Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2133: Why Is It So Fast? (3 More)

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

Overseas of mist, at the junction of the stormy sea area and the salt water area, a golden figure is running wildly on the sea.

"Quack quack~~~"

The speed of the running duck is very fast, leaving a long water mark on the sea surface, which will be wiped away by the next wave.

Behind it, Xinxi sat cross-legged, stretched out her hands and grabbed the duck's feathers with a dark face, so as not to be caught on the duck's back.

She turned her head and looked behind her. The fog she had seen a second ago was thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye.

"This speed is too fast." Yunyun screamed.

Xin Xi and Yun Yun were the only ones who went out on this mission, and with the strength of the running duck, it was very easy to protect them from the Void Ghost King's pursuit.

"Stop barking." Xin Xi nodded.

The running duck was too fast, which made her a little uncomfortable, and her voice was blown away by the wind.

"Ahhhh~~~"Seven Four Three""

Yun Yun kept screaming and didn't hear Xin Xi's words at all.


The wind was very strong, and the veins on Xinxi's forehead were throbbing.

Half an hour later, the speed of the running duck slowed down, and the waves behind him gradually subsided.


Yun Yun took a deep breath and panted, "Why did you stop?"

Xin Xi stood up and said, "Because it's time."

When she came to the wing of the running duck, she could see the turbulent blackness of the sea, and the strong breath of ghosts could not even cover up the sea.

Xinxi looked solemn, staring at the pitch-black sea, which had a clear boundary with other waters.

"It smells so disgusting." Yunyun covered her mouth, her wheat-colored skin was a little ugly.

She looked at Xinxi and couldn't help asking: "Grandma Xinxi, are we going down?"

"Of course." Xin Xi nodded seriously.

"..." Yunyun's throat moved, with rejection written all over her face.

Xin Xi said coldly: "Don't waste time, as soon as possible to determine the situation of the virtual ghost, we can formulate countermeasures.

"Understood, Grandma Xinxi." Yunyun pouted, took out a glass bottle, and poured out a water-blue pearl.

The same is true for Xinxi, she swallowed the empowering pearl, and a cool feeling emerged in her body.

"Let's go." She left a sentence, and her body jumped up and down to the water.


Yunyun looked at Xinxi who was swallowed by the sea and disappeared, gritted her teeth and jumped down too.


Her eyes went dark, and she quickly activated the ability brought by the Empowerment Pearl, allowing the seawater polluted by the virtual ghost to avoid her body.

"Follow." Xinxi's voice sounded from under the girl's feet.

"Here we come." Yunyun responded and began to sink to the bottom of the sea.

The two fell slowly, and the aura of ghosts around them became stronger and stronger, and the visibility was less than five meters.

"Grandma Xinxi, I can't even see the front clearly." Yunyun said nervously.

Xin Xi said in a deep voice: "I didn't feel the danger, so I continued down.

"Oh." Yunyun flattened her mouth and continued to fall.

Half an hour later, the two clearly sensed a terrifying aura ahead, and there was more than one of them.

"Going to the bottom of the ocean," Cincy said.

The two of them had taken several energy-enabling pearls before they could persist until this point.

With a thought, Xinxi blocked the surrounding seawater fifty meters away.

A few lantern beetles flew out, illuminating the surrounding environment, improving visibility a lot.

Yunyun's feet touched the bottom of the sea, and she saw the bones of sea monsters all around.

"There are a lot of bones, unfortunately they are all infected." She said with a full face of regret.

"These are not important." Xin Xi's face was serious, and he saw the abyss not far away.

She walked forward, and the ghost's breath was so strong that it couldn't be melted away.

"It's so disgusting." Yunyun endured the feeling of nausea, the ghost's breath made her uncomfortable, which was the reason why she wasn't strong enough.

Xin Xi tilted his head and said, "You don't want to go down, lest you can't go up."

"Grandma Xinxi, be careful." Yun Yun let out a long breath.

Xin Xi nodded, looked towards the huge abyss, and could see many claw marks on the stone wall, which were left by the ghost king.

She jumped down, her body fell straight down, and the surrounding atmosphere became more and more intense.

"Chu Chu Jie~~~"

Not long after, she heard Xu Gui's cry, followed by the sound of sea water churning.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen high-level virtual ghosts appeared from the abyss and rushed towards Xinxi.

Xinxi's expression remained unchanged, she took out a long sword from the space magic tool, and attacked Xu Gui.


On the abyss, Yun Yun felt the sea water was churning, and a terrifying aura surged up.

Her body trembled again, the aura was too terrifying, with her strength, she could only feel fear.

"Grandma Xinxi!" Yunyun's face turned pale.

She was very anxious, but there was nothing she could do, she couldn't go down to die, and distracted Xinxi...

As time passed, the girl took out the new empowerment pearl clothes and carefully felt the changes under the abyss.

"Why doesn't Grandma Xinxi come up?" She was extremely anxious.

After another ten minutes, a figure was lifted up by the sea water.

Xin Xi's face was pale, seeing that Yun Yun was still there, she hurriedly shouted: "Go, get out of here."

"Grandma Xinxi, good." Yunyun shouted, and quickly controlled the sea water to lift herself up.

She asked, "Grandma Xinxi, what's going on down there?"

"I don't have the energy to tell you, if I don't walk, I'll die here." Xinxi took the girl's hand, increased her speed and headed towards the sea.

Yun Yun immediately became nervous when she heard the words, and looked down at her body, where several illuminated lantern beetles were silently killed by the black energy.

"What's that?" she screamed.

"Shut up." Xin Xi said coldly.

Yun Yun bit her lower lip.


"Jie Jie Jie, don't leave when you come." Xu Gui Wang's voice sounded.


Two figures flashed past, and two Void Ghost Kings came into their sight.

"Here we come." Yunyun screamed.

"Damn it, I haven't reached the surface of the sea yet." Xin Xi's face was ugly, and she grabbed Yunyun's hand tightly.

Yun Yun looked down, Xu Gui Wang was so fast that he was about to catch up with them in the blink of an eye.

She couldn't help screaming: "I'm going to die."


The golden shadow flashed past, and the two of them were grabbed by the running duck that suddenly appeared on 1.4, and they were away from the ghost king in the next moment.


The running duck flew out of the sea, and its wings turned into a golden streamer and flew into the sky.

The two Void Ghost Kings flew out of the sea, watching the golden figure disappear, their faces were full of astonishment.

"Why is the speed so fast?" Xu Guiwang exclaimed in astonishment.

"Chasing?" Another Void Ghost King asked in a deep voice.

The Twelve Xu Kings asked angrily: "Can you catch up?"

......" Eleventh King Xu twitched the corners of his mouth and fell silent.

They are here to guard the entrance of the channel, so as to prevent anyone from discovering the submarine channel and affecting the follow-up plan.

After the undersea channel is opened, they will cross the misty sea to join other virtual ghost kings.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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