"Clatter clatter~www

Overseas in the mist, the sea was violently turbulent, and a large ship was advancing against the waves, gradually approaching the gate of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

At the bow, a woman in a black robe is staring at the huge portal of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"It's almost there." Lanxi's gray eyes were shining, and she was looking forward to it.

After the big ship sailed into the glazed gate, the sea suddenly calmed down, and the big ship moved forward steadily, passing through the glazed gate and entering the misty sea.

After Lan Xi looked back, the magic elements of the space system around him fluctuated, and he cast space magic and left the place.

The ship she took is a merchant ship, and now she has arrived at the Xuanwu Kingdom, where she can use space magic to directly enter the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Lanxi appeared in Shanhai Commercial City, on the roof of a three-story building.

"The air is so fresh." Lan "220" Xi took a deep breath and couldn't help sighing.

She looked around and saw buildings, and the Xuanwu Restaurant in the distance caught her attention.

Lanxi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she exclaimed: "It should be very good to build the branch of the association there.'

The main purpose of her coming to the Xuanwu Kingdom this time is to establish a branch of the Magician Association in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and the second is to eat, drink and play.

The woman is one of the vice presidents of the Association of Magicians. She manages many branches. At the same time, she chooses suitable places to establish new branches, expands the power of the Association of Magicians, and recruits more magicians to join the Association of Magicians as 'members'.

"Let's go and have a look first." Lan Xi said to himself.

She turned around and jumped down into the alley, then went to the street as if nothing had happened, and walked in the direction of Xuanwu Restaurant.

People come and go in Shanhai Commercial City, and it is very lively every day, and the aroma of various delicacies is always wafting on the street.

"It's so fragrant, it looks delicious." Lan Xi muttered, turned around and walked towards the nearby shop.

Not long after, she had a few big bags of various delicacies in her arms, such as dried sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, French fries, small biscuits and so on.

"This is a really good place, and there are too many delicious things."

She couldn't help admiring, and she liked the Xuanwu Kingdom even more in her heart, and secretly decided to establish a branch here no matter what.

As the branch president of the Magicians Association, if she can establish a branch in the Xuanwu Kingdom, then it will be managed by her in the future and can be permanently stationed in the Xuanwu Kingdom.


The woman ate french fries and continued to walk towards Xuanwu Restaurant, but there were too many temptations on the way, and when she arrived at Xuanwu Restaurant, the shopping bag in her arms could hardly be held.

"Too many delicious things, damn it, you'll gain weight." Lan Xi complained, and walked into Xuanwu Restaurant.

In the reception lobby, a staff member stepped forward and asked politely, "Guest, do you need help?"

Lan Xi refused: "No, I'm just here to ask, do you sell it here?"

"Ah? Sell?" The staff froze for a moment.

Lan Xi nodded and said, "Yes, I want to buy this house."

The staff twitched the corners of their mouths, thinking that the woman in front of her was a lunatic who came here deliberately to make trouble and to feel her presence.

Since Xuanwu Restaurant was built, it was the first time someone offered to buy it, which sounds outrageous.

The staff smiled politely: "The guest is joking, our Xuanwu Restaurant doesn't sell it, we can only rent it.

"Rent, how to rent?" Lan Xi asked with a frown.

The staff explained: "It is rented on a monthly or annual basis, and currently only the eighth floor is available for rent, or those suites that are higher.

"Only the eighth floor?" Lan Xi frowned again.

The staff member nodded and said: "Yes, the monthly rent on the eighth floor is one million yuan Xuanwu coins.

"One million yuan of Xuanwu coins a month?" Lan Xi's gray eyes widened.

The staff said with a serious face: "Yes, of course the annual rent will be more cost-effective, as long as 11 million Xuanwu coins are needed, one month's rent can be reduced or exempted.

..... That's really a bargain. "Lanxi twitched the corner of her mouth.

At this time, she completely gave up the idea of ​​buying Xuanwu Restaurant. The rent is so expensive, so buying it is even more impossible. At least she doesn't have the financial resources, and the Magicians Association will not allocate such a large amount of money for it.

"Guest, do you want to rent it?" the staff asked with a smile.

Lan Xi resentfully said: "Well, let me think about it, I'm not in a hurry."

"Okay." There was an understanding smile on the staff's face.

Lan Xi said: "Then I want to live here, and experience it first."

The staff member said: "Yes, we have a variety of room types here. If you want to enjoy the panoramic view of Shanhai Commercial City, you can open a high-rise suite...

"Okay." Lan Xi nodded in agreement without thinking too much.

"Okay, please give me the customs clearance document." The staff signaled.

Lan Xi was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Hey, what clearance document?"

The staff member said: "When you enter the customs, you have to pay the customs clearance fee. If you don't have the customs clearance document and your country's ID card, you can't enter the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Lan Xi showed embarrassment on her face. She entered the commercial city directly by using space magic, and did not go through customs.

"No?" The staff looked suspicious and watched An Ren cautiously.

Lan Xi said with a serious face, "Yes, of course, but I didn't bring it with me. It's at my friend's place. I'll go get it now."

"Okay, do you need to store your things for you?" the staff asked.

"No need." Lan Xi shook her head, turned around and left the lobby quickly.

She left Xuanwu Restaurant, muttering: "What more customs clearance documents are needed, this is too much trouble.

She hesitated, whether to go to the customs to apply for a customs clearance certificate, and felt that it would be very troublesome.

"Forget it, go live somewhere else." Lan Xi muttered.

She asked passers-by, and she knew that besides Xuanwu Restaurant, she could go to Three Star Building, Six Star Building, Nine Star Building and so on.

The rapid development of Shanhai Commercial City has attracted many tourists. Only the Sanxing Building and Xuanwu Restaurant cannot provide enough 0.7 accommodation services.

So in the past few months, Hu Immortal arranged for people to build several restaurants.

Among them are six-star buildings, nine-star buildings, etc. The accommodation environment is better than the three-star buildings, but inferior to Xuanwu Restaurant, and the prices are also high and low.

Half an hour later, the woman stood at the door of the Sanxing Building doubting her life.

Lan Xi complained with a black face: "Damn it, why do you need a customs certificate to live here?"

She just learned from insinuations that the customs clearance document is a very important document in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and it is needed to do many things. It can be said that without the customs clearance document, it is difficult to move an inch.

"Forget it, it's better to get one." Lan Xi sighed, and walked towards Shanhaiguan resignedly.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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