Not long after the fox fairy left, the study door was pushed open again.

Mino poked his head in and asked crisply, "Mu Liang, where's Miss Hu Xian?"

"She has gone to Acropolis No. 8." Mu Liang raised his eyes and said softly.

"Didn't you take a day off, why did you run out again?" Mino asked delicately.

Mu Liang shrugged helplessly, and said softly: "The rest has been cancelled, and I may not come back at night."

"Ah, I'm so busy." Mino sighed regretfully.

"What can I do with her?" Mu Hao asked curiously.

Mino said softly, "It's fine, I want to go skiing with Sister Hu Xian."

She has already finished her work today, and she has nothing to do when she comes back from school. She originally wanted to go skiing with Fox Immortal, and then draw a new Kuluo card pattern when she comes back in the afternoon.

Mu Liang asked gently: "Maybe next time, you can find someone to accompany you."

"Let's think about it, Sister Qinlan is also busy, and Yan and Xibeiqi didn't come at the air force base." Lai Nuo ruled them out one by one with his fingers.

She pouted and looked at Mu Liang, and said helplessly, "Sister Li Yue and Sister Yan Bing have training tasks, and Sister Nijisha and Elena are also busy..."

A smile flashed in Mu Liang's eyes: "Everyone is a bit busy these two days."

Mino shook his head, and the fluffy rabbit 850 ears wobbled: "Then I'd better stop skiing, it's not fun to play by myself."

"You can ask Xiao Zi and the others, there is still someone who can accompany you." Mu Liang said softly.

"I don't want it anymore, Xiao Zi and the others also need to train." Mino said charmingly.

Xiao Zi and the others are combat maids, and besides their daily work, they have to train every day.

Mu Liang said clearly: "We can build a ski resort and ice rink in the highland, and we can play in the highland in the future."

Mino shook his head and said: "No, there is a portal, and it is not far from the highland to the No. 12 Acropolis, and there is not much land left for the highland, so don't waste the space.

"You can build a ski resort on the Tree of Life, and there won't be much space on it." Mu Liang raised his finger to the top of his head.

"Hey, it seems that Mino blinked his blue eyes.

Mu Liang said warmly: "The canopy is also cold enough, and the snow and ice won't melt easily. It is very suitable for building ski resorts and ice rinks."

Mino whispered: "It will be very troublesome..."

"No, it will take half an hour." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gently scratched the bridge of the rabbit-eared girl's nose.

"Oh, that's good." Mino blushed slightly, not wanting to burden Mu Liang.

"Let's go, let's build a ski resort." Mu Liang stood up as he said.

"Eh, now?" Mino said in astonishment.

She hurriedly said: "Aren't you busy, let's finish the work before building.

Mu Liang didn't care and said: "I'm busy with things, I don't have a clue for the time being, maybe I will have a better idea after taking a break."

"Oh, that's it..." Mino nodded thoughtfully.

"Let's go." Mu Liang stretched out his hand.

Mino smiled happily, stretched out his hand to hold Mu Liang's hand, and he jumped out of the study room with him.

They appeared in the air and stood in front of another palace on the branch.

Mu Liang raised his eyelids, and raised his finger to point upwards: "How about building it there?"

"Okay." Mino didn't think much about it, and he was not good at things like land use planning and site selection.

"Then let's build it there." Mu Liang looked indifferent, raised his hand and pressed it on the trunk of the tree of life.


The tree of life lit up, and two new horizontal branches grew from the body of the tree, which grew thick at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon grew into a ten-meter-thick branch.

Mu Liang stepped up, and with a thought, he used his ability to create a large amount of cloud and mist, wrapping the ends of the newly grown branches, forming the foundation of the ski resort and ice rink.

The entire cloud platform is attached to the branches, and it also has the ability to float, so there is no need to worry about safety.

Mu Liang laid a layer of colored glaze on the cloud platform to make the site level.


With a thought, the water element in the air condensed and turned into a stream of water covering the glazed platform.

The water (cedi) sloshed and soon reached a depth of half a meter.

"Calm." Mu Liang raised his hand and pressed down, controlling the flowing water to become calm [to facilitate the construction of an ice rink.


When the water surface completely calmed down and became like a mirror, the icy aura spewed out from Mu Liang's palm, quickly covering the entire glazed platform.


The water quickly condenses into ice, the ice surface is as smooth as a mirror, and the cold air rises.

"It looks even better than the skating rink." Mino reached out and tapped the ice.

Mu Liang said softly, "You can try sliding."

"Okay." Mino took out his skates enthusiastically, put them on skillfully and stood on the ice.

Now she can stand firmly on the ice without the help of handrails, and can also perform various difficult movements, even jumping up and spinning five times in the air and landing safely.

The bunny-eared girl danced on the ice, making difficult moves. The girl was like an elf dancing on the ice, her movements were graceful and pleasing to the eye.

Ten minutes later, Mino returned to Mu Liang with a lot of enthusiasm.

"How do you feel?" Mu Liang stretched out his hand, and pinned the scattered hair of the girl with rabbit ears behind her ears.

"It's great, I can come here to play every day from now on." Mino became excited, his pretty face flushed a little.

Mu Liang patted the girl with rabbit ears on the head: "Just like it, let's build the ski resort.

"Yeah." Mino nodded vigorously.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand, the water elements in the air condensed again, the cold air covered it, the water elements froze into snowflakes, and then fell one after another.

After a while, the glazed platform was completely covered by snowflakes, and as time passed, the thickness of the snow layer also increased.

"It's so beautiful." Mino raised his face and watched the snowflakes fall.

The snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger, and the thickness of the snow layer reaches two meters.

Mu Liang began to adjust the position where the snowflakes fell, compacted the snow layer in some areas, and then covered it with white snow layer by layer to create a snow slope.

The production of the ski resort is time-consuming, and it took half an hour to complete.

Minuo looked at the gradually improving ski resort, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and after Mu Liang built the guardrail of the ski resort, the girl couldn't wait to take out her skis and put them on.

"Go." Mu Liang patted the girl with rabbit ears on the shoulder.

"Okay." Hearing this, Mino pushed hard on his hands, and slid out while holding the ski poles.

Mu Liang put his arms around his body, watching the girl with rabbit ears slithering snake-like on the snow slope, with a lively smile on his face.

After the girl comes back from skiing, adjust the steepness and length of the snow slope according to her feedback, and increase the weight, thickness and density appropriately.

"Mu Liang, go get busy, I'll play by myself." Mino Jiaohan waved his hand.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

There is no need to worry about safety issues. With the life elemental spirits, even if the ski resort has no guardrails, it is impossible for the girl with rabbit ears to fall off.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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