Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2132: Open A Shop? I Can't Pay You To Death. (2 More)

Buff walked into the Treasure Building, and waved hello after more than ten meters away: "Master Fox Immortal."

Hu Immortal looked up, and the corners of his lips raised, "Why are you here? What's the matter with Mu Liang?"

Buff walked forward quickly, and took out the paper that Mu Liang gave her: "Master Hu Xian is smart, Your Majesty asked me to deliver something to you."

The fox fairy's eyes showed curiosity, he took the paper and opened it, and looked at it carefully, his face gradually became a little colder.

"Piracy perfume, interesting." She snorted coldly.

Buff blinked her beautiful eyes, waiting for the foxtail woman's reply.

"Go back and tell Mu Liang, I will arrange this matter." Hu Immortal said with the paper between his fingers.

"Yes." Buff nodded obediently, turned and left the Treasure Building.

Fox Immortal thought for a while, called a few staff members, arranged for them to prepare perfume, and then arranged for someone to open a shop in the Kingdom of Fudge.

After she finished these tasks, half an hour later, nobles and wealthy businessmen came one after another, negotiating more than a dozen large orders.

Hu Immortal murmured softly: "When all these orders are shipped and the final payment is recovered, I should be more confident in dealing with the Xu Clan."

She is working now to earn more Warcraft crystals, which can be used to improve Mu Liang's strength.

Hu Immortal returned to the office, raised his hand and rubbed his temples: "We have to start sending people to deliver invitations to the auction.

The Xuanwu Kingdom will hold its second auction after the founding of the country. The scale will be larger than the first one, and more nobles and rich merchants will be invited.

Fox Immortal opened the drawer and took out a list from it, which was the information of all the guests who attended the auction last time.

She put down the list, and tapped her finger on the table: "These people will be invited again, plus new guests, there should be 5,000 people..."

Royal nobles come to participate in the auction, and at the same time, they can bring indirect benefits to Shanhai Commercial City and the Twelve Acropolis.

Fox Immortal called the staff and asked them to prepare invitations and send them to royal families and wealthy businessmen in various places.

By the time the foxtail woman finished her work, the staff had already prepared the perfume from the warehouse, which could be transported to the Forge King City.

The staff member knocked on the office door and said, "Master Hu Immortal, someone is looking for you."

"Who?" The fox fairy responded casually.

The staff explained: "It's a few businessmen who want to open a store in Shanhai Commercial City.

"Open a shop?" Hu Immortal frowned. There are many people who have this idea, but she never agreed.

She thought for a while and said, "Let them in."

"Yes." The staff responded, turned and left the office.

Not long after, three men and two women walked into the office, and their eyes lit up when they saw the fox fairy.

The oldest man among them said excitedly: "Your Excellency Hu Immortal, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"How happy?" Hu Immortal asked calmly.

..." The older man showed embarrassment, but he didn't expect the foxtail woman to answer like that.

He got serious, and said straight to the point: "Your Excellency Hu Immortal, I am here this time to talk about opening a shop."

"Open a shop, what kind of shop are you going to open?" Hu Immortal glanced at a few people, playing with the tips of their hair with his slender fingers.

The middle-aged man Liang hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Hu Immortal, I am in the spice business, and I want to open a shop in your Shanhai Commercial City."

The fox fairy asked casually, "What spices are there?"

The Xuanwu Kingdom also has spices, but there are not many categories. Most of the raw materials for spices have been grown on a large scale, but the supply still exceeds demand.

"I brought them all, Your Excellency Hu Immortal can take a look." The middle-aged man hastily opened the big box he brought, and there were dozens of small wooden boxes inside, and the mixed fragrance quickly spread out

The fox fairy opened a few of them to check, they were all common spices, but the price was more expensive than salt.

Spices are not affordable for ordinary people, only royal nobles will buy them.

Spices are divided into two types, one is edible spices, and the other is for smelling. Some girls like to carry a sachet with them, which contains spices, which can make them smell very fragrant

Although many people don't like the smell, the perfume is more expensive and more popular.

The fox fairy asked casually: "Are these spices used for cooking?"

"Most are, and a small part is for heavy use." The middle-aged man explained.

Hu Immortal clapped his hands, looked at the middle-aged man and said: "These spices are very common. If you open a shop in Shanhai Commercial City, the income may not be as much as the rent."

"Ordinary?" The middle-aged man was stunned, and he was still a little unhappy.

The Fox Immortal said calmly: "Of course ordinary people may like it, but those picky nobles will not. After all, our Xuanwu Kingdom has better spices and perfumes."

The middle-aged man opened his mouth, unable to refute the foxtail woman's words. He was looking at the traffic in Zhongshanhai Commercial City and wanted to open a shop here to make a fortune.

……ask for flowers…

The fox fairy looked at the other woman and asked, "What about you, what kind of shop do you want to open?"

The woman said softly: "I want to open an embroidery shop, the kind of hand embroidery."

"Is there any stock?" Hu Immortal asked.

"Yes." The woman said hastily.

She took out a scroll, unfolded it and handed it to the fox-tailed woman.

The fox fairy took it and took a closer look. A little bird, white clouds and abstract sun were embroidered on the cloth, which looked very good.

"You are a good embroiderer." She praised.

"Thank you, my lord, for your praise." The woman said happily.

Hu Immortal put down the embroidery work in his hand and asked, "How do you plan to set the price and sell it?"


"One hundred yuan a pair, is that okay?" The woman looked nervously at the fox fairy.

The fox fairy raised his hand to touch the embroidery pattern, and said in a charming voice: "Your embroidery skills are very good, such a size of embroidery, it will take three days at the fastest to embroider one pair.

The woman nodded, "Yes."

The fox fairy calculated: "If you earn one hundred yuan in three days, you can only earn one thousand yuan if you don't rest for a month. If you open a shop in Shanhai Commercial City, the monthly rent will not be less than fifty thousand yuan."

She intends to enrich Shanhai Commercial City by introducing some special and rare shops.

"Fifty thousand yuan!" The woman widened her eyes and was frightened.

Hu Immortal shrugged: "Yes, so I don't recommend you to open a shop in Shanhai Commercial City. It's better to work in a garment factory, maybe you can earn more."

She takes a fancy to women's embroidery skills, which are better than most workers in garment factories.

"How much basalt coins can I earn by working in a garment factory?" the woman asked a little excitedly.

The fox fairy smiled and said: "It depends on who you make clothes for. If you make clothes for our Majesty, you can get fifteen thousand a month."

Like Yue Qinlan, Hu Immortal was willing to invest in making clothes for Mu Liang, let alone fifteen hundred yuan, one hundred thousand yuan a month would not even blink.

"I am willing." The woman nodded hastily.

"Wait for me, I'll talk to you when I'm free." Hu Immortal raised his chin as a signal.

"Okay." The woman hurriedly stepped aside to watch the foxtail woman talk about opening a shop with others.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize the second. .

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