Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2134: Sorry, I Said Something Wrong. (1 More)

In the air, Yunyun clutched the duck's feathers tightly, her face was extremely pale, as if she had survived a catastrophe.

She panted heavily, "I was scared to death~~~"

Xin Xi let out a breath slowly, her face was also pale, the clothes on her body were severely damaged, and the exposed skin was full of scars.

Yunyun rested for a while, then hurriedly turned to look at Xinxi, and took out a pile of secret medicine to help heal her injuries.

"Grandma Xinxi, bear with me." She reminded.

"Okay." Xin Xi lowered her eyes.

Yunyun bit her lower lip, and carefully removed the cloth on the wound, revealing the blackened skin, the wound was already infected, and black blood flowed out.

She took out a bottle of secret medicine and poured it all on the wound for disinfection.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~"

The expression on Xinxi's face remained the same, but she was gritting her teeth secretly, dealing with the infected wound was more painful than fighting with the Void Ghost King.

"The wound is infected. This should be the 'infection of the virtual ghost' that His Majesty said. It needs a secret medicine." Yun Yun said to herself.

She took out another bottle of secret medicine, spread it on the wound, and fed the remaining half to Xin Xi to drink.


Xinxi looked at the 24 viscous secret medicine, the corners of her eyes couldn't help but twitch, and finally she forced herself to swallow it.

"The blood can't stop, I still need to be treated." Yunyun said to herself, took out an empowering pearl and swallowed it.

After the empowering pearl took effect, the girl put her hands on the wound on Xinxi's body.

A ball of green light radiated from the girl's palm, and a strong breath of life spread out, covering Xinxi's wound.

"It's quite comfortable. Xinxi's eyes are slightly narrowed, and the wound is a little itchy, and it is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After more than ten minutes.

Yunyun put down her hands and checked Xinxi's wounds. Although not all of them healed, it did not affect her activities and life safety.

"That's the only way to do it." She said crisply.

Xin Xi said coldly: "It's already done, let's deal with the rest when we go back."

"Yeah." Yunyun responded, and began to treat the wound covered by the secret medicine.

After she wiped off the secret medicine, the exposed wound had returned to normal, the 'virulent ghost's infection' had been cleaned up, and the exposed muscles were bright red.

"Okay, it's okay." Yun Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and wrapped up the wound with a clean cloth.

She looked at Xinxi and asked with concern: "Grandma Xinxi, how do you feel?"

"I can't die, I'm just a little tired." Xinxi said weakly.

Yunyun heard that she took out a glass bottle from the space magic tool, which contained a green liquid, which was a mouthful.

She handed the glass bottle to Xinxi, and said crisply: "Your Majesty also gave you two bottles of star fruit extract, which can quickly restore physical and mental strength, Grandma Xinxi should drink a bottle.

Xin Xi thought for a while, nodded, took the glass bottle, and drank the liquid medicine inside.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

It didn't take long before she felt a coolness gushing out of her body, rushing to her limbs and bones quickly, and her physical and mental strength recovered to their peak at an astonishing speed.

"Good stuff." Cincy exclaimed in admiration.

Yunyun took out another bottle of liquid medicine, and asked, "There is one more bottle, is Grandma Xinxi still drinking?"

"No need, you can keep it, you can use it if you get injured in the future." Xinxi shook her head and said.

"Oh, okay." Yunyun's eyes flashed with joy, and she put the glass bottle back into the waste mouth.

The girl looked behind her, but the ghost king did not chase after her.

She said crisply: "At this speed, I should be able to return to the Xuanwu Kingdom at night."

"Quack quack~~~"

The running duck called a few times, which was the answer to the cloud layer.

Yunyun muttered: "It's quite smart, I thought it was as stupid as those golden ducks.

"Quack quack~~~"

Running Duck turned his head and stared at the girl.

"I'm sorry, I said something wrong." Yun layer apologized hastily.

Running Duck turned around and silently increased his speed, directly doubling his speed.


Yunyun screamed, and quickly grabbed the duck's feathers, so that her body was not thrown out because of her excessive speed.

Xin Xi was helpless, and also surprised in his heart, Tian Jie's intelligence of the quick-running duck did not seem to be low.

Originally, they could only arrive at the Xuanwu Kingdom before dark, but because of the speed of the running duck, they arrived at the Thousand Thorns Pass at four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Quack quack~~~"

The running duck landed on the Thousand Thorns Pass, and with a vigorous shake of its wings, Xinxi and Yunyun were thrown off their backs, and flew away without stopping, leaving the two depressed people to get up from the ground.

Yunyun clutched her buttocks, and said depressedly: "You're so stingy, I just said one thing, Tian is so angry...

Xinxi raised her hand and knocked on the girl's head, teaching her a lesson: "It's a beast, not a human being, so you can't ask for it like a human being.

"Understood." Yun Yun muttered.

"Let's go, go back to the palace and report to work." Xinxi said slowly.

Xu Gui's matter is too serious, and he must tell Mu Liang immediately that it concerns the safety of the New World.

Yunyun tilted her head and said, "Grandma Xinxi won't take a break?"

"There's no time." Xin Xi said in a deep voice, quickly stepped down the Thousand Thorns Pass, and galloped towards the location where the portal was.

Yun Yun hurriedly chased after her. She grew up in the holy city, and she has a strong and detached personality. She only knows that ghosts are disgusting and powerful. As for the harm that ghosts can do to the New World, she has no feeling.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at the highland through the portal, and quickly walked up the transport ladder to the highland eight stars.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

As soon as Yun Yun left the transport ladder, she shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, something is wrong with Your Majesty.

In the palace, Yao Er stood at the door and said, "Miss Yunyun, don't shout 193."

Yun Yun said urgently: "There is a big event happening, we need to see His Majesty.

"Is His Majesty in the palace?" Xin Xi asked seriously.

Yao'er said crisply: "Your Majesty has gone to the barracks and hasn't come back yet.

"Then when will you be back?" Yunyun couldn't help asking.

Yao Er said delicately: "If there are no accidents, I will be back before dinner.

"That's coming soon." Yunyun calmed down.

Yao Er looked at Xin Xi and said nervously, "Grandma Xin Xi is injured!"

"It's been dealt with, it's okay." Xin Xi said indifferently.

"There is a secret medicine for healing, I'll get it." Yao Er turned and ran towards the side hall quickly, and Xin Xi didn't have time to stop her.

Yun Yun tilted her head and said, "Everyone is very concerned about Grandma Xinxi."

Xin Xi pursed her lips, feeling a little warm in her heart, feeling that today's injury was not in vain.

The two entered the palace, and the little maid came back before they sat down, and handed Xinxi a few bottles of healing medicine.

Yao Er hurriedly said: "Drink it all, the injury will heal faster.

Xin Xi waved his hand and said, "It's not in the way anymore, don't waste these secret medicines."

"There are a lot of secret medicines, don't waste them, they are originally used for healing." Yao Er said seriously.

Xin Xi couldn't resist, and finally drank two bottles of healing medicine, which made the injury lighter.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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