Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2120: The Establishment Of The Supervision System. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The fox fairy came to the door of the kitchen, her pink eyes shimmered, looking at Mu Liang who was busy in the kitchen wearing an apron.

Xiaomi and Yao Er helped to clean and process the ingredients.

"Morning." Mu Liang looked back at the fox-tailed woman.

The fox fairy wagged its tail and asked in a charming voice, "Morning, are you going to make breakfast today?"

Mu Liang said softly: "Well, I suddenly want to eat omelet rice, but none of them know how to do it, so I have to come by myself.

Yao Er's pretty face was slightly red, and her voice was soft and waxy: "Your Majesty should be able to learn it after making it once, and I will cook it next time if you want to eat it.

"Yeah." Xiaomi nodded seriously.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "It's not difficult to make omelet rice, just handle the eggs well.

"Okay~~~" Yao'er and Xiaomi agreed.

With a smile on her beautiful eyes, the fox fairy said charmingly: "Mu Liang, the tea tasting party is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at the Xuanwu Restaurant in Shanhai Commercial City.

The eighth floor of the Xuanwu Restaurant in Shanhai Commercial City is still vacant. The foxtail woman has arranged for it to be used as the venue for the work tea party in the past few days.

Mu Liang said softly: "Understood, I will spare tomorrow afternoon on 24."

"That's good." Hu Immortal reached out and brushed his long white hair.

"You set the tea tasting party tomorrow, isn't time tight?" Mu Liang wiped his hands on the apron, then turned to look at the fox-tailed woman.

Hu Xianmei said: "No, everything is ready.#

Mu Liang picked up the spatula at the side and asked, "How many guests can you invite?"

Fox Immortal explained: "Ninety percent of the people on the list can come. Recently, there are several transport spaceships traveling between the two continents. Anyone who wants to come should be able to arrive.

"Well, that's good." Mu Liang nodded with a smile, and poured the egg mixture into the pot.


The oil splashed, and the egg liquid began to solidify in the blink of an eye.

Xiaomi and Yao Er watched carefully, not missing Mu Liang's every move.

"It smells so good." The fox fairy moved his nose.

Half an hour later, with the help of two young maids, portions of omelet rice were cooked and served on the table.

"It smells so good~~~"

Xi Beiqi, Yue Feiyan and others walked into the restaurant one after another, attracted by the golden omelet rice, they sat down and took a deep breath in unison.

Yueqinlan Shiran sat down, and said gracefully: "It looks delicious, is this made by Muliang?"

"How did you guess that?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Guess, although the food made by Xiaomi and the others is delicious, it is far inferior to your cooking skills."

"Yeah, the food made by His Majesty is the best." Xiaomi and the others nodded in agreement.

The little maids have also eaten the food made by Muliang, and it is so good that people can bite their tongues.

Hu Xian and the others nodded in agreement, looking forward to the taste of omelet rice.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, and said with a smile: "I heard you say that, do you want me to cook more in the future?"

Xiaomi said crisply: "Your Majesty is so busy, you should leave the cooking to us."

"When you're free, you can cook." Yue Qinlan covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

Hu Xian, Xi Beiqi and the others nodded in agreement, looking at Mu Liang with scorching eyes.

"Yes." Mu Liang smiled.

In his previous life, his cooking skills were highly appreciated by his colleagues and comrades-in-arms, and he is still very confident in this.

He picked up the spoon and said, "Eat it, have a taste."

"Okay." The girls picked up the spoons and began to taste the delicious omelet rice.

"Not bad." Mu Liang took a sip, affirming his cooking skills.


Yue Feiyan exclaimed: "It's so delicious, so tender."

Mino said pleasantly: "It's really delicious, let's have omelet rice for lunch."

"I will do it, I will make lunch." Xiaomi nodded.

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded gently.

Half an hour later, everyone was 80% full, and they were all looking forward to the omelet rice at noon.

Li Yue said crisply: "Mu Liang, the monitoring room has been built, do you want to take a look?"

"Well, of course." Mu Liang responded.

"On the sixth floor of the highland." Li Yue's lips curled up slightly.

The two left the palace and walked towards the highland rice house.

The monitoring room, which has high requirements for privacy, is built on the sixth floor of the highland, and there are people from the ghost special forces stationed there, so it is not afraid that someone will go in and cause damage.

Mu Liang and Li Yue came to the sixth floor of the highland, and stopped in front of a three-story house, with highland guards on duty at the door.

"Your Majesty. When they saw Mu Liang coming, they raised their hands and saluted respectfully.

"En." Mu Liang nodded lightly, and walked into the house.

In the monitoring room, there are rows of televisions, each of which displays a different picture, such as highland gates, customs, management bureaus, and so on.

Liyue turned her head sideways and introduced: "There will be people stationed in the monitoring room around the clock to monitor the situation in various places.

"Well, it's the same as I imagined." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

Liyue said softly: "Shanhai Commercial City and Qianthorn Commercial City will build a monitoring room, and it will be officially activated when the monitoring spirit is in place."

"Monitoring spirit weapon, we have to wait a while." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

His energy is limited, and it takes time to draw the magic circle in the monitoring spirit weapon, and currently no one can help share this aspect of the work.

"Don't worry." Li Yue said softly.

Mu Liang whimsically said: "It would be great if we can research a spiritual weapon that can draw a magic circle."

He thought about it, and felt that it was a little impossible. When drawing a space-type magic circle is very complicated, it cannot be completed by an unconscious spirit weapon.

The 827 magic circle used to monitor the spirit weapon is particularly responsible. Even if Mu Liang draws it himself, it still needs to concentrate on completing it.

It is precisely because of this that this has become the best anti-cracking method for monitoring spiritual weapons.

"This can't be done." Li Yue also poured a basin of cold water.

Mu Liang sighed and said with a wry smile: "Well, a simple magic array may be able to do it, but a complicated one is still impossible."

Complicated spirit tools and magic tools are inseparable from the magic circle, unlike the previous spirit tools, which can be made with beast materials or monster materials.

Spiritual weapons made purely of ferocious beast materials can achieve relatively simple abilities and functions, such as spiritual weapon shields, spiritual weapon spears, and so on.

The spirit tools and magic tools made by using the magic circle can realize various complex functions, such as televisions, monitoring spirit tools, cameras and so on.

Li Yue persuaded softly: "Don't make yourself too tired."

"Don't worry, I'm not tired. Mu Liang reached out and patted the silver-haired girl's shoulder.

Li Yue blushed slightly, her slender eyelashes fluttered, and said: "The second floor of the monitoring room is a reserved location, and when there are more monitoring tools, a new TV will be added to display the monitoring screen.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then said softly, "Well, we can also build a larger monitor to display multiple monitoring screens at the same time."

"Okay." Li Yue replied.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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