Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2113: Vampires Become Models. (3 More)

In the main city, in the building where vampires live.

"Lu Lupin~~~"

Brilang knocked on the door in front of him, and asked in a low voice, "Xue Ye, are you home?"

After a while, the door was opened, and a neatly dressed vampire girl appeared in front of him.

"Let's go-." Xue Ye said coldly.

She has to go to work today - and she can't be late.

Brillang looked at the vampire girl's clothes. The tight-fitting skirt and high-heeled shoes looked very sexy and charming.

"What are you looking at, carefully dig out your eyeballs." Xue Ye said coldly.

Brilang twitched the corners of his mouth, and complained: "You are so well dressed, why don't you show it?"

"It's not for you to see." Xue Ye said coldly.

"Who is that for?" Brilang asked curiously.

Xue Ye's beautiful golden eyes narrowed slightly, and said in a bad tone: "I appreciate myself, understand?"

"Understood, I'll shut up." Brilang closed his mouth resentfully, and looked away, otherwise Xue Ye would really dig out his eyeballs.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

As soon as the two left the building, they met Oris and Leopold who came back from the outside.

"Third Elder, Deacon Oris," Bu Li hurriedly saluted.

Orlis asked indifferently: "What are you going to do?"

"We're going to work..." Brilang replied subconsciously.

The corner of Xue Ye's eyes twitched, and she lifted her foot and stepped hard on Brilang's vamp, with the stiletto heel embedded in the instep.


With a scream, the second half of the sentence was abruptly interrupted.

Xue Ye answered without changing his expression: "We plan to go out for a walk."

Brilang endured the pain, and stared at the vampire girl with resentful eyes, knowing that he almost said something wrong just now, so he didn't dare to complain.

Orlis raised his eyebrows lightly, and said calmly, "Where should we go shopping?"

"Shanhai Commercial City." Xue Ye said without changing his expression.

"It's interesting to run so far." Ollie smiled lightly.

Leopolu turned his head and said, "Why do you care so much?"

"Understood, don't ask."

Orlis curled his lips, waved his hands and said, "You go."

"Yes." Xueye and Brilang responded, turned around and left quickly, not forgetting to look back to see if Oris and Leopoldo had followed.

"Father, they should be going to work." Orlis said in a tone that saw through everything.

Leopolu said indifferently: "There is no need to expose them. The ancestor said that it is better to have a job for the tribe to integrate into the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Oh, I see." Olis replied vaguely.

"You also have to find a job." Leopolu looked at his son and said.

"Huh?" Oris' eyes widened.

Leopolo said in a tone that could not be refused: "Oh, what, it must be."

"I see..." Olis twitched the corners of his mouth, his face was a little stiff, and he felt extremely depressed.

On the other side, Xueye and Brilang quickly left the residential area and walked in another direction.

Brilang kept turning his head and muttering, "The elders and the others didn't follow?"

Hearing this, Xue Ye stopped in her tracks, tilted her head and threatened: "Next time you slip up, I will tear your mouth off.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Brilang said awkwardly.

"Hmph." Xue Ye said with a cold face.

Brilang changed the subject: "Where do you work?"

Xue Ye said casually: "Dingsan Street, there is a place to train models, and the training is there. The specific work place will be known later."

As a model, the place of work is not fixed, where the model needs to appear, the model has to go there.

"Oh, okay." Brilang nodded.

"Why are you still following me?" Xue Ye asked coldly.

Brilang has also found a job, which is different from Xue Ye's job. He is working in a workshop that collects animal blood, and is responsible for screening the freshness of animal blood.

The monthly salary of this job is 800 yuan Xuanwu coins, not including food and accommodation, but you can get a bottle of processed fourth-order animal blood for free every month.

Xue Ye was a little moved, but when he thought about the environment of this job, he still liked the job of modeling even more.

She considers herself a noble vampire, and she should stand on the runway to attract the attention of all, instead of doing blood collection work, that is what she should do.

Brilang shrugged and said, "I don't have to go to work today, and I won't be able to go until two days later.

"Then why are you going out with me?" Xue Ye asked speechlessly.

"Go and see where you work, I'm very curious about models. Brendan said of course.

When the two came to Xuanwu Kingdom, they hadn't seen a model catwalk yet, they had only seen different models on posters.

Xue Ye twitched the corners of her mouth, but in the end she still didn't rush Brilang to leave, maybe he would need his help later, for example to help buy lunch.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two walked towards Dingsan Street, and soon saw the place where the models were training.

It was a five-storey building with glazed exterior and several large posters hanging on the walls. They were the most famous models among the current models.

"It's here." Xue Ye felt a little nervous, it was her first time to go to work, and she didn't know what she would experience.

"Aren't you going in?" Brilang asked sideways.

"Shut up." Xue Ye spat out two words from his red lips, and walked into the building.

Inside the building, in the reception hall, the staff watched the two come in with appreciative eyes.

"Is the new model here to report?" the staff asked.

"Yes." Xue Ye nodded.

The staff beckoned and said, "What's your name, come and register first."

"Xue Ye." Xue Ye replied.

"Xue Ye..." The staff member heard this and opened the drawer, took out a document, and flipped through two pages to find the words on it.

After a while, she raised her voice and said, "I found it. A person named Xue Ye came to report today."

"Give me your ID card." Another staff member smiled.

Hearing this, Xue Ye quickly took out a temporary ID card and handed it forward, still feeling a little nervous.

"Hey, it's a temporary ID card, or a vampire, it's a bit rare." The staff was a little surprised when they saw the information on the ID card.

Xue Ye's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly: "Is there any question?"

"No, wait a moment." The staff member replied casually, took out another document and started registration.

After a while, she took out an ID card with a rope, handed it to the vampire girl and said, "Here, this is your ID card, and you must wear it around your neck when you enter and leave here."

Xue Ye took it and glanced at it. There was a string of numbers written on the ID card, as well as her name.

She didn't think much of it, and hung the ID card around her neck.

"Come with me, I'll take you to meet the person in charge here." The staff member walked out of the counter and gestured with his hand.

"Okay." Xue Ye gave Bu Lilang a look, and then followed the staff to the second floor.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize the evening. .

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