in filming TV series, each has its own strengths and advantages, and the same is true for movies.

Mu Liang nodded slowly and said, "Well, Qin Yi is also busy with filming recently, and has no time to film a new TV series."

The film he wrote to expose the "Xu Clan" was filmed by Yue Qinyi, and it involved many big scenes. It was more difficult to shoot than previous films, and it took longer to complete the filming.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Then I'll talk to Xue Ji tomorrow."

"Well, she probably doesn't have any new dramas to film recently." Mu Liang said clearly.

There are not many scripts for TV dramas. Apart from Xue Ji and Yue Qinyi, there are also new directors who have been trained to shoot. This is why TV and cinemas can always see new movies and TV dramas.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan replied.

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