Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2128: You Are Really Dark Enough. (1 More)

Lan Xi looked at the door of the living room, her beautiful eyes filled with anticipation, was it the person she had been waiting for for a long time?

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Yue Qinlan walked into the living room, and met Lan Xi's eyes once.

Her water-blue eyes were shining, watching the light in Lan Xi's eyes dissipate, replaced by disappointment and depression.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Your Excellency seems very disappointed to see me here."

Lan Xi twitched the corners of her mouth, and said in a stiff tone, "I'm here to find your Majesty."

Yue Qinlan sat down, crossed her slender legs, and said with a smile: "Our Majesty is still busy, and we won't come here until later. If you have something urgent and can't wait, you can go back first and come back next time."

"It's okay, wait a little longer." Lan Xi said with a pretty face.

She had been waiting for several hours, and it was not too late. She must see King Xuanwu today.

With a smile on Yue Qinlan's lips, it was the first time "July 13" seriously looked at the woman in front of her.

She had a little impression of Lanxi, and she noticed that people at the tea tasting party, after all, they looked like they were drinking tea happily, and they really didn't look like aristocrats.

Feeling Yueqinlan's gaze, Lanxi looked back and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Yue Qinlan, the clerk of the Xuanwu Kingdom." Qi Qinlan said gracefully.

"Secretary, what position?" Lan Xi pouted.

Yue Qinlan said in a calm tone: "My most important job is to manage the kingdom for our Majesty, so that various institutions can operate normally."

"Sounds like it's very powerful." Lan Xi's eyes revealed surprise, and he began to look at Yue Qin Lan squarely.

"It's very powerful." Yue Qinlan smiled lightly.

"You're really immodest." Lan Xi resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips were slightly raised, her smile was much less, and she asked, "You are from the Association of Magicians. When you come to Xuanwu Kingdom this time, are you planning to establish a branch of the Association of Magicians here?"

Lan Xi nodded, and quickly asked: "Yes, can you decide on this matter?"

"No, only if His Majesty agrees to this matter." Yue Qinlan leaned back slightly.

"Okay." Lan Xi sighed.

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "I'm curious, what is the purpose of your Magicians Association establishing a branch in our Xuanwu Kingdom?"

Lan Xi said seriously: "Of course it is to provide convenience and services for all magicians, and it can also help maintain the safety of the city."

"If you say this, do you believe it yourself?" Yueqin's beautiful blue eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at the woman calmly.

"Of course, I've always done this." Lan Xi raised her chin proudly.

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "If some magicians have difficulties in life or are injured, and they go to your association for help, will they provide free services?"

Lan Xi said crisply: "If you are a member of our Magicians Association, we will only charge a small fee."

"How to become a member of your Magicians Association?" Yue Qinlan asked curiously.

Lan Xi proudly said: "This is simple, you only need to pay the membership fee, ten fifth-level magic beast crystals.

"Ten fifth-order warcraft crystals..."

Yue Qinlan couldn't help asking: "What benefits can I get from being a member of your association?"

Lan Xi said seriously: "Of course, we can help find all kinds of materials that members need, and provide shelter when necessary [to reduce various expenses when seeking help.

"That's all?" Yue Qinlan pursed her lips.

Channels are very important, but she just wants to hit the opponent, so she doesn't mention channels.

Lan Xi glanced at Yue Qinlan, and asked, "Isn't that enough?"

Yue Qinlan said bluntly: "Then there are enough black people in your Magicians Association, will there really be fools joining your association?"

"How did you talk?" Lan Xi dissatisfied.

Yue Qinlan raised her chin slightly, and said proudly: "Our Xuanwu Kingdom does not need such a magician's association.

Lan Xi said in astonishment: "What?"

Yue Qinlan stared at the woman, and said bluntly: "After listening to your words, in fact, ten points are of no practical use."

Lan Xi glared at her, thinking that meeting a fox fairy would be unlucky enough, but she didn't expect to meet another Yue Qinlan who had the same idea.

She said coldly: "You can't make a decision on this matter."

"No, she can." A clear voice sounded, and Mu Liang stepped into the living room.

Yue Qinlan smiled and nodded, "Here we are."

"Well, I just finished my work." Mu Liang said softly.

He turned around and sat on the main seat, looking calmly at Lan Xi who was stunned.

"Your Majesty." Lan Xi stared wide-eyed, saluting neither humble nor overbearing.

Mu Liang stared at the woman indifferently, and said: "As far as I know, the existence of the Demon Association is dispensable.

Lan Xi raised his face and said: "How could it be? A city with a magician's association is very safe. This is the greatest value of existence..."

Yue Qinlan rolled her beautiful eyes: "As far as I know, when Yoshik City was attacked by the virtual ghost, your Magicians Association ran the fastest.

..." Lanxi opened her mouth.

Yoshik City was massacred by Xu Gui, and she knew about it.

Yue Qinlan continued: "When the rebellion broke out in Yili City, your Magicians Association did not take action.

"When the famine broke out in Tingdayou City, your Magician Association did not come to the rescue. Tens of thousands of city residents starved to death guarding their money."

Her words were like a knife, piercing Lan Xi's chest.

......" The woman was silent again, unable to refute, because these were all real events.

Yue Qinlan put down her overlapping long legs, and said gracefully: "I still know a lot about things like this, do you need me to tell you one by one?"

Lan Xi pursed her lips, her face turned pale, and some beliefs in her heart were shaken.

Yue Qinlan said bluntly: "Your Mage Association has done a lot of bad things in secret. You don't have to use the banner of peace and mages. This is disgusting."

Lan Xi looked at Yue Qinlan with fierce eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Don't say you don't know." Yue Qinlan glanced at her.

"I don't know." Lan Xi said with a straight face.

Yue Qinlan leaned forward slightly and said: "Two years ago, the lord of Bolina City got a treasure map, and the next day he died tragically at home, but the treasure map disappeared. Guess who did it? ?"

Lan Xi's pupils contracted, and he had a guess in his heart that 1.5 was not spoken.

Yue Qinlan continued: "There is a high-level magic knife in the treasure, named Lieyang."

Lan Xi's body trembled, remembering that the branch president of the Magicians Association stationed in Bolina City had a knife, which seemed to be called Lie Yang.

"You should know each other." Mu Liang said calmly.


Lanxi's mouth moved, and he argued, "Maybe there is some misunderstanding. He avenged Bolina City Lord and got it from the enemy."

Yue Qinlan didn't care and said, "It's fine if you want to think so."

Lan Xi's face turned pale, thinking about how to answer Yue Qinlan's question.

Mu Liang stared at the woman, clasped his fingers in front of him, and said, "Now let's talk about another matter, about the purple pattern light steel.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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