Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2122: Respect From The Bottom Of My Heart. (3 More)

"Knock knock knock~~~"

There was a knock on the door of the palace and the study.

Yun Ting's voice came into the study: "Your Majesty, Lord Qinlan asked me to bring over the clothes I'm going to wear today."

"Send it in." Mu Liang's voice sounded.


Yun Xin pushed open the door and sent the clothes Yue Qinlan had chosen into the study.

Looking at the white and cyan clothes on the tray, Mu Liang couldn't help but admire Yueqinlan's ability to pick and choose. This color is indeed very suitable for tea tasting parties.

Yun Xin said obediently: "Master Qinlan said that tasting tea is very elegant, and you can't dress too brightly."

Mu Liang smiled, shook his head and laughed at himself: "I never thought that the word gorgeous could be used on me.

Yun Xin suppressed a smile, put down the clothes in her hands, and said obediently: "Your Majesty, I will wait for you to change your clothes. The time is almost up."

"En." Mu Liang responded, stood up and took off his coat.

The little maid blushed and stepped forward, untied the rope buckle on Mu Liang's collar, and took off her inner garment.

Looking at Mu Liang's robust figure, Yun Xin's pretty face quickly blushed, her movements were still gentle, and she put the new clothes on Mu Liang.

Ten minutes later, Mu Liang dressed and left the study, Yue Qinlan and Li Yue were already waiting outside.

Yue 637 Qinlan saw Mu Liang, her water blue eyes lit up: "This suit is very suitable for you, it looks very elegant."

"You have a good eye." Mu Liang smiled back.

He looked at Liyue, she didn't wear ghost armor today, but a plain white long skirt, giving off a cool and elegant feeling.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Of course, you should understand after seeing how you design clothes for so long."

She has also been well-dressed today, with her hair tied up high and paired with two hairpins with tassels, showing elegance and intelligence in every movement and stillness.

"Everyone looks good today." Mu Liang commented.

"Sister Qinlan picked out the clothes for me." Li Yue said softly.

Mu Liang praised: "It's very beautiful, it suits you very well."

"I think so too." Yueqin Lan nodded with a coquettish smile.

Mu Liang said softly, "Let's go to Shanhai Commercial City."

"Okay." Li Yue and Yue Qin Lan agreed.

This trip, only Liyue, Yueqinlan, Yaoer and six highland guards will follow, and they will go to Shanhai Commercial City through the portal.

Everyone came to the first floor of the high ground and entered the portal one after another to leave.


The vortex in the portal disappeared, and the previous calm was restored. The local guards continued to guard the sides.

In Shanhai Commercial City, Mu Liang and others came out from the portal, surrounded by dutiful highland guards.

"Let's go to Xuanwu Restaurant." Yue Qinlan took Mu Liang's hand.



The crowd walked onto the street, immediately attracting the attention of the people around them.

"It's His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty Wanan~~~"

People who knew Mu Liang saluted excitedly, and some people saluted directly, respecting Mu Liang from the bottom of their hearts.

Mu Liang raised his hand to signal, and said in a gentle voice: "Everyone, pay attention to safety, don't be crowded."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wan An."

The crowd shouted excitedly, as if they wanted to swallow Mu Liang.

The other people who didn't know Mu Liang before knew each other now, Guo Guo looked at him in surprise.

"He is the king of Xuanwu Kingdom, he looks so handsome."

"Hey, King Xuanwu is so young, how did he become king?"

Amidst sounds of surprise, Jia Jia walked towards Xuanwu Restaurant.

Surrounded by highland guards, no one can get close to Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan and the others.

Yue Qinlan teased in an elegant tone: "You are very popular."

"You too." Mu Liang laughed dumbly.

The two smiled at each other, and walked into the gate of Xuanwu Restaurant.

After Mu Liang and the others entered Xuanwu Restaurant, the staff opened the entrance to let other waiting guests enter.

Among the crowd, Lan Xi stared at her beautiful gray eyes, and said in surprise, "He is the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom, he looks very handsome."

She (ceeg) resisted the urge to step forward to stop Mu Liang, thinking that this is not the time to discuss the establishment of a magician branch.

The woman looked at the people around her, most of them were nobles and wealthy businessmen, dressed in gorgeous and expensive clothes, they were not ordinary people at first glance.

"There are so many people here." Lan Xi secretly marveled.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Lanxi walked into Xuanwu Restaurant with the crowd, and took the transport elevator to the eighth floor of the restaurant.

"I knew it would come in directly by casting magic." She muttered to herself, she really didn't like the environment with many people.

She originally wanted to use space teleportation magic to enter the venue, but she was only worried about a situation similar to the "customs clearance document", so she gave up the idea in the end.

The transport elevator stopped on the eighth floor of the highland, and the guests left the transport elevator one after another. At the entrance, there were staff checking tickets and invitations.

"Please don't be crowded, please show the invitation or tickets first." The staff spoke to maintain order.

Another staff member also shouted: "Everyone, don't hurt your peace, peace is the most important...?"

Under the 'brainwashing' of the staff, the nobles and wealthy businessmen all quieted down and took out invitations and tickets for inspection.

"Today, I am the most beautiful." Lan Xi raised her chin to make herself look more noble.

She is wearing a pale gold dress today, which is an extremely slim fit, which can outline a perfect figure.

The woman took out the ticket, and the staff put it away after checking it, and stretched out her hand to signal: "Guests, please come in."

Lan Xi continued to walk into the passage with her head held high and her chest held high, and walked towards the tea tasting party inside.

The venue is very large, with a row of bamboo-like green plants planted along the wall, and a fresh fragrance wafts from the venue.

There were many small tables and cushions like futons, and those who came in first had already found a suitable place to sit down.

Lan Xi also found a seat near the front and sat down. There were other people sitting on both sides, all of whom seemed to be nobles.

They noticed the woman's gaze, turned their heads and looked back, with friendly smiles on their faces.

Lan Xi froze for a moment, then quickly smiled back, but muttered in her heart, do they know her?

The music sounded in the venue, setting off the atmosphere and looking very stylish.

Lan Xi closed her beautiful eyes and murmured softly: "This is quite nice."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

It didn't take long for the guests to enter the venue one after another, and soon all the remaining seats were filled.

"Where's King Xuanwu?" Lan Xi looked around, but didn't see Mu Liang.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The sound of crisp footsteps sounded, and the fox fairy walked into the venue with a graceful gait in a long white dress, followed by a group of models.

The appearance of the fox fairy immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Many people's eyes lit up, fascinated by the alluring appearance of the fox-tailed woman, and couldn't help but let out exclamations.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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