Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2123: I Really Want To Grab One. (1 More)

Xue Ye stood behind the fox fairy, holding a tray with exquisite pastries on it.

The pastry is very delicate and has various shapes, such as triangle, five-pointed star, crescent, and five-petal flower. The outer skin is translucent, and the fillings of various colors can be seen inside.

Xue Ye looked at the exquisite pastry, couldn't help but move her mouth, smelled the fragrance of the pastry, and swallowed unconsciously.

She murmured softly: "It smells so good...?"

She could only stare at it for a while, because she couldn't afford to eat it. You must know that such a piece of pastry, which is the size of a baby's palm, can be sold for a hundred yuan in Shanhai Commercial City.

The vampire girl raised her head and looked at the fox fairy standing in front, her eyes moved slowly with her swinging tail.

"I really want to grab a handful..." Xue Ye muttered.

The fox fairy's ears moved, and she turned her head to glance at the vampire girl, the corners of her pink lips were slightly upturned.

"Miserable!" Xue Ye's golden eyes widened, she didn't expect the foxtail woman's hearing to be so good.

The fox fairy turned his head and looked at the guests at the tea tasting party.

She glanced at everyone present, parted her pink lips, and said in a flattering tone: "Good afternoon, everyone. I am Hu Xian, the commercial manager of the Xuanwu Kingdom. On behalf of His Majesty, welcome everyone to this tea tasting party."

The nobles and wealthy businessmen sat in different postures, looking at the fox-tailed woman with various eyes.

At the seat, Lanxi watched the fox-tailed woman's eyes widen, and was attracted by her astonishing appearance.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch her face, there was a woman with a fox tail, how could she attract King Xuanwu's attention with her beauty?

The fox fairy said in an elegant tone: "The tea tasting party will start soon, and I will present you with a new cake from Zhen Bakery."


After the foxtail woman finished speaking, she clapped her hands, and the models came forward with pastries, because each guest presented a plate of exquisite pastries.

Zhen Cake Shop is a shop that specializes in selling exquisite pastries, and its target customers are the royal family and nobles and some wealthy businessmen.

The cakes of Zhen Cake Shop are mainly delicious, rare ingredients, and nourishing the body with food, which has attracted many nobles and wealthy businessmen to buy them.

And because Zhen Cake Shop sells a limited number of pastries every day, there will be many people queuing up before the opening every day, and they are all subordinates of the nobles.

Xue Ye took a deep breath and walked towards Nanke with the tray.

Today she is wearing a dark purple dress with hips and high heels with glazed diamond cuts. Her hair is coiled up behind her head. The makeup on her face is very delicate, all of which are new cosmetics

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xue Ye came to Lanxi, put down the pastry in her hand, and said with red lips: "There will be tea later, the pastry can be eaten with hot tea, the taste will be even better."

"Oh, ok." Lan Xi's throat moved, resisting the urge to immediately read the pastry and stuff it into his mouth.

She glanced at Xue Ye, and was quickly attracted to the makeup on her face and clothing on her body.

She couldn't help but praised: "Wait a minute, your clothes are so beautiful."

Xue Ye was overjoyed, someone finally noticed the clothes on her body, this was her mission here today.

With a smile on her face, she introduced: "This is a high-end dress that will be launched soon. If customers like it, they can be bought in Shanhai Commercial City in three days."

As a model, she was arranged to show her face at the tea tasting party this time, just to show off all kinds of new products on her body, which is equivalent to a different 'catwalk'.

"Haute-couture dress?" Lan Xi showed doubts on his face.

Xue Ye smiled and said: "Yes, it means 'advanced custom-made dresses'. We can modify the size of the clothes according to the proportion of the customer's body and other requirements."

"Sounds very good." Lanxi's beautiful eyes lighted up slightly.

Xue Ye said crisply: Of course, our clothes are selling very well, many queens and concubines of the kingdom wear our high-end dresses. "

Lanxi's eyes flickered, and after hearing the vampire girl's introduction, she already knew in her heart that the price of high-end dresses would be frighteningly high.

The two chatted for a few more words before the vampire girl put away the tray and left.

The models left the venue one after another to prepare for the next round of hot tea.

"It's a new product from Zhen Cake Shop. It looks really good and smells good."

"It must look delicious, I can't help but want to eat it."

"Let's wait a little longer. The Xingchen tea is not served yet. I heard that there are new tea leaves."


The aristocrats who are acquainted with each other are chatting, they are all regular customers of Zhen Cake Shop, and every time there is a new product, they will immediately ask their subordinates to line up to buy it.

Lan Xi listened intently, resisting the desire to eat pastry again.

The corner of Hu Immortal's lips curled up slightly and said: "Today, our Majesty and the secretary are also here, and we will taste new tea with everyone.

...seeking flowers 00

The nobles and wealthy businessmen cheered up and looked at the seat of the main seat.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

With the sound of steady footsteps, Mu Liang appeared holding Yue Qinlan's hand, followed by Li Yue and Yao Er.

Mu Liang came to the main seat and sat down, Yue Qinlan sat beside him, Li Yue sat on the other side of him, and Er Qiao knelt behind him.

Mu Liang glanced at the people present, and said calmly: "This is the first tea tasting party held in the Xuanwu Kingdom. I hope everyone here will enjoy it."

The nobles and wealthy businessmen present responded loudly, saying all kinds of congratulations and flattery.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Everyone should have been waiting for a long time, and tea will be served next."

The fox fairy understood, raised his hand and clapped his hands.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The staff walked into the venue, set up several long tables, and began to boil water and make tea on the spot.

The staff arranged exquisite teacups one by one, which were prepared according to the head of the person.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

The water in the pot has boiled, the staff opened a wooden box, grabbed a handful of tea leaves from inside, put them into the kettle, covered the lid and simmered for a minute.

After a while, the fragrance of tea filled the entire venue, making everyone who smelled it refreshed, as if they were on a stimulant.

"It's so fragrant, this is not an ordinary star tea." A nobleman exclaimed.

"That's right, it's different from the star tea I often drink, this one is more fragrant."

Many people present have drank star tea, and even drink it every day. After all, they are not short of money.


The staff picked up the teapot, filtered out the tea leaves with a filter, and poured the light green tea into the teacups, making the tea more fragrant.

The models who had left reappeared, they put on new clothes, and served cups of hot tea to the guests.

Hu Immortal introduced: "This first pot of tea is brewed with seventh-grade star flower tea leaves, and the taste is more fragrant and stronger than ordinary seventh-grade star tea."

The star flower tea is made of seventh-grade star tea leaves and the flowers of the tree of life, which adds a strong floral fragrance to the tea fragrance, and its various effects are 30% better.

ps: [1 update]: The positive number is changed to zero the second time. .

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