Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2129: You, Sell Yourself. (2 More)

Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully, and echoed: "I almost forgot about the purple pattern light steel.

"What are you talking about?" Lan Xi's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he stared nervously at Mu Liang.

Yue Qinlan said coldly: "Stop pretending, we have already captured the Duke of Boli, he is on the high ground now, do you need him to confront you?"

Lan Xi's throat moved, and he explained: "I didn't intend to steal the purple-patterned light steel, but I owed Bo Li a favor and had to help."

Mu Liang raised his eyes, and said in a cold tone: "Your explanation does not satisfy me. 17

"I don't deny that I did this." Lanxi gritted her silver teeth lightly.

She had a lot of thoughts in her mind, if she suddenly used the space teleportation magic, would she be able to leave smoothly?

"The Ziwen light steel mining area belongs to the Xuanwu Kingdom, don't say you don't know about it." Yueqin's blue eyes flickered slightly.

She said in a cold tone: "Dare to help steal the purple-patterned light steel without knowing it, this is intentionally making an enemy of our Xuanwu Kingdom.

Lan Xi argued: "No, I don't intend to be your enemy, the real 24 is just to repay favors."

"The favor was repaid, but the Xuanwu Kingdom was also offended." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Lan Xi bit the bullet and said: "This is not my original intention, I can make it up.

"How to compensate?" Yue Qinlan asked with interest.

Lan Xi thought for a while, and tentatively said, "I owe you a favor too?"

"Is your favor very valuable?" Yue Qinlan asked a little speechlessly.

...... I am a ninth-level dual-line magician, you should know. "Lan Xi's mouth moved.

Mu Liang knew what the woman meant, but to him, so what about a dual-line magician, her favor was worthless.

Yue Qinlan said lightly: "A dual-element magician may be very remarkable to others, but to our Majesty, this is nothing."

Lan Xi looked at Mu Liang, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, and still felt that it was right to run away.

She moved her mouth, twisted the spell, and mobilized the surrounding space elements.


Mu Liang raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and said: "In the highlands, your space magic is ineffective, so you don't need to try it."

Lan Xi's pupils contracted, she looked at Mu Liang with a face full of shock, and asked in a startled voice, "What did you do?"

"The space is imprisoned." Mu Liang explained casually.

Yue Qinlan said in an unhurried tone: "In terms of space magic, it is impossible for your attainments to be higher than our Majesty's.

"How come?" Lan Xi widened her beautiful eyes.

"Your singing speed is too slow." Mu Liang's voice sounded from behind her.

She turned her head to look behind her in shock, Mu Liang didn't know when she appeared there.

Lan Xi said in horror: "When did you..."

Mu Liang's body disappeared in a flash, returned to the main seat, and said indifferently: "I admit that you are very talented, you can become a ninth-level dual-element magician at this age, but this is not enough.

Lan Xi was completely shocked, and felt Mu Liang's terrifying strength, and his mastery of space magic was far superior to his own, which was the difference between a small mound and a high mountain.

Yue Qinlan yawned, smiled and said: "Understood, your favor is nothing, if our Majesty is willing, we can knock down your Magicians Association."

Lan Xi's eyebrows twitched, and said shyly, "I can make other compensations."

"For example?" Yue Qinlan asked leisurely.

"Let me think about it..." Lan Xi pressed his thumb against his index finger, and his knuckles turned slightly white.

"Sell yourself." Mu Liang said.

Lan Xi widened her beautiful eyes, and looked at Mu Liang slowly: "What?"

Yue Qinlan proudly said: "Bo Li is a duke, we have all captured him and planned to imprison him for twenty years. We originally arranged for someone to arrest you, but we never thought we would send him to your door."

The corners of Lan Xi's eyes twitched, feeling that he had delivered the goods to his door.

"I'll lock you up for twenty years." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"No." Lan Xi widened her beautiful eyes, not doubting Zi Qin Lan's words at all.

You must know that Mu Liang is much stronger than her, if you really want to shut her down, the possibility of using space magic to leave is very slim.

"It's up to you." Yue Qinlan smiled.

Lan Xi shouted in shock: "No, absolutely not, I can't be imprisoned for twenty years."

There was a flash of light in Yueqin's blue eyes, and she said: "Then work for us, also for twenty years, but your freedom is not restricted.

"Twenty years?" Lan Xi's beautiful eyes widened

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "I will be locked up for twenty years, or I can cut it off with a single knife, and it will save trouble."

"Well, let's chop it off with one knife." Mu Liang nodded in agreement.

Lan Xi screamed: "No, this is even worse, this decision is too random.

At this time, she has no plans to build a magician branch at all, she just wants to survive and escape here.

Yue Qinlan crossed her legs and gestured: "You make a choice, you will die or work for twenty years."

Lan Xi's face changed, and he said hoarsely: "I am a member of the Association of Magicians, how can I work in the Xuanwu Kingdom for twenty years?"

Yue Qinlan didn't care and said: "It's simple, just quit the magician's meeting."

Lan Xi said loudly: "How can I just quit, I am willing, and the president and the others will not agree.

"As long as you think about it, there will be no problem." Mu Liang smiled slightly.

Lanxi recalled what Yueqinlan said, as long as the man in front of him is willing, the Magicians Association can smash him down.

"Really not restricting my freedom?" she couldn't help asking.

"Of course, you can work in the Xuanwu Kingdom." Mu Liang said.

Lan Xi asked in amazement, "Only in the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

Mu Liang tilted his head slightly, and said indifferently: "It depends on your performance. If you work hard, if you have something to go to other kingdoms, you will be allowed to go." 800

He will sign a queen bee contract with Lanxi. As long as the contract is signed successfully, she will not be able to betray the Xuanwu Kingdom, and she can go wherever she wants.

Lan Xi's face changed again, making choices between her own life and her twenty years of work, but in fact she had no other choice to make.

"I chose to work for twenty years." She bowed her head resignedly, recalling her life in the Magician's Association, and there seemed to be nothing for herself to remember.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips raised slightly, Chen Kong will have a teacher, and he will also have someone who can help him, like some simple space magic circles, which can be completed by Lan Xi.

Chen Kong is the boy who has awakened the space system, and is currently studying in the magician school.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Working in the highlands is what many people dream of, and it may be an opportunity for you.

Lan Xi looked at Mu Liang when he heard the words, he was better at space magic than himself, maybe he could learn something from Mu Liang.

Mu Liang looked at the woman, and the next moment he appeared in front of her, his fingers were already on her forehead, and at the same time the queen bee contract began to be signed.

Lan Xi couldn't resist, her eyes became confused, and when she regained her clarity, the queen bee contract had been signed.

"Arrange her to stay." Mu Liang said gently.

"Okay." Yueqin Lan raised the corners of her lips, and led Lan Xi out of the living room.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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