Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2111: Tea Tasting Party. (1 More)

In the palace, in the study.

Mu Liang is drawing a picture, and the production of the surveillance camera has encountered some problems, and the production needs to be re-conceived.


He kept the pen in his hand, and the tip of the pen left traces on the paper, and there were dozens of draft papers piled up by his hand.

"It shouldn't work like this, it's really troublesome." Mu Liang exhaled, removed the waste draft in his hand, and tore a clean piece of paper to start writing again.

After half an hour, he put down the pen in his hand and took a statutory break.


The study door was pushed open a crack, and the fox fairy probed into the room.

She asked in a charming voice, "Mu Liang, are you busy?"

"No, come in." Mu Liang's slightly frowned brows stretched out, seeing the fox-tailed woman's arrival, he immediately felt happy.

Hearing this, Hu Immortal walked into the study, walked to Mu Liang's side step by step, and habitually sat on his lap.

At the door of the study, the little maids quickly closed the door, exchanged glances and then dispersed.

Mu Liang hugged the fox-tailed woman's waist, and smelled her unique fragrance, which was unmatched by any perfume.

He asked softly, "Aren't you going to the commercial city today?"

The fox fairy looked charming, raised his hand to lay a wreath on Mu Liang's chest, and parted his red lips slightly: "The important things are all arranged, I can take a day off."

"Take a day off, what are you going to do?" Mu Liang lowered his head slightly, and the scent on the fox-tailed woman became more obvious.

"I don't know, but I have something else to discuss with you." The rose red eyes of the fox fairy seemed to be seductive, and the slender eyelashes flickered a few times.

Mu Liang exerted force on his hands and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Putting his hand on Mu Liang's chest, Hu Immortal said in a flattering voice: "I counted the orders for the last month, and found that there are not as many Xingchen tea leaves as in the beginning."

Mu Liang said softly: "This is normal, the market is getting saturated."

The price of star tea is not low, especially the high-grade star tea, which ordinary people cannot afford. Only those nobles and wealthy merchants will buy it.

The most common star tea is rarely bought by ordinary people. In their view, tea is dispensable, and it is more important to be able to eat well and dress warmly.

When they solve the problem of food and clothing and have spare money, they will consider pursuing a high-quality life.

The fox fairy said charmingly: "Saturation, this can't be done, there are so many star tea leaves piled up in the warehouse, we have to sell them.

Mu Liang said softly: "If you want to sell quickly, you may have to lower the selling price, or introduce better discounts.

Hu Immortal blinked her pink eyes, thought for a moment and said, "Eleven will be given away on the real eleven?"

"It's not impossible, but ordinary people shouldn't be able to afford ten catties at a time." Mu Liang said clearly.

Hu Xianmei said: "That's not important, this discount is for those merchants, they can stock up.

"Well, it can boost the transaction volume." Mu Liang nodded slowly, thinking of the shopping festival in his previous life, the transaction amount of tens of billions was indeed very attractive.

He was wondering if it would be possible to implement a 'shopping festival' in the Xuanwu Kingdom to promote the sales of various commodities.

Mu Liang looked at the fox-tailed woman and expressed his thoughts.

"Shopping Festival?" The fox fairy tilted his head, thinking in his heart.

Mu Liang nodded and said: "Well, the Xuanwu Shopping Festival can launch various activities, such as buying as much as you can get, or buying as much as you can get as much as free..."

"Sounds very interesting and attractive." Hu Immortal's beautiful eyes lit up.

With a smile in Mu Liang's eyes, he said in a gentle voice, "Yes, after hearing that, I want to buy them all and take them home."

"Then I need to plan carefully." Hu Immortal calculated in his mind.

Mu Liang said clearly: "Well, the billboards on the street can be replaced with new ones, or some new, bigger and more conspicuous billboards can be erected.

Hu Immortal's eyes showed surprise and said: "It makes sense, Qin Yi has to make new commercials and posters."

Mu Liang tilted his head and asked, "As for the sales of Star Tea that you said are not as high as before, what about those big orders?"

"The large orders of Xingchen tea are being prepared, and they will all be ready for delivery within half a month." The fox flicked its tail lightly.

"Any new orders?" Mu Liang stretched out his hand to hold the tail of the fox-tailed woman.

The fox fairy said angrily: "Yes, but very few, that's why sales are not as good as before."

After hearing the words, Mu Liang thought for a while, then said softly: "Then we can launch new activities, such as tea tasting party, and invite those wealthy businessmen and nobles to participate."

"Tea-tasting party?" Fox Immortal's eyes revealed doubts.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, just charge the entrance fee for the tea party, you can eat all kinds of pastries, drink new tea, and listen to new music at the tea party."

Hu Immortal frowned and said, "You can drink tea and eat cakes as you please, only charge the entrance fee, we are at a loss."

"Think about it for a long time." Mu Liang gently pinched the fox-tailed woman's face.

He continued: "The purpose of the tea tasting event is to promote new teas, and let more people know about Star Tea and Life Source Tea, and let them know that these teas are good, so as to promote sales.

~This way..." The fox fairy became thoughtful.

Mu Liang continued: "Not everyone likes to drink tea, so there must be other things to attract them, such as delicious pastries, nice music, and an opportunity to get along and make friends with high-class people.

Hu Immortal said in surprise: "The opportunity to get along with high-class people and make friends, can this also attract people?"

"Of course, as far as I know, those businessmen and nobles who rely on their status all like this kind of tea party."

Mu Liang explained with a smile: "This is not only to show off and show yourself, but also to make new contacts, which will be helpful to their work and industry."

The fox fairy's beautiful eyes sparkled, and she said charmingly: "It makes sense, after hearing what you say, this tea party should really be organized well.

Mu Liang instructed: "Well, remember that the tickets for the tea tasting party should not be too expensive. Those nobles and wealthy businessmen with status can give away tickets for free. The most important thing is to invite people to the tea tasting party."

"Well, I see, it seems that today I won't be (Wang Ma is taking a break." Hu Immortal gave Mu Dian a charming look.

A smile flashed across Mu Liang's eyes, he patted the foxtail woman's hand and said, "This is not urgent, it can be done in a few days later."

"That won't work. Now that I've brought it up, I have to do it immediately. What matters is efficiency." The fox fairy stood up as he spoke, and the eight fox tails behind him gently swayed.

"Going to work now?" Mu Liang asked with regret.

Hu Xian said charmingly: "Well, I'll go to Acropolis No. 8 first, and ask Qinyi to help me take a few sets of posters, and I have to get someone to prepare new cakes and tea..."

"Okay, pay attention to rest." Mu Liang said helplessly.

"Understood, if I didn't come back tonight, I might just be busy." Hu Immortal waved his hands, twisted his waist and left the study.

Mu Liang looked at the closed study door, and the appointed one picked up a pen and continued to study the surveillance camera.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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