Randy moved his fingers, and the blade lightly slashed across the skin of the Duke of Burleigh, leaving a shallow wound, from which bright red drops of blood seeped out.

The muscles on the Duke's face trembled a few times, feeling the pain from his body feedback, which made him a little flustered.

"Are you sure you don't want to say it?" Randy narrowed her beautiful eyes, her tone pretending to be weird.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, let him suffer first." After Huxi's voice fell, the thin needle directly pierced the nail of the man's left index finger.


The Duke of Burleigh's pupils dilated, and the piercing pain made him scream uncontrollably. His scalp felt numb, as if thousands of thin needles were piercing his head.

"One more." Hu Xi was not polite, and stuck a thin needle into his left middle finger.


The Duke of Boli screamed again, his face suddenly turned pale, and there was no blood on his face.

Randy's lips trembled, but Huxi didn't expect Huxi to do it without saying a word.

She gritted her teeth, and slashed down the short knife in her hand, leaving a wound one centimeter deep on Bo Li's hand.

"Sprinkle some salt to the wound. Huxi reminded.

Randy's beautiful eyes widened in astonishment: "Ah, why are you throwing salt, are you going to eat him?"

Bo Li's body trembled, what kind of operation is this?

. " Hu Xi twitched the corners of his mouth, and raised his hand to give the girl a headache. 250

She said angrily: "What are you thinking, sprinkle salt on the wound, it will make him hurt even more."

"Oh, just tell me, why are you still beating me?" Randy covered her head in aggrieved manner, and stared at Huxi with resentment.

"I just want to hit you." Hu Xi rolled his eyes arrogantly.

Randy stood up when he heard the words, and said aggressively: "I'll get the salt."

Bo Li shouted in surprise: "I said, I will tell you where Lanxi is."

Holding a thin needle, Hu Xi narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked, "Where is it?"

"She has gone to your Xuanwu Kingdom." Bo Li said tremblingly.

Hu Xi was stunned for a moment, then asked in astonishment: "What is she going to Xuanwu Kingdom for?"

"I don't know..." The corner of the Duke of Burleigh's mouth trembled.

"Huh?" Hu Xi was stunned.

Randy asked in the tone of a fool: "Your people, I don't know why she lost the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"Lanxi is not my subordinate, but she has helped her before, so she owes me a favor, and this time she will help me steal the purple-patterned light steel."

The Duke of Boli explained: "As for what she was going to do in the Xuanwu Kingdom, I didn't ask, and she didn't tell me either.

Randy and Huxi looked at each other (ceec), the Duke of Burleigh looked normal, and there was no physical reaction, which proved that he was not lying.

"What the hell is this Lanxi doing? What are you doing in the Xuanwu Kingdom?" Huxi was puzzled.

Randy folded his hands in front of him, and murmured: "I can't bring it up to play.

"What are you thinking? How is it possible?" Hu Xi said with a blank look.

She looked at the Duke of Boli, and asked coldly, "Who is Lan Xi?"

"She is from the Association of Wizards." The Duke of Burleigh replied.

"People from the Association of Magicians..." Hu Xi was even more puzzled. It seemed that the Xuanwu Kingdom had nothing to do with the Association of Magicians.

"Just talk to His Majesty." Randy said coquettishly.

Hu Xi nodded slowly: "Well, that's the only way to go."

Randy raised the dagger in his hand, and continued to ask: "What is Lanxi's strength?"

"Ninth level strength..." Duke Boli said with a dark face.

"A space magician with ninth-level strength?" Hu Xi frowned. He must have never heard of a space-type magician with ninth-level strength.

The Duke of Boli said hoarsely: "She claims to be a ninth-level fire magician, but she is actually a dual-line magician, but the space system is used in front of outsiders.

"Why?" Randy asked puzzled.

"How do I know this?" The Duke of Burleigh said unhappily.

"Are you going to tell me?" Randy raised the dagger in his hand.

The Duke of Burleigh struggled to hide, and exclaimed: "I really don't know!"

Hearing this, Hu Xi inserted a thin needle into the nail of the middle finger of his right hand without saying a word.


Bo Li screamed again and again, and roared angrily: "I really don't know~~~"

"It seems that I really don't know." Hu Xi clicked his tongue and pulled out the thin needle regretfully.

"Then is there anything else to ask?" Randy eagerly tried the dagger in his hand.

"Let's think about it..." Hu Xi put his finger on his chin lightly, his eyes drooping in thought.

She put down her hand and said, "It seems that there is no more."

Randy said distressedly: "The potion of truth will still be effective for a long time, it's a waste of potion just asking about it."

"Then ask some other questions." Hu Xi said as he sat down and put the whole box of needles at hand.

Her beautiful eyes glowed, and she asked with interest: "Tell me all the secrets you have in your heart."

"Yes, tell us all." Randy looked at the Duke of Burleigh expectantly.

The Duke of Burleigh's lips trembled.


The next moment, his whole body trembled, as if there were billions of ants crawling in his flesh and blood, and at the same time biting his muscles with their mouths.

"Don't lie." Randy reminded kindly.

The Duke of Boli was sluggish, his whole body was soaked in sweat, and his body was still shaking after a while.

Hu Xi asked again: "Tell me, what's the secret?"

The Duke of Burleigh bite the bullet and said: "I, I have a private relationship with the queen.

"Queen?" Randy froze for a moment.

She roared angrily: "Damn you, dare to seduce our Majesty's woman!"

Hu Xi's expression froze, he raised his hand and patted Randy's head, cursing: "What are you thinking, Your Majesty doesn't have a queen yet.

...is the queen of our Kingdom of Forge. "The Duke of Burleigh twitched the corner of his mouth.

Hu Xi clicked his tongue and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, you are really courageous."

"The duke seduces the queen, I don't even dare to think about it." Randy also complained cooperatively.

"We are true love." The Duke of Burleigh said angrily.

Hu Xi waved his hand and said indifferently: "Yes, yes, if you have any secrets, please tell us quickly.

"The second prince is my seed..." Duke Bo Li said with a dark face.

"Ah, exciting." Hu Xi exclaimed coquettishly.

"What else?" Randy's beautiful eyes sparkled.

The Duke of Boli kept his mouth shut, his face turning blue and white, wishing he could swallow Huxi and Randy in one gulp.

Randy raised the knife and threatened: "Say it quickly.

The Duke of Boli said coldly: "My daughter is His Majesty's daughter, she should die..."

Hu Xi asked with his head full: "Hey, this relationship is so complicated..."

The Duke of Boli was silent, his face full of humiliation.

Randy clicked her tongue and sighed: "This is the secret of helping each other, it's interesting."

"Is there any more?" Hu Xi asked.

Bo Li glared, poured out all the secrets in his heart, and let the two women leave the cabin contentedly.

. . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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