The New World, within the Kingdom of Forge.

At high altitude, the small transport spaceship advances at a constant speed.

In the cabin, the Elder Oasis was resting with his eyes closed, and Huxi and Randy were sitting on the chairs beside him.

This time, when we go to the Kingdom of Fudge to arrest people, only a small transport spaceship can be used, and there are only eight people accompanying us. Huxi and Randy are here to help.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The soldier driving the transport spaceship walked into the cabin and said, "My lords, the royal city of the Forge Kingdom is ahead.

Elder Oasis opened his eyes and said peacefully, "Well, get ready to disembark."

"It hasn't landed yet." Hu Xi replied.

The elder of Oasis said in a deep voice: "If we don't land, let's go straight down, and don't let the Duke of Boli find out."

"Ah, okay." Huxi puffed up his cheeks, stood up and went to the compartment in the cabin to change the ghost armor.

She is already a member of the ghost special forces, belongs to the ghost special assassination team, and has her own ghost armor.

Randy yawned, Amber's eyes sparkled, she stood up and scratched her short brown hair with her hand, and was also ready to leave the transport spaceship.

Not long after, Huxi came out wearing ghost armor, wearing seven-color armor.

Hu Xi muttered: "I don't know when I can change to nine colors."

There are currently three levels of ghost armor, the seven-color ghost armor belongs to the second level, and the nine-color ghost armor belongs to the third level. At present, only a few such as Liyue, Elena, Yan Bing, and Nijisha have it.

Randy said coquettishly: "When you become stronger and become the captain, you will be able to change into the nine-colored absolute ghost armor."

"Of course I know." Huxi pouted, stretched out her hand and pinched Randy's face.

"I just remind you." Randy said crisply.

Hu Xi said with great ambition: "I will become stronger."

"Then work hard." Oasis Great Elder said calmly.

He glanced at the two women, and continued: "I'm about to leave the transport spaceship, and I'm already near the royal city."

"Yes." Huxi and Randy responded in unison.

In this operation, only the three of them will go, the less people there are, the less they will attract attention.

Hu Xi grabbed the brown-haired girl's hand, and disappeared in a flash. When she reappeared, she had already arrived in King Fuqi's city, in a narrow alley.

After the two landed on the ground, they looked around vigilantly and made sure that there was no danger before they relaxed.

"Are you going to pick up the Great Elder?" Randy asked sideways.

Hu Xi waved his hand and said, "No need, the Great Elder is stronger than me, just come in by yourself, you won't be discovered.

"You're right." An indifferent voice sounded, and Oasis Great Elder appeared behind the two of them.

"Look." Hu Xi shrugged without changing his expression.

Randy shrank her neck, she was still a little afraid of the Oasis Great Elder, even though she is now a member of the Ghost Special Forces, she is not under the control of the Great Elder.

"Let's go, let's go out." Hu Xi waved his hand.

"Yes. The Elder Oasis nodded and left the alley.

Randy hurriedly followed, and Huxi behind him took a step forward, the colorful light of the ghost armor on his body flashed, and the person had disappeared.

Randy walked down the street following the Elder Oasis, and there was an unpleasant smell coming towards him. The ground was not clean, and he could smell many sour smells and strange noises.

"I still like Xuanwu Kingdom." Randy whispered.

"Hmm, it doesn't look like there's anything interesting here." Huxi's voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

Elder Oasis said calmly: "I'm not here to play, first find Boli."

"Understood." Hu Xi, who was invisible, responded in a low voice.

The three of them were walking on the long street, and the pedestrians passing by kept looking sideways at the clothes of Randy and Oasis Great Elder.

"Why keep staring at us?" Randy asked puzzled.

Probably because you are dressed too well. "Huxi guessed.

Elder Oasis took a look at the clothes on his body. They were made of silk cloth, which looked soft and shiny, better than those worn by many nobles.

"Maybe." Randy muttered.

The clothes she is wearing today are also made of silk cloth, with boots that wrap her calves, it looks like a princess from some country sneaked out.

"Ignore them, go to the Duke's Mansion now." Oasis Elder said in a puzzled manner.

Hu Xi, who was invisible, let out a cry [Follow the direction of the duke's mansion in the two city.

They have a topographic map of King Fuqi's city, and they know where the Duke's Mansion is. The location is next to the palace. It takes more than an hour to walk from the city gate to get there.

"It smells a bit sweet." Randy's nose moved.

...asking for flowers......

Hu Xi responded: "It seems to smell like perfume.

When the two were searching for the source of the smell in confusion, Ridao shouted.

"Come in and have a look, the quality of the perfume is comparable to that of the Xuanwu Kingdom, the price is cheaper, and the smell is better..."

Randy hurriedly looked back, passed through a short alley, and saw a woman standing on another street, who was inviting customers into the store with a loud voice.

The women were wearing very revealing clothes. Behind them was a three-story wooden building, and many people could be seen coming in and out.

Randy frowned: "It is comparable to the perfume of the Xuanwu Kingdom, but it has better quality and better smell?"

"Go and have a look." Huxi suggested.

Randy looked at Elder Oasis with a questioning look.


Oasis instructed: "Then go and have a look first, don't cause trouble, the focus of this mission is the Duke of Boli.

"Yeah, we know." Randy nodded quickly.

She walked ahead and crossed the alley to another street, opposite to which was a perfume shop.

"Is it really comparable to the perfume of the Xuanwu Kingdom?" People passing by who heard the yelling stopped and asked.

The woman raised her chin and said: "Of course, the perfumes in our store are carefully crafted, and all the perfumers from the Xuanwu Kingdom are invited. The quality is exactly the same, but the smell will be better.

Randy frowned, wondering: "Perfumer, when did you have this kind of job?"

Huxi's voice rang in the girl's ear: "She made it up, the perfume of our Xuanwu Kingdom was developed by Miss Mino and the others."

When the bunny-eared girl is free, she will research and make new perfumes with the little maids. The formula and production method are absolutely confidential.

When a new perfume is researched, it will be divided into many different processes, and different staff members will handle the raw materials, and finally the finished perfume will be blended by a special person.

Randy dissatisfied: "Then she is using the fame of our Xuanwu Kingdom to sell her own perfume?"

Hu Xi said coldly: "I don't think it's that simple, let's go in and have a look."

"Elder, do you want to go in together?" Randy turned around and asked.

"Yes." The Elder Oasis didn't refuse, but he was really worried about the two girls acting alone.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize Fan. .

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