Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2109: I Didn't Do It On Purpose, Do You Believe It? (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Randy and Elder Oasis walked into the perfume shop, and Huxi followed in while remaining invisible.

On the first floor of the perfume shop are several long tables with perfumes of various colors on them, exuding a pungent aroma.

"It doesn't smell good at all." Hu Xi secretly fanned his nose.

Randy also wrinkled her nose. She used to help Ling Xiang buy perfume, and had a lot of experience with perfume, so she could still tell the good from the bad.

The Oasis Elder's face remained unchanged, he glanced at the perfume on the table, and showed no interest in it.

"A lot of perfume, really fragrant~~~"

"It smells so good, it's the first time I've seen so many perfumes."

"The color is also very beautiful, and my heart is moved."

People came into the shop one after another, couldn't put it down to the table full of perfumes, picked up the glass bottles and played with them, trying to smell the fragrance inside.

"July 13" Randy narrowed her beautiful eyes, the bottle containing the perfume was produced by the Xuanwu Kingdom, and there was a pattern of the Xuanwu Kingdom on the bottom of the bottle.

Huxi said indignantly in Randy's ear: "Use the bottles of our Xuanwu Kingdom to store their inferior perfumes, and they can be sold at high prices."

The Xuanwu Kingdom sells colored glaze products, among which tableware, cups, and various bottles are the best sellers.

There were too many people around, Randy did not respond to Huxi's words, but picked up the perfume and checked it.

She was playing with the perfume bottle, which was produced in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and the glazed beast can make tens of thousands of such perfume bottles a day.


Randy uncorked the bottle, and a more pungent scent wafted out, she quickly put the cork back.

"It doesn't smell good." Oasis Great Elder said indifferently.

"Yeah, it's really pungent." Randy glanced at the woman who was serving guests, and nodded in agreement.

"How do you sell these perfumes?" a guest asked loudly.

The woman quickly responded: "All of them are priced at the same price, a bottle of Tier 3 Warcraft spar."

"A bottle of Tier 3 Warcraft spar is not expensive." The guest said with satisfaction.

"I want these four bottles."

"Then I want six bottles."


After a while, all the perfumes on the table were sold out, and someone brought out new perfumes and put them on the table.

Randy exclaimed in astonishment: "Such a stinky perfume, how can anyone buy so much?"

"I don't understand either." Huxi said angrily.

"I really want to smash this place." Randy gritted his silver teeth.

Elder Oasis said solemnly: "No, wait until the matter of Duke Boli is settled. His Majesty said not to cause trouble."

Randy and Huxi were very upset, but they still endured it.

Randy gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph, buy a bottle of perfume and let His Majesty take a look at it."

Hu Xi said unhappily: "I don't want to waste the Warcraft spar with this kind of pirated perfume."

Randy blinked her Amber-colored eyes, and saw that several bottles of perfume on the table not far away disappeared in an instant.

"Eh?" She widened her beautiful eyes.

"Shh, let's go, arrest people first." Hu Xi's voice sounded in the ears of the brown-haired girl again.

Randy opened his mouth: "Okay."

The corner of Oasis Elder's eyes twitched, and he turned and left the perfume shop.

The woman soliciting customers was full of doubts, watching Huxi and Oasis Great Elder leave the perfume shop, there are really people who come to the perfume shop and leave without buying anything.

Several people left the perfume shop and walked towards the location of the Duke's Mansion.

The three of them crossed the long street and walked straight along the gravel road. After half an hour, they would arrive at the Duke of Boli's mansion and near the palace.

"In front is the Duke's Mansion." Randy said delicately.

Huxi's voice sounded: "What should I do, go in directly? Or sneak in?"

"Of course it's a door-to-door visit." Elder Oasis raised his eyes.

"Then I'll knock on the door." Randy said and walked forward.

The girl stepped forward, raised her hand and knocked vigorously on the door of the Duke's Mansion.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

After knocking on the door, a few minutes passed, the Duke's mansion was very quiet, and no one came to open the door.

"Nobody?" Randy frowned.

Hu Xi said angrily, "Why don't you just go in and be polite to them?"

Elder Oasis said: "Don't worry, knock on the door again."

Randy raised her hand and knocked on the door again, much harder.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

The wooden gate swayed a few times, and the next moment it crashed down.


Randy opened his mouth, turned around and said innocently: "I'm very weak, the quality of this door is not good.

"..." Oasis Great Elder twitched his brows.

Huxi, who was invisible, almost couldn't hold back his laughter, the scene in front of him was very dramatic.

The dust dissipated, revealing the stunned knights inside the door.

They came over after hearing the knock on the door, and just about to go forward to open the door, they didn't expect the door to fall down...

Randy, who heard the footsteps, turned around and looked at the knights.

She raised her hand angrily and said, "I didn't do it on purpose, do you believe it?"

"Who are you?" the knight asked angrily.

Randy coughed a few times and said, "Ahem, I'm here to find your Duke.

The knight snorted coldly, and said mockingly, "Hmph, our lord duke is something you can see whenever you want?"

Elder Oasis said in a deep voice: "So, your Duke is in the mansion?"

The knight said angrily: "It's not your business, the gate is damaged, you need to pay for it."

Randy put his hands on his hips, and said in a bad mood: "I didn't do it on purpose, besides, this door should be broken, otherwise why would it fall down with a slap?"

The knight snorted coldly: "Hmph, stop talking nonsense, and arrest them all if you don't pay."

"What a big tone." Oasis Great Elder looked at each other coldly.

Randy eagerly asked, "Do you want to fight?"

Elder Oasis was silent for a moment, raised his eyes and said, "Find Duke Boli first."

Randy nodded helplessly and said: "Okay, I understand, don't make trouble.

Hu Xi murmured secretly: "I'm being bullied, why don't you resist?"

"Huxi, take us in." Oasis Great Elder said in a deep voice.

The girl didn't respond, she put her hands on the shoulders of Randy and Oasis Great Elder, and used her awakening ability.

The next moment, the two disappeared out of thin air before the eyes of the knights.

"Where are people?" The knights widened their 0.1 eyes and looked around in astonishment.

They searched around, but didn't find Randy and the others.

When the knights were looking for someone, Randy and Oasis Elder had already been brought into the Duke's mansion by Huxi and appeared in a long corridor.

"Come in." Huxi let go of his hand and continued to remain invisible.

"Where will Bo Li be?" Randy blinked Amber's dark eyes.

Hu Xi analyzed: "As a duke, he must live in the best house, which should be easy to find.

"It makes sense. I'll look for it. You guys are waiting for me here." Hu Xi left the corridor with his awakening ability again.

A few minutes later, the girl returned to the two of them.

"How is it?" Randy asked quickly.

Hu Xi briefly showed his figure: "I found it, it's right in front.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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