Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2121: I Can't Resist Any Temptation. (2 More)

In Shanhai Commercial City, Lan Xi was walking on the street, holding a paper bag in his arms, taking out popcorn from the paper bag and stuffing it into his mouth as he walked.

She chewed the popcorn and said to herself: "Really, there is no place for me to build a branch in such a big commercial city?"

She lived in Shanhai Commercial City for three days, and spent the first two days eating and drinking. Today, she officially plans to find a local branch of the Magicians Association.

However, she searched all morning, but she couldn't find a suitable place, either because the location was inappropriate, or the price was inappropriate, or the house was not for sale or leased at all.

"No, we must establish a branch here." Lanxi looked serious.

She pursed her lips and sighed: "There are so many delicious foods here, I won't leave.

"It smells so good, what kind of smell is it?" Lan Xi paused, and was attracted by the scent wafting from the nearby shop.

She couldn't hold back, stepped into the shop, and left after eating until she was full.

"Ah~~~ There are too many delicious foods, we can't go on like this."

Lanxi was a little crazy, because she had too little self-control, couldn't resist any temptation, and would forget other important things when she encountered delicious food.

"No, I have to find a place to build a branch." She patted her face and walked along the long street.

Lanxi paused, and her attention fell on the Xuanwu Restaurant. It was too high, and the surrounding buildings could not block it.

She sighed: "Looking around, it's still the most suitable place, but the rent is too expensive."

She hesitated, whether to go and see again, maybe the rent price could be negotiated.

Lan Xi innocently thought: "Let's go and have a look again, maybe they know that I'm using it to build a branch of the Magicians Association, and they will rent it to me for free."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

She walked towards Xuanwu Restaurant, and soon came to the lobby on the first floor, and met the staff member who received her last time.

"Hello." The staff smiled and said hello.

Lan Xi asked shyly, "Well, can the rent on the eighth floor be cheaper?"

The staff showed regret and explained: "This price is set by Master Hu Immortal, I have no right to decide.

"Lord Fox Immortal?" Lan Xi froze for a moment.

The staff explained: "Master Hu Xian is the person in charge of our Shanhai Commercial City, and also the manager of our restaurant.

"I want to see her, you call her." Lan Xisu waved her hand.

The staff couldn't hold back, and looked at the woman up and down, slandering in their hearts, Mr. Hu Immortal doesn't just see him whenever he wants.

She patiently explained: "Master Hu Immortal is very busy recently, there will be a tea tasting party tomorrow, so Sir is not free."

Lan Xi blinked her beautiful gray eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Tea tasting party, what is that?"

The staff introduced: "It's a tea tasting event. You can drink the latest tea, new cakes, new drinks, etc. at the tea tasting party."

Lanxi's beautiful eyes immediately lit up when she heard the words, the new cakes and new drinks are very attractive to her, and she can also meet Fox Immortal at the tea tasting party, and talk to her about renting the Xuanwu Restaurant.

"His Majesty will be there tomorrow." The staff continued.

Lan Xi's spirit was shaken, and he lowered his eyes to think, if he couldn't talk with the fox fairy, maybe he could talk to the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes and asked, "Where is the tea tasting party held?"

"It's at Xuanwu Restaurant." The staff member replied.

She looked at Lanxi's shining beautiful eyes, and couldn't help but said: "Not everyone can go to the tea tasting party, tickets or invitations are needed."

"Hey, how did you get the tickets?" Lan Xi asked.

"Of course I bought it." The staff took it for granted.

Lan Xi grabbed the staff's hand and asked eagerly, "Where can I buy it?"

"Does the customer want to buy?" the staff asked with blinking eyes.

Tickets for the tea tasting party are on sale in the lobby of Xuanwu Restaurant. People who can live in Xuanwu Restaurant are either rich or expensive, and it is most suitable to sell tickets for the tea tasting party here.

Lan Xi nodded quickly: "Of course, I want to buy it."

The staff member opened the counter drawer, took out a ticket with a gilt border and said: "There is one last ticket, if the customer wants it, you can buy it."

Lanxi's beautiful eyes sparkled immediately, she nodded vigorously and said: "I want it.

The staff member smiled and said, "Each ticket is priced at 50,000 Xuanwu coins."

"Fifty thousand yuan?" Lan Xi froze for a moment.

The staff explained without changing expression: "Yes, at the tea tasting party, guests can drink high-end star tea, and drinking a few cups is more expensive than the ticket price.

Lanxi thought for a while, and based on her understanding of Shanhai Commercial City in the past few days, Xingchen tea is indeed very expensive, and it would not be a loss if she could drink as much as she wanted at the tea tasting party.

"I bought it." She gritted her teeth and took out Xuanwu coins to pay.

As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, after she came to Shanhai Commercial City, she converted the magic beast spar on her body into basalt coins, which is convenient for daily consumption.

The staff reminded: "~Tickets must be collected. This is anonymous. You can enter the tea tasting party with tickets tomorrow. If you lose them, you will not be reissued."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, Lan Xi carefully kept the tickets close to her body.

When she turned around and was about to leave, the staff kindly reminded: "Guests, the people who will go to the tea party tomorrow are nobles and wealthy businessmen, you'd better dress nicely."

Lan Xi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't my current clothes not good-looking?"

The staff smiled and politely said: "Guests can go to the clothing store to have a look."

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Lan Xi pursed her lips.

She thought that she might see the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom tomorrow, but she had to dress up well, and she might be able to convince the king to agree to rent the Xuanwu Restaurant by virtue of her beauty.

The woman inquired about the location of the clothing store from the staff, and went straight to the clothing store after leaving Xuanwu Restaurant.

Lan Xi came outside the clothing store, looked at the huge poster hanging outside, couldn't help opening her mouth.

In the morning, ten models with excellent figures and the latest clothes (Nuo Zhao's) stood together, and a sense of extravagance came over us.

Lan Xi looked at the animal skin skirt on her body, and immediately felt a sense of cheapness.

"It's time to buy some new clothes." She blushed a little, and walked into the clothing store bravely.

As soon as she walked in, she was attracted by all kinds of clothes, which looked luxurious and attractive on mannequins.

"How can I help you?" The staff came forward to say hello.

"I want to buy clothes, which suit me best." Lan Xi said with a blushing face.

After hearing the words, the staff looked at the woman, thought for a moment and said, "Guest, these dresses are very suitable for you, you can try them on."

"Okay." Without hesitation, Lan Xi took the skirt and entered the fitting room.

When she put on a new dress and saw herself in the big mirror, she knew that this time she would spend a lot of basalt coins again.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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