Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2115: Monitor The Use Of Spiritual Weapons. (2 More)

At the gate of the palace, Mu Liang was floating off the ground, installing a rectangular object under the eaves.

Mino raised his face, and asked Jiaohan: "Mu Liang, is it really useful?"

"Try it later and you'll know." Mu Liang responded with his head bowed.

He has already produced the surveillance camera and is preparing for installation and commissioning.

"I'll find out later." Li Yue said softly.

Mu Liang fixed the monitoring spirit device under the eaves, aiming at the gate of the palace and the square in front of the palace.

The monitoring spirit tool is as big as an adult's thigh, and the whole is rectangular. There is a fist-sized Warcraft spar at each end, and there is a magic circle inside, which is used to collect and store images.

He activated the monitoring spirit device, and the two Warcraft spar lit up dimly, which meant that the monitoring spirit device had started to work.

Mu Liang fell back to the ground and patted the dust off his hands.

"Is that all right?" Mino asked with blue eyes.

Mu Liang said softly: "Well, connect to the TV and watch."

He took out an idle TV, and took out a Warcraft spar and pressed it on the TV. There was a magic circle 24 engraved in it, which could transmit the images stored in the monitoring spirit device to the TV in real time.

Just like the transmission principle of the central processor, signal tower, and TV.

Mu Liang turned on the TV, and then pressed the installed Warcraft spar, and invisible fluctuations spread out.

The TV screen flickered a few times, and the picture was displayed normally. I saw the girl with rabbit ears, He Yue and others.

"Hey, it's really possible." Mino exclaimed coquettishly, and quickly raised his face to look at the monitoring spirit weapon.

In the TV screen, the rabbit-eared girl also raised her face, but the angle of view changed to look up.

From the perspective of Mu Liang and the others, the girl with rabbit ears on the TV is looking at herself.

"It looks pretty good." Mu Liang said with satisfaction.

Li Yue said with a serious expression: "Mu Liang, this spiritual weapon cannot be known to outsiders.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Of course, keeping it mysterious is the only way to reflect the value of the monitoring spirit weapon to the greatest extent, and to allow people who don't know to show their true self under the monitoring spirit weapon."

Li Yue's eyes flickered, and she said earnestly: "That's what I mean, this monitoring spirit weapon will be very useful for collecting information."

"Well, you and I have the same opinion." Mu Liang smiled.

Liyue looked at herself on the TV, if it wasn't for Mu Liang's introduction, she would easily ignore the surveillance spirit weapon when she saw it.

"Mu Liang, is it difficult to make this surveillance spirit?" Mino asked delicately.

Mu Liang sighed, and said helplessly: "I have to draw the magic circle in the magic beast spar myself, and the other steps can be done by spirit weapon masters and weapon refiners.

The magic array used in the monitoring spirit tool is very complicated. It belongs to the ninth-order space magic array. There are more than eight magic arrays of various sizes.

In the current Xuanwu Kingdom, he is the only person who can describe a high-level space system magic circle.

Mino tilted his head and said crisply: "Then you will be very busy, not only monitoring the spirit weapon, but also the portal and so on, you have to make it yourself.

"Well, I can't take it easy." Mu Liang raised his hand to rub the girl's head.

Mino blinked his beautiful eyes and said: "It's too hard, I have to find someone to help you share it."

Mu Liang said clearly: "There are too few space magicians, and there are even fewer high-level space magicians.

"I remember that there is a space magician beside Duke Bai Li." Li Yue said suddenly.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he turned his head and asked, "Where are Hu Xi and the others?"

Liyue said softly: "I have already left the Kingdom of Fuqi, and I am rushing to the sea of ​​mist."

Mu Liang said clearly: "Just catch the Duke of Boli, let them ask where the magician of the space system is.

"Okay." Li Yue replied.

"Pay close attention to the situation in the Kingdom of Fuqi. Mu Liang asked.

Li Yue said crisply: "The arrangements have been made, and we will report back as soon as there is any situation.

"En." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

At night, Hu Xian came back from Shanhai Commercial City.

Hu Immortal walked into the study room and asked, "Mu Liang, I've already arranged the tea tasting party, and the invitations have been sent out, will you show up when the time comes?"

The people invited to the tea tasting party are nobles and wealthy businessmen. Those who get the invitations can attend for free, while others can only buy tickets with money.

"Of course, I'll stay for a while then." Mu Liang said softly.

For the tea tasting party, as the initiator of the organizer, his appearance can improve the quality of the tea tasting party, and at the same time stimulate consumption and promote new tea.

Imagine, the tea that the king of a country likes to drink, will those nobles try it?

"Then I'll ask someone to arrange the main seat for you." Hu Xian responded in a melodious voice.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked, "I've been busy for three days, can I rest now?"

The fox fairy said helplessly: "How can I rest, I will be busy tomorrow, and there are still many things to deal with during the shopping festival."

"Thank you." Mu Liang took the fox-tailed woman's hand.

"I'm used to it." The fox fairy said jokingly.

Mu Liang asked gently, "May I massage for you?"

"Let's talk after dinner." Hu Immortal's pink eyes sparkled, and he reached out and gently hooked Mu Liang's collar.

"Fox spirit." Mu Liang's throat moved, and he smelled the fragrance of the woman with a fox tail.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

There was a knock on the study door, and Buff's voice sounded: "Your Majesty, Lord Hu Immortal, it's time for dinner.

"Understood." Mu Liang responded.

The fox fairy blinked her beautiful eyes, and said charmingly: "Look, dinner is ready."

"Okay." Mu Liang's eyes were filled with regret, and he stood up and straightened his sleeves.


Hu Xian laughed a few times, took Mu Liang's arm and left the study, 830 and the two came to the dining room, the little maids put hot dishes on the table, and the tempting aroma wafted out.

Mu Liang and the others sat down and picked up chopsticks to enjoy dinner.

Tasting the twice-cooked pork, Hu Immortal said in admiration: "It's all the same way, what you cook is better than the ones in the gourmet building."

"Maybe the seasonings are different." Xiao Zi explained.

All kinds of spices and seasonings used in the palace are the best, and the raw materials are cultivated by the little maid in the back garden, which is the closest to the tree of life.

The raw materials cultivated under the tree of life are naturally different from the "cheap big bowl" in the gourmet restaurant.

Mu Liang smiled and nodded: "Well, that's right."

"No wonder I always want to come back to the palace for lunch." Sibeki muttered.

When she goes to the air force base for training, she always flies back to the palace for lunch at noon, instead of staying in the canteen of the air force base.

After the portal was installed at the back, it became convenient to go back and forth. Even if it was a lunch break, I wanted to go back to the palace to rest.

"What I eat, I naturally use dim sum." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Mu Liang looked at the little maids, and said softly, "Xiao Zi and the others are also interested."

Buff and others were praised, and there were smiles on their faces. They all liked this job from the bottom of their hearts.

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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