Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2131: Give Some Soup To People After Eating The Meat. (1 More)

"Knock knock knock~~ww

There was a knock on the palace study door, and Buff's voice sounded: "Your Majesty, Miss Huxi and Miss Landy are here."

"Let them in." Mu Liang's indifferent voice came from the study.

Yue Qinlan had already left, and only Mu Liang was left in the study.

"Yes." Buff turned and left.

Not long after, the study door was pushed open, and Randy and Huxi followed Buff into the study.

"I have seen His Majesty." Huxi and Randy saluted respectfully.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and said, "Well, this operation went smoothly?"

Hu Xi said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, everything is going well, Duke Boli has been captured and is being held in Highland Prison C.

"Is His Majesty going to interrogate him?" Randy asked respectfully.

"Let Liyue and the others interrogate this matter." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yes." Randy nodded quickly.

Hu Xi raised his eyes and said crisply: "Your Majesty, I have found something else when I went out to King Fuqi this time."

"Fake perfume?" Mu Liang tilted his head slightly.

When Huxi and Randy caught Boli and returned, they reported the perfume to Gaodi through the resonance bug, but they haven't elaborated on the details.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Hu Xi nodded respectfully.

"Tell me about the situation at that time in detail." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yes." Randy and Huxi looked at each other, and each of them told what happened at that time.

Hu Xi flipped his hands, and took out the perfume from the portable space magic tool: "Your Majesty, I brought back two bottles of perfume.

Mu Liang frowned slightly, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the perfume in the girl's hand floated up to him.

He opened one of the bottles of perfume, and the pungent fragrance came out, making people frown.

"It smells really bad." Mu Liang commented.

"I think so too." Hu Xi echoed.

Mu Liang shook the perfume, and said peacefully: "This is a glass bottle produced in our kingdom, the perfume inside is not, it is half-truth, half-fake, interesting.

Randy asked aloud: "Your Majesty, do you want to send someone to deal with it?"

Mu Liang put down the perfume in his hand and sealed the mouth of the bottle with spider silk to prevent the pungent fragrance from wafting out again.

He lightly tapped the table with his fingers, and said calmly: "Selling fake products under the banner of the Xuanwu Kingdom, of course we have to deal with it, so as not to ruin the reputation of our perfume."

The perfume of the Xuanwu Kingdom is very famous, and has a good reputation among the royal family and nobles.

When they talk about Xuanwu Kingdom's perfume, they are always full of praise. Even if they slander, it is out of anger that they can't buy the limited edition perfume, and they are jealous of Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, do you want to take someone to smash the store?" Hu Xi's beautiful eyes were shining.

Randy tilted his head and suggested: "Or should we arrest those who sell counterfeit goods?"

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose slightly, and he said calmly: "No, there is a comparison in the market, and those people know that our perfume is good."

Randy and Huxi looked at each other, they were a little confused, they didn't understand what Mu Liang meant.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Send someone to Fuqi Wangcheng to buy the house next to the perfume shop, and we will also open a perfume shop there."

"Hey, are you going to compete with them for customers?" Randy immediately understood.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Once they have experienced the goodness of our perfume, they will naturally not buy low-quality perfume again, and they can also help us promote the goodness of our perfume for free."

"It makes sense." Hu Xi also understood, and looked at Mu Liang with adoring eyes.

Mu Liang continued: "We can also launch perfumes in smaller bottles at the same price as their perfumes, so that customers who want to buy perfumes but have little money and cannot afford large bottles of perfumes can afford it."

"Your Majesty still thinks comprehensively." Randy complimented.

Mu Liang smiled, Huxi and Randy are suitable for talking about sketches.

He said calmly: "I will let the fox fairy arrange this matter, you go to rest.

"Yes." Huxi and Randy responded respectfully.

The two raised their hands in salute, turned and left the study (ceej).

Mu Liang pondered for a moment. More and more people know about the Xuanwu Kingdom, and the high-quality goods produced are also rushed to buy. This will touch the interests of many people.

Where there is competition, there are means. Compared with the practice of pirated perfume, it is easier to deal with than those who secretly engage in means.

"While eating meat, people should also be able to drink soup." Mu Liang said to himself.

The goods of the Xuanwu Kingdom are good, but the price will be relatively high. Those who cannot afford them will choose to buy goods from other merchants. This is what the Xuanwu Kingdom left for those merchants.

A cold light flashed in his eyes: "If you drink the soup honestly, you can get along well with each other. If the goods are poor and you want to rely on improper means, then don't even drink the soup."

Mu Liang pulled a piece of paper and began to write on it.

Half an hour later, he called the little maid and handed her the written paper.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "Send it to Fox Immortal, she will arrange it."

"Yes." Buff nodded obediently, and left the study with the things Mu Liang gave.

The little maid left through the portal and lost Shanhai Commercial City to find the fox fairy.

The foxtail woman was in the Treasure Building, and most of the nobles and wealthy businessmen who had attended the tea party were there, discussing the order with the woman.

"I want a thousand catties of star flower tea." The potbellied businessman raised his hand and shouted.

Hu Immortal said crisply: "One thousand catties of star scented tea will be delivered in five days. If it is acceptable, then pay a deposit and sign the contract."

"Yes, no problem at all." The potbellied businessman nodded quickly.

Another wealthy businessman shouted: "I also want a thousand catties of star flower tea, and five hundred catties of hundred flower tea..."

"Come one by one, don't worry." Hu Immortal said calmly.

A nobleman shouted: "I, I want Hundred Flowers Tea."

Hu Immortal waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's pay the deposit."

When Buff came to Zhenbao Building, the door was already blocked by sellers.

"There are a lot of people, Mr. Hu Immortal must be very busy." She stood on tiptoe, but she could only see the head of a person, but couldn't see what was going on inside.

The girl listened to the shouts inside, and could only stand helplessly at the door and wait.

She waited for more than an hour, and the number of people who came to buy goods and place orders decreased, so the little maid went into the treasure building to find a woman.

The staff is counting the amount of the order, and the contracts are stacked together, and there are piles of Warcraft spar and basalt coins beside them, which are the deposits paid by the wealthy businessmen and nobles.

The staff excitedly said: "Master Fox Immortal, there are a total of 452 orders."

"Not bad." Hu Immortal nodded in satisfaction.

She picked up an order, scanned it carefully, and ordered: "According to the time on the order, let someone prepare the goods, remember to be careful, and don't mistake the amount of the goods.

"Yes, we know." The staff nodded vigorously, trotted away with the order, and prepared to go to the warehouse to prepare the goods.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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