Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2114: Walk Like A Queen. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xue Ye followed the staff to the second floor and walked deep along the corridor.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

The staff stopped, knocked on the door in front of them, and asked for instructions: "Sister Ai, the newcomer who reported today is here.

"Come in." A gentle voice came from the room.

"Sister Ai?" Xue Ye blinked her golden eyes.

The staff explained before opening the door: "Sister Ai manages all the models, is responsible for training, business, etc., and is a very powerful adult."

"Oh." Xue Ye frowned lightly, it sounds like this woman named Ai Jie is very powerful.

The staff pushed open the door and walked in with the vampire girl.

In the office, a woman with big gray waves is sitting on an office chair. She has a proud figure and exudes the temperament of a mature woman.

"Sister Ai, she's "Four Five Zero" fried." The staff introduced.

Sister Ai waved her hand, her sexy red lips parted slightly: "Understood, you can go down."

"Okay." The staff gave Xue Ye a look, turned around and left the office, and closed the door behind them.

Xue Ye was looking at Sister Ai, her eyes fell on her sexy red lips, as if she had a special kind of magic power, making people unable to move their eyes away.

The corners of Sister Ai's lips were slightly raised, and she crossed her legs and asked, "Is this lipstick color pretty?"

"Well, it's pretty good." Xue Ye agreed.

Sister Ai smiled and said, "This is a new color that hasn't been launched yet, called Xuanwu Red, and I'm trying it out.

"Oh." Xue Ye replied in a daze.

Sister Ai raised her hand to fiddle with her long gray wavy hair, and said in a charming voice: "As a model, one must understand 'fashion', as His Majesty said."

Xue Ye seemed to understand but didn't understand, and didn't know what fashion was.

Sister Ai waved her hand and said, "Okay, don't stand still, go to the doctor.

"Okay." Xue Ye sat down upon hearing this.

"My name is Aihua, but everyone here calls me Sister Ai, and you are no exception." Aihua opened her red lips slightly.

"Yes, Sister Ai." Xue Ye's throat moved.

She didn't know why, but the arrogance of being a pure blood vampire completely disappeared in front of this woman in front of her.

Aihua looked at Xue Ye carefully, and suddenly said: "You don't look like an ordinary person."

"I'm a vampire." Xue Ye lifted his chin slightly when he heard the words, and lowered his head unconsciously when he met Aihua's eyes.

"Vampire, very good." Aihua smiled slightly.

She put her chin on her palm, and said with a smile, "There is no need to restrain your arrogance here. To be a good model, you need strong self-confidence."

"Is that so..." Xue Ye's throat moved.

Aihua smiled and nodded: "Of course, I don't want the trained models to be obsequious when they walk on the catwalk. Confidence is very important.

"I understand." Xue Ye nodded thoughtfully.

"Of course, I also understand your vampire race." Aihua raised his eyes and looked at the vampire girl.

She leaned forward slightly, and said in a calm tone: "But here, I don't allow things that bully my companions to happen, can it be done?"

Xue Ye swallowed, being overwhelmed by Aihua's powerful aura, she nodded subconsciously.

Aihua said earnestly: "I agree with what His Majesty said, a person's nobility, elegance, and grandeur are determined by his own temperament and attire, not by his racial identity."

Xue Ye was silent for a moment, and couldn't help complaining: "Your Majesty has said so much."

"....." Aihua twitched her brows.

On the high ground, Mu Liang, who was busy in the palace, couldn't help but sneezed, wondering who was speaking ill of him behind his back.

Ai Hua said angrily: "The modeling industry was promoted by His Majesty, and I remember everything he said."

Xue Ye was a little surprised and had a new understanding of Mu Liang.

Aihua stood up and said in a gentle voice: "Okay, there is nothing to say, follow me to the classroom, I will take the first class today."

"Okay." Xue Ye also stood up quickly.

The two left the office and walked to the other end of the corridor on the second floor.

Before the two reached the classroom, they heard crisp footsteps.

"I can't walk steadily, that's not acceptable." Aihua said dissatisfied.

Xue Ye was surprised, just by listening to the sound, you can know whether you are walking steadily or not?

The two walked into the classroom and saw more than thirty tall women practicing step by step. They were wearing six-centimeter high heels and walking step by step.

When the women saw Aihua coming in, they all stopped to say hello: "Sister Ai."

Aihua nodded, and introduced sideways: "Well, let me introduce to you, this is the newcomer who came today, Xuehan..."

"Great, another newcomer is here, and I'm not the worst one to leave."

"It looks so pretty."

The women talked and looked at the vampire girl.

Aihua clapped his hands and signaled the vampire girl: "Okay, go pick out a pair of high heels that fit your feet, and get ready to start today's class.

Xue Ye heard the words and looked towards the wall of the classroom, where there was a row of shelves filled with all kinds of high-heeled shoes.

She went forward, picked up a pair of six-centimeter high heels, tried to put them on her feet, and found that they fit exceptionally well.

She walked two steps in high heels, staggered a few times, and managed not to fall.

The other models said with a smile: "This is the first time I wear high heels, and I get used to it after walking around more.

"Xue Ye, take a good look. "I'll walk through it for you to take a look." Aihua called out to attract the attention of the vampire girl.

Xue Ye heard the words and looked around, only to see Aihua raised his head and chest, his whole temperament changed.

She lifted her legs and walked forward, with a graceful and graceful figure, and every step seemed to be stepping on the heartbeat of a girl. At this time, she was like a queen, full of confidence in every step.

Xue Ye's pink lips were wide open, and she was completely attracted by Aihua. At this time, she was more like an aristocrat among nobles, making the vampire girl feel ashamed.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Aihua stopped, looked at the vampire girl, and asked calmly, "How am I going?"

"Very good, like a queen." Xue Ye couldn't help but tell the truth.

"Your Majesty also praised me as 0.4." Aihua raised his chin proudly.

Xue Ye pursed her lips, and had to admire Mu Liang's gaze.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." Aihua thought of something, put his arms around his body and looked at the women.

She smiled and said: "There will be four fashion shows in three days, and there will be a tea tasting party in five days. Those who have trained well in the past few days, I can arrange for you to go on stage to earn some Xuanwu City.

Xue Ye's beautiful golden eyes lit up immediately when she heard the words, can she earn basalt coins?

Aihua said coldly: "Let's talk about stepping well, don't even think about walking badly, I don't want the trained models to be ashamed on stage."

"Yes." The girls responded excitedly.

"Start today's class." Aihua clapped his hands and began to teach patiently.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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