Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2126: Does It Mean That Our Majesty Is A Fool? (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The fox fairy walked out of the Xuanwu restaurant, followed by the dejected Lan Xi.

She had just persuaded the foxtail woman for the second time, but it still ended in failure, and she was hit hard again.

The fox fairy said indifferently: "To me, the Association of Magicians is nothing special.

Lan Xi did not give up and said: "You don't know enough about the Magicians Association to say such things.

The fox fairy said indifferently: "I'm not interested in learning about it, and I can't earn Warcraft crystals for me, and even want me to be free of rent. You can talk to a fool about this kind of loss-making business.'

"Then I can only talk to your Majesty." Lan Xi pouted.

Hu Immortal paused, turned around and asked in a cold voice: "What do you mean, that our Majesty is a fool?"

"No, I didn't say that, you were wrong." Lan Xi hurriedly waved his hands to explain, if this kind of misunderstanding is caused, even the Lord Xuanwu might not be able to see it.

"Hmph!" Hu Immortal snorted coldly, no one can speak ill of Mu Liang.

She turned around and continued to walk out, Lan Xi sighed helplessly, and hurriedly followed.

The foxtail woman took Lan Xi back to the Treasure Building, and used the resonance bug to notify Wei Geng to come over.

She will be very busy today, and she doesn't have time to take Lanxi to the highlands, so she can only ask Wei Geng to take her there.

"Wait a moment, people will come soon." Hu Immortal greeted casually.

"Okay." Lanxi replied nonchalantly, wandering around in the treasure building.

She looked at the things in the glazed display case on the first floor, and her eyes became hot.

Her throat moved, and she exclaimed: "There are so many advanced magic tools, I really want them...

"Do you have any monster spar?" Fox Immortal asked calmly.

"Lanxi twitched the corners of her mouth and fell silent.

She has a lot of Warcraft crystals on her body, but it needs to be used to build the branch of the Magicians Association, and there are many places to spend Warcraft crystals, so they can't be used casually.

"Your Mage Association is really poor." A hint of disdain flashed in the beautiful eyes of the fox fairy.

Lan Xi blushed and said, "It's really not poor, it's just that I don't have so many Warcraft crystals with me."

"Let's take it as it is." Hu Immortal pouted.

"...It was originally, what do you mean it should be?" Lan Xi gritted his silver teeth.

Hu Immortal ignored her gaze and flipped through the documents on his own.

Not long after, Wei Geng strode into the Treasure Building wearing standard armor.

"Lord Fox Fairy, what do you want from me?" Wei Geng raised his hand to salute the fox-tailed woman.

The fox fairy raised her slender hand, pointed at Lan Xi who was full of depression, and motioned: "Take her to see His Majesty, and go through the portal."

"Yes." Wei Geng nodded respectfully.

"Let's go." Lan Xi said impatiently.

"Okay." Wei Geng didn't say much, turned around and walked out.

Lan Xi glanced back at the fox-tailed woman, made a childish grimace, and then turned around to catch up with Wei Geng.

... How does such a person get to be the vice president of the Magicians Association?" The fox raised his hand and raised his forehead in a speechless manner.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Lan Xi followed Wei Geng to the location where the portal was located, the two of them remained silent along the way, and neither of them spoke.

Lan Xi couldn't hold back in the end, and asked, "Do you want to go in a beast car?"

Wei Geng shook his head and said: "No, that's too slow, it will take two days to get there by beast car.

Lanxi was full of question marks, is the palace of Xuanwu Kingdom so far from Shanhai Commercial City?

"Then how?" She couldn't help asking.

"Master Fox Immortal said, go through the portal." Wei Geng responded flatly.

Lan Xi twitched the corner of her mouth, what is a portal?

"You'll find out later." Wei Geng replied without turning his head, and had already seen the building where the teleportation gate was located not far away.

Lan Xi frowned and followed. Before entering the building, the soldiers on duty searched him and let him in after confirming that he was not carrying any dangerous items.

"It's mysterious." She muttered to herself.

Soon, the woman felt the familiar spatial fluctuations, her face was full of astonishment, and her eyes fell on a door filled with garden atmosphere.

"Activate the portal and go to the high ground." Wei Geng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The soldier on duty responded respectfully, and turned around to operate on the door.

Ten seconds later, the mist in the portal swirled and finally formed a vortex.

Wei Geng looked at Lan Xi who was in a daze, and said calmly: "Your Excellency, let's go. 11

Lan Xi came back to his senses, and had a guess in his heart about the portal in front of him, but he felt it was impossible.

She took a deep breath and followed up, only to see Wei Geng stepping into the portal, his body was swallowed by the vortex and disappeared.

The shock on her face became more intense, and she also stepped into the portal under the watchful eyes of the soldiers, and the vortex slowly stopped spinning.

On the other side, on the first floor of the highland, the portal was activated, and the highland guards on duty watched the revolving portal.

Not long after, Wei Geng stepped out of the portal, his trance eyes slowly regaining clarity.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Lan Xi walked out of the portal, the shock on his face still lingering.

She was shocked and said: ""~ This is the space teleportation magic circle.

She is a ninth-level space magician, and she is extremely sensitive to space fluctuations. In addition, she can teleport magic in space, so she is familiar with the portal.

"Your Excellency, come with me." Wei Geng said with a serious expression.

Lan Xi asked: "Who made this portal?"

"Your Excellency, this is not what you should ask." Wei Geng's face turned cold.

"Sorry." Lan Xi came back to his senses, held back his curiosity about the portal, and did not continue to ask.

"Let's go." Wei Geng said coldly.

Lan Xi let out a breath slowly, followed Wei Geng to leave the location where the portal was located, and took the transportation ladder to the eighth floor of the local area.

In the transportation ladder, the woman lowered her eyes, feeling puzzled in her heart. Could it be that there is a space magician more powerful than herself in the Xuanwu Kingdom?

Space magicians are extremely rare, and it is even rarer to be able to cultivate to the ninth level. At least she only knows one person who is stronger than her. (No's)

"Could it be her?" Lan Xi said to himself.

She shook her head again, and muttered: "Probably not, she has been missing for so many years, so she must have come to the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"What?" Wei Geng asked sideways.

"It's nothing." Lanxi sighed, and decided to ask King Xuanwu later.

The transportation ladder stopped on the eighth floor of the high ground, Wei Geng did not continue to ask, and motioned for the woman to follow.

The two left the transport spaceship and walked towards the palace.

At the gate of the palace, Xiaomi obediently asked, "Why is Uncle Wei Geng here?"

She knew that Wei Geng was Wei Youlan's father, so she called him Uncle.

"Lord Fox Immortal asked me to bring her to meet His Majesty." Wei Geng gestured to Lan Ximing behind him.

Xiaomi blinked her beautiful eyes, and said charmingly: "Your Majesty is not in the palace, maybe he will come back at night.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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