Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2116: Is This Person Really Out Of His Mind? (3 More)

On the transport spaceship, in the cabin where Bo Li was held, he was trying to break free from the chains on his body.

Huxi put his arms around his body and said coldly: "Give up, this chain is made of purple-patterned light steel, and there are eighteen kinds of magic circles engraved on it, even the king-level powerhouses can't break free

Purple pattern light steel is a material that can be enchanted, only worse than Warcraft spar and Fierce Beast spar.

The purple-patterned light steel chain that binds the Duke of Burleigh is engraved with a magic circle that suppresses power. The harder you struggle, the tighter the chain will be.

"Damn it, you can't treat me like this. Bo Li's face was ugly, and he looked at Hu Xi and the others as if he wanted to eat people.

Hu Xi rolled his eyes and said: "Cut, if you dare to call our purple pattern light steel's attention, you should have expected today.

The Duke of Boli said angrily: "I am the Duke of the Fuqi Kingdom, not the nobleman of your Xuanwu Kingdom. To arrest me, His Majesty must approve it."

Hu Xi curled his lips and said indifferently, "That is the rule of your kingdom, not ours."

"You have violated the constitution of our Xuanwu Kingdom, and you will be sanctioned." She said proudly.

The Duke of Boli roared angrily: "I am not from your Xuanwu Kingdom, why punish me?"

Hu Xi said angrily, "Because you stole our purple pattern light steel from me."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with him, just knock him out and send him back to His Majesty the Kingdom for disposal." Randy walked over.

Hu Xi yawned and said, "Isn't this boring, let's chat with him."

..." The corners of Bo Li's eyes twitched, feeling insulted.

Randy lowered his voice and said: "There is news from the palace, His Majesty has something important to ask him."

"What's the matter?" Hu Xi blinked his orange eyes.

Randy whispered: "Find that space magician."

"Hey, the magician who helped him steal the purple light steel?" Hu Xi said, looking at Duke Boli.

"Well, that's him." Randy nodded.

Hu Xi glanced at Duke Boli again, and rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to use the truth potion?" Randy whispered.

Hu Xi nodded: "Use it to ensure that he is telling the truth."

"Okay." Randy took out a medicine bottle and poured out a gray pill.

"What are you going to do?" Bo Li shrank his pupils, watching the pill in the girl's hand vigilantly.

The corners of Randy's lips rose: "Good stuff, three are very expensive.

Bo Li's throat moved, and he said sharply, "No, get out."

"That's up to you." Hu Xi grinned, raised his hand and punched the man hard in the stomach.


Bo Li's throat moved, his face flushed, and his mouth was tightly closed.

"Yeah, I haven't opened my mouth yet." Hu Ximei narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Let's pry it open." Randy took out a glazed stick and made a gesture to stuff it into Bo Li's mouth.

Bo Li's face was gloomy, a glass stick was stuffed into his mouth, and the girl began to exert force on her hand.


Duke Boli clenched his teeth tightly and bit the glazed stick tightly.

Hu Xi punched him in the stomach again, this time with all his strength.


The Duke of Bo Li couldn't hold it back, and opened his mouth to let out a scream. Seeing this, the girl stuffed the potion into his mouth, and then stabbed it to the throat with a glass stick.


The Duke of Burleigh moved his throat, and the potion was successfully swallowed.

"Swallow it, it's done." Hu Xi clapped his hands in satisfaction.

The Duke of Burleigh asked angrily: "What exactly is it that you are feeding me?"

Hu Xi replied with a smile: "The potion that makes you tell the truth, but if you lie, it will make your life worse than death."

The Duke of Burleigh's eyes were cold, and he did not believe that there would be such a potion.

Hu Xi pulled the chair and sat down, and asked directly: "I ask you, where is the space magician?"

Bo Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "So you want to find Lan Xi."

"It turns out that her name is Lan Xi, and she is still a woman by name." Hu Xi nodded.

"Where is she?" Randy asked aggressively.

Bo Li grinned and tilted his head: "Let me go, I will tell you."

Randy squinted at the words, and complained: "You don't look like a fool, how could you say such outrageous words?"

"It's very smart." Hu Xi nodded in agreement.

Randy flipped his hand and took out a feather: "If you don't say it, I have plenty of ways to make you speak."

"Is this your own feather?" Hu Xi asked subconsciously.

Randy's pretty face flushed slightly, she gave the girl a white look, and said angrily: "If you know it, don't say it.

She looked at Bo Li and poked the soles of his feet with a feather.

..." Bo Li put on a wooden face, not knowing what Ban Di was doing.

"Hey, don't you kiss?" Langdon's eyes widened.

Hu Xi raised his hand to his forehead: "Are you tickling him?"

"Yes." Randy nodded seriously.

Hu Xi asked again with certainty: "Is this the way you said to make him speak?"

"Yeah, I'm most afraid of tickling," Randy said innocently.

Hu Xi twitched the corners of his mouth, completely speechless.

The Duke of Boli looked at Huxi with the eyes of a fool. Is this person really out of his mind?

Randy blushed and asked, "Then what can you do?"

"Of course, putting him in an oil pan, or using a razor blade to his flesh, or sticking a needle between his nails, these are all better than your tickling." Hu Xi said in a bad tone.

The corners of Bo Li's eyes twitched when he heard this, and every method Hu Xi said made him numb all over.

Randy threw down the feather, and said crisply: "It makes sense, but there is no oil pan now, so I can only use the latter two methods."

"I have a knife, you do it." Huxi pulled out a sharp short knife.

Randy took the dagger, looked at Bo Li's exposed skin, and said, "A man with better skin than me.

"He's an aristocrat, he doesn't need to wash or cook, and his skin is of course good," Hu Xi said naively.

Randy squatted down, and stroked the skin of Duke Boli with a dagger.

"I'll pierce his nails (good Zhao)." Huxi took out a few long needles.

Seeing this, Randy couldn't help asking: "Huxi, why do you have everything?"

Hu Xi patted a glazed doll on his waist, proudly said: "I have room to store magic tools.

"Why didn't I?" Randy puffed up his mouth.

Hu Xi said crisply: "His Majesty Mu Liang gave it."

Randy wronged: "I also want..."

"Then go and ask His Majesty." Hu Xi winked and said.

Randy clenched the dagger in his hand and said, "Forget it, Your Majesty won't talk to me."

"That's not necessarily true. Your Majesty is very kind to his subordinates." Hu Xi patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Let's talk about it, continue to interrogate him. Randy raised his eyes to look at the Duke of Burleigh, his eyes turned cold.

The Duke of Boli felt his scalp go numb, looking at the girl's eyes, this was an opportunity to vent the grievance in his heart to himself.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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