Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2127: Attack Your Xuanwu Kingdom. (2 More)

Thousand Thorns Pass, where the portal is located.

The vortex in the portal slowly stopped spinning.

Mu Liang and Li Yue stepped out of the portal, and saw Xi Beiqi waiting head-on.

Xi Beiqi's eyes lit up: "You are here."

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice: "What's the matter, you called us here in such a hurry?"

As soon as he, Liyue and the others returned to the highland after attending the tea tasting party, they were called away by a sympathetic call from a vampire girl.

Xi Beiqi said with a serious expression: "Mu Liang, there seems to be something wrong in the salt water area, and the sea beast has become very restless."

"How to say?" Mu Liang frowned.

"Let me talk to you." A hoarse voice sounded, and the dragon from Flying Dragon Valley appeared in front of Mu Liang.

Mu Liang showed surprise on his face: "Why are you here?"

"Why, I can't come to Xuanwu Kingdom anymore?" Dragon Lord twitched his lips.

"No." Mu Liang smiled.

The Dragon Lord said in a deep voice: "I'm here to discuss new weapon deals with you, but I found something strange on the way here, I think you should be interested."

The weapons that Flying Dragon Valley is using now, from armor to spears and shields, are all procured from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Sit down and talk." Mu Liang said.

Xi Beiqi nodded quickly: "Go and sit in 607 in the fortress.

"Yes." Dragon Lord replied.

A few people walked out, towards the Thousand Thorns Pass Fortress.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

A familiar cry came from not far away, and the Flying Dragon King descended from the sky and landed in front of Mu Liang and the others.

"Didn't I tell you to wait outside?" Dragon Lord said dissatisfied.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~*

Flying Dragon King growled a few times, poked his head close to Mu Liang, and gently rubbed his head against his hand affectionately.

"Hahaha, long time no see." Mu Liang stroked the Flying Dragon King's head.

He healed the wings of Feilongwang and helped it break through to the ninth level, which made Feilongwang regard Muliang as a relative.

..." The corners of the Dragon Lord's eyes twitched, and his face darkened immediately.

"Ho ho ho ho ~ ~ ww

The Flying Dragon King growled a few times, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The Dragon Lord said in a deep voice: "Okay, I want to discuss business with Your Excellency Mu Liang, you just leave it alone.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The Flying Dragon King roared a few times, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Mu Liang said softly, "Let the giant magma dragon take you to play."

His thoughts flowed, he established a connection with the magma dragon, and exchanged a few words with it. (keei)

"Your Excellency Mu Liang, don't pay attention to it." The Dragon Lord said in a deep voice.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "It's okay, it's not bad to come here after a long time, and it's not bad for him to meet his former clansmen."

......" The dragon master fell silent, recalling the size and strength of the magma dragon, his flying dragon king looked like a young dragon.

Soon after, the surrounding air became hotter, a large shadow was cast above the head, and the giant magma dragon came into everyone's sight.

"Control the temperature." Mu Liang raised his eyes and said.

"Ho Ho Ho ~~~"

The giant magma dragon roared, controlling the magma on its body to lower the temperature emitted.

The giant magma dragon that had evolved to level ten was too big, so Mu Liang didn't let it land, but let the flying dragon king fly up to the sky.

The Dragon Lord looked at the Flying Dragon King who flew away with the magma dragon. The difference in size between the two was too great, which made him a little depressed.

"Let's go, let's talk about business." Mu Liang said calmly.

"En." The Dragon Lord responded, followed Mu Liang into the Qianthorn Pass Fortress, and sat down in the lounge.

Mu Liang leaned back in his chair relaxedly, and asked in a peaceful voice: "If you have any interesting discoveries, let me tell you about them.

The Dragon Lord's face was serious, and he said in a deep voice: "On the way to the Misty Sea, I found that the sea beasts in the salt water area are all running for their lives."

"Escape?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

Liyue guessed: "Is there a more powerful sea monster hunting them?"

The Dragon Lord shook his head, and said in a solemn tone: "No, the Flying Dragon King can feel their fear, not because of the appearance of other sea monsters.

"Why is that?" Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked.

The Dragon Lord said with an ugly face: "Xu Gui, I can feel Xu Gui's aura.

"Xu Gui?" Mu Liang and Li Yue's expressions turned cold at the same time.

"Yes, there are many virtual ghosts in the depths of the salt water area, and they are all very powerful." Long Sheng nodded.

He continued with a solemn face: "The Flying Dragon King told me that those sea beasts felt that groups of virtual ghosts were heading towards the sea of ​​mist.

"What did Xu Gui go to Misty Sea for?" Li Yue asked subconsciously.

"I don't know about that." The Dragon Lord shook his head.

Li Yue's pupils contracted, and she said in surprise, "Are they going to cross the Miji Sea?"

"Maybe they want to attack your Xuanwu Kingdom." The Dragon Lord said and glanced at Mu Liang.

He continued: "But when I got close to your Xuanwu Kingdom, I couldn't feel the ghost's aura anymore, and the sea monsters around me were also very calm."

After entering the sea area where the rock turtle was located, everything returned to calm.

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, the real purpose of those virtual ghosts may really be to cross the sea of ​​mist and go to the New World.

Li Yuefen opened her lips slightly, and said in surprise: "Can they really cross the sea of ​​mist?"

Mu Liang said slowly: "At the beginning, Bai Shuang was able to cross the sea of ​​mist by accident, it's not impossible, maybe the Xu Clan found another way to cross the sea of ​​mist."

Li Yue's face became serious: "If this is really the case, the New World will be in danger."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "There are many strong people in the New World, even if people from the Xu Clan pass by, they may not be able to get benefits.

There are many magicians and knights in the New World, and their overall strength is far superior to those in the Old World.

Li Yue said with a serious face: "That's what I said, but let those virtual ghost kings continue to devour blood and food, and their strength will become stronger and stronger, and it will be even more difficult for us to deal with them in the future."

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said, "I will send someone to investigate along the Misty Sea."

The most important thing now is to determine the whereabouts and purpose of the virtual ghosts, so that the Xuanwu Kingdom can take countermeasures.

"What Xu Clan?" Dragon Lord asked suspiciously.

He didn't know about the Xu Clan, let alone the reason for the change in the Old Continent.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Xi Beiqi, you tell him about the Xu clan."

"Okay." Xi Beiqi responded, turned her head to look directly into the Dragon Lord's eyes, and began to describe the origin of the Xu Clan in detail.

The Dragon Lord listened carefully, and as time passed, his face gradually became serious.

Various expressions such as stunned, shocked, puzzled, and angry appeared alternately on his face.

"How could this be?" the Dragon Lord said in a startled voice, shocked by the reason for the continent's mutation.

"The truth is like this." Mu Liang said calmly.

The Dragon Lord couldn't calm down for a long time. If what the vampire girl said was true, when the Emperor Xu woke up, the old continent would be over.

He felt a sense of crisis, the existence of Emperor Xu was like a huge rock, pressing hard on his heart.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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