Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2110: How Can You Resist It. (2 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Elder Oasis and Randy walked forward along the corridor, and Huxi's voice sounded in their ears, correcting their direction.

When encountering someone, Huxi shot immediately and made him faint.

"It's just ahead." Hu Xi said.

Elder Oasis and Randy looked up, looking over the wall in front, and saw a magnificent roof.

The magnificence in their eyes is still incomparable to the highland palace of the Xuanwu Kingdom compared to the Fuqi King City.

Hu Xi said: "If you guess correctly, the Duke of Boli should be inside.

"Go in and have a look." Randy said charmingly.

"Let's go." Oasis Great Elder responded.

The three of them left the promenade, walked around the high wall to the depths of the courtyard, and in front of them was a three-story building.

In front of the gate, there are two knights standing guard.

"What should we do now?" Randy looked at the Elder Oasis.

Elder Oasis said indifferently: "Go in directly."

Randy said coquettishly: "Then if someone attacks, I will fight back."

Elder Lvzhou nodded and said: "Yes, as long as Bo Li is caught, leave immediately."

This is the King's City of Fuqi, which is someone else's territory. This place is still in the Duke's Mansion, not far away is the Royal Palace. There are many experts who need to be cautious.

"Yes." Randy and Huxi agreed, and the two walked towards the three-story building in the open and in the dark.

The appearance of the three quickly attracted the attention of the knights on duty.

The knights looked serious, watching Randy and the others vigilantly.

"I'm looking for your Duke." Randy said.

The knight on duty asked solemnly: "My lord is very busy, what's the matter?"

Randy rolled his eyes and said, "I have a big deal to discuss with him."

The knights looked at each other, they didn't know what happened at the gate, they thought that the person who came was a distinguished guest, otherwise how could they come here directly?

They made eye contact and nodded to each other.

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask the Duke for instructions." One of the knights said seriously.

"Go." Randy waved his hand.

The knight turned around and entered the three-story building to report to the Duke of Boli.

After a few minutes.

The knight came out of the building and saluted the knight, "You two, our lord duke invites you."

"Lead the way." Oasis Great Elder said indifferently.

Hu Xi secretly complained: "It's all okay..."

The three of Randy followed behind the knight and stepped into the building.

As soon as Elder Oasis entered the building, he faced a six-meter-high lobby with many glazed lamps hanging on it, and the beams were made of purple-patterned light steel.

Randy raised her eyebrows lightly, and said in surprise, "This lamp must have been produced in the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Your Excellency is very knowledgeable, you can recognize this." The knight who led the way said in surprise.

Randy raised his chin and proudly said: "Currently only the Xuanwu Kingdom can produce glazed products, not to mention that the lamps are so exquisite that they can only be produced in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

...... Is that so? "The knight is a little speechless and doesn't know much about it.

Randy continued to say: "There is also this beam, which is made of purple-patterned light steel. It seems to be only found in Yili City in the Kingdom of Lanlupo."

The knight didn't think much, nodded and said: "Yes, these purple-patterned light steels were just obtained by the Duke, and they were replaced only two days ago."

Randy and Oasis Great Elder looked at each other, their eyes turned cold.

Randy asked in surprise: "Your Duke likes these things very much?"

The knight explained casually: "Yes, the Duke likes to collect beautiful and rare things.

"It's very capable to get the purple pattern light steel." Randy praised.

The knight smiled and didn't say much.

Randy suddenly said: "By the way, I remember that the Ziwen light steel mining area belongs to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Yes." The knight replied.

Randy asked with a half-smile: "Then your duke is not afraid that the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom will come to make trouble?"

"Hehe, I'm really not afraid." A cold voice sounded, and the Duke of Boli, who was wearing a fur coat, stepped forward and answered the girl's question in person.

"My lord, the knight hurriedly saluted.

"Go on." The Duke of Burleigh waved his hand.

"Yes." The knight turned and left.

Elder Oasis looked at the Duke of Boli. He was 1.85 meters tall, with a slender figure and a feminine temperament, which had nothing to do with elegance.

The Duke of Burleigh raised his chin and looked down at Randy and Oasis Elder with condescending eyes: "I heard that you are here to negotiate a deal with me, what deal?"

Randy blinked Amber's eyes, and grinned: "I'm here to discuss with you, should I take the initiative to go with us to the Xuanwu Kingdom to meet His Majesty, or let us arrest you and go back.

The expression of the Duke of Boli changed, and he looked at the girl and the first elder with suspicion in his eyes: "Who are you?"

"You stole our purple-patterned light steel, why don't you pretend to know it now?" Randy put his hands on his hips.

The Duke of Boli's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "Are you from the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward." Randy tilted his head.

Bo Li's face was ugly, but he soon became calm again.

He sneered and said, "Without evidence, it's better not to slander people."

Randy said with cold eyes: "We have already caught why, and he has explained everything, so you don't have to quibble.

Bo Li frowned slightly, he didn't expect that He You could still be found, a killing intent flashed in his heart, and he regretted that he didn't get rid of him quickly.

He said proudly: "So what, just relying on one person's words, you want to slander me?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him." Oasis Great Elder said in a deep voice.

Randy nodded in agreement with 770: "Catch him directly, His Majesty Mu Liang will deal with him."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Oasis Great Elder, compressed the surrounding air, and attacked the Duke of Boli.


The Duke of Burleigh hid aside, the wooden floor under his feet and the surrounding walls burst open, and debris flew in all directions.

He roared angrily: "Damn you, dare to destroy my house."

"Cut." Randy hid aside, and took out a glass bottle, which was filled with lavender powder.

The Duke of Bo Li frowned slightly, not knowing what the brown-haired girl was.

Seeing this, Huxi and Oasis Great Elder quickly took out a secret medicine and took it.

Randy uncorked the bottle and scattered the powder in the bottle. The lavender powder quickly spread to the entire first floor.

Bo Li had an ominous premonition, and quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose.

Randy laughed and said: "Hee hee, it's useless, mist pollen can enter the body through the skin, if you don't take the antidote, it will still be affected."

Bo Li's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly dodged backwards.

It's a pity that it was too late, the mist pollen flew with the air current, and always followed the Duke of Boli.

He felt itchy all over, and then became confused.

Hu Xi showed his figure, put his arms in front of him and said, "How can you resist the tenth-level mist pollen?"

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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