Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2135: The Virtual Ghost Crosses The Sea Of ​​Mist. (2 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang and Li Yue walked into the palace and saw Xin Xi, Yun Yun and others at a glance.

"Your Majesty is back." Yao Er shouted.

Yun Yun stood up reflexively when she heard the words, and shouted respectfully: "Your Majesty, Wan An.

Mu Liang nodded, and said in surprise, "I'm back so soon."

Liyue's expression became serious: "It's still injured."

"We met the Void Ghost King." Xinxi said hoarsely.

Seeing the injury on Xinxi's body, Mu Liang raised his hand to condense a mass of life elements, and dropped his hand on Xinxi's body.

She shook her body, and the wounds on her body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end there was not even a scar left.

Cincy looked shocked, is this healed?

Mu Liang said in a deep voice, "Tell me about the specific situation in detail."

Yun Yun hurriedly said: "Let me tell you, it's like this, we're outside the Sea of ​​Misty...?"

"The sea water there is very dark, and there is also the smell of Xu Gui, so we knew that we had found the right place, so we went down to the bottom of the sea to investigate the situation, but we didn't expect to meet Xu Gui's master...?"

The girl described vividly, from meeting the Void Ghost King to the thrilling escape, the little maid who was watching couldn't help but sweat.

"It's scary." Yao Er said nervously.

Yunyun said in the tone of the rest of her life after a catastrophe: "If it wasn't for running ducks to pick us up, maybe we really wouldn't be able to come back.

A cold light flashed across Mu Liang's black eyes, and he said in thought: "The wooden avatar can't find the ghost king, so it turned out to be in the sea of ​​mist.

Xin Xi said in a deep voice: "There is a deep passage under the sea, bottomless, I have dealt with a group of high-level virtual ghosts, and when I continued to fall, I met the virtual ghost king.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he said coldly, "I'll go."

"Eh, now?" Yun Yun was stunned for a moment.

"Well, you don't have to wait for me for dinner." Mu Liang responded.

Mu Liangmu's avatar had to stay in the Old Continent, and he was the only one who could deal with two Void Ghost Kings and groups of high-level Void Ghosts at once.

Biting her lower lip, Yunyun hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, do you need me to lead the way?"

"No, Xiao Jin will tell me how to get there." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Yun Yun was stunned for a moment: "Xiao Jin?"

"Run duck." Mu Liang said casually.

"Oh, Your Majesty, please be careful." Yunyun blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Well, you guys rest. Mu Liang left the palace without saying a word.

Mu Liang performed a space jump to leave the high ground, and after a few jumps, he left the turtle's back and flew forward along the stormy sea.

Mu Liang speeded up and went straight to the location that Quick Duck told him.

The sky gradually darkened, and finally became invisible. This is the junction of the misty sea and the salt water area. It is difficult to see the moon when it is dark.

There was no light, and it didn't affect Mu Liang's speed at all, and he went straight to the water area where Xu Gui was.

It was already past half of the night when Mu Liang approached the water area where the ghosts appeared, and the strong breath of ghosts rushed towards him.

With a thought of Mu Liang, the light elements gathered, illuminating the surrounding waters, and he could clearly see the black sea water.

He fell down, avoiding the approaching water to the sides.

The light elements gathered again, illuminating the environment under the sea, and the visibility increased to a range of ten meters.

"Looks like it's here."

Mu Liang lowered his eyes and saw the abyss on the bottom of the sea that was dug out by the ghost king, it was dark and bottomless.

Falling into the abyss, the breath of besieged ghosts became more and more intense.

With a movement of Mu Liang's thoughts, the life domain quickly opened up, melting and purifying the ghost's breath.

He observed around the abyss and saw many traces of fighting, guessing that it was left by the battle between Xin Xi and the ghost king.


"Here comes another person." A hoarse voice sounded, and the Twelve Kings Ren and Xu appeared from the depths of the abyss.

Xu Eleventh King said in a deep voice: "It's really fast."

Mu Liang stopped falling and stared coldly.

He asked in a deep voice, "What are you doing here?"

The Twelve Kings moved their hands, and said with a strange smile: "Jie Jieran, this is not something a dead person should know.

Xu Eleventh King said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense with him, get rid of him quickly, it's time to meet up."

"Understood, you or I." Twelve Xu Wang asked with a curl of his lips.

"I'll do it." The Eleventh King Xu said, his body ejected, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of Mu Liang, opened his mouth and let out a dark red breath.

Mu Liang's face remained unchanged, he raised his hand and waved it casually, the space in front of him twisted, forming a rotating black hole, swallowing his breath.

The Eleventh King Xu's complexion changed suddenly, and he realized that Mu Liang was not easy.

Mu Liang raised his chin slightly, and said indifferently: "Since we don't say anything, we can only rely on means."

His body disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was behind the Twelve Xu Kings, and his outstretched hand was about to touch his head.

Xu Twelve King's body trembled, his complexion changed drastically, and he escaped the pressure dangerously.

"Damn, what a strong human being." Xu Twelve Kings said in shock.

The eleventh king of Xu's pupils contracted, and his face showed fear: "It feels like I'm facing Mr. Roy."

Mu Liang said nothing, and disappeared again.

Xu Eleventh King and Xu Twelve Kings looked ugly, looking around vigilantly, wondering where Mu Liang would appear in the next second.

"Where is it?" Xu Eleventh King was extremely vigilant, and the virtual ghost aura spread out from his body, trying to sense Mu Liang's position.

The Xu Twelve Kings showed suspicion: "Did they escape?"

The next moment, a hand stretched out silently from the space behind him, and pressed it on his neck.


Xu Twelve Kings suddenly felt terrified, his body twisted at a strange angle, the next moment there was an explosion sound, his body exploded, his upper body flew out, and his lower body disappeared.


The Twelve Kings of Xu screamed out in pain, if he had been a step slower just now, he might have died.

"The perception of danger is quite strong." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Xu Shiyi asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

There was flesh and blood wriggling in the wound of Xu Twelve Kings, and soon a new lower body grew, and the breath was much weaker.

"Mu Liang." Mu Liang said calmly.

"You are Mu Liang!" Xu Eleventh King looked shocked.

The Xu Twelve Kings trembled, and said in horror: "We can't defeat the strongest of the human race."

"Looks like they all know me." Mu Liang frowned slightly.

The Eleventh King Xu and the Twelveth King Xu looked at each other, turned around and fled towards the depths of the abyss without looking back.

Mu Liang snorted coldly, and quickly chased after him.

Before the two Void Ghost Kings escaped far, the space in front of them fluctuated, and the distorted space blocked their way forward.

In the next second, Mu Liang appeared between them, his deep eyes shone with light, and various abilities were displayed.

The shadow spider silk restricts the Void Ghost King's movements, and the body begins to petrify at the same time. Mu Liang also injects blood poison into their bodies, which can directly hit the soul and cause damage.


Xu Eleventh King and Xu Twelve Kings screamed again and again, their voices were extremely shrill.

"wow www

In the depths of the abyss, groups of high-level virtual ghosts appeared and began to attack Mu Liang and Mi Er.

"Come to die." Mu Liang said coldly, using his ability to become superhuman, and recognized a pair of hands to control the surrounding space.


The space under the abyss immediately collapsed and distorted, groups of high-level virtual ghosts were torn into pieces by the collapsed space, and black blood melted into the sea water.

The Eleventh King Xu's eyes showed fear, his body couldn't move, and the depths of his soul were extremely painful, as if hundreds of millions of ants were gnawing on him.


He screamed terribly, wishing Lord Roy would show up at this moment.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and directly blocked Xu Gui Wang's voice, making his screams disappear.

He took out the forbidden weapon and imprisoned the two Void Ghost Kings directly, and the aura of Void Ghosts under the abyss immediately dissipated a lot.

Mu Liang looked at the other ghosts, and started killing them indiscriminately, killing all the ghosts within his sight.


Mu Liang looked up to the top of his head, the surrounding sea water was emptied by him, and he could clearly see the size of the abyss.

"We have to seal this place and bury it directly." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to control the surrounding elements.

The bottom of the sea shook, the abyss collapsed, and boulders fell down, filling the abyss.

After Mu Liang finished all these, he continued to move forward.

He looked at the front illuminated by the light element, and said to himself solemnly: "Look at the situation, the Void Ghost King really wants to cross the sea of ​​mist.

"See if you can catch up with the other Void Ghost Kings."

Mu Liang increased his flying speed.

To cross the misty sea, it would take ten days by boat, three days for the transport spaceship to move forward at full speed, and half an hour for the portal.

At the speed of the ghost king, it would take two months at the fastest to dig the undersea channel.

At Mu Liang's current speed, it would take a whole day to cross the Misty Sea.

Without the tree of life to cover the fog, it would take longer to fly by yourself.

This is the characteristic of the Misty Sea. The fog is very strange, as if the space is folded together. It seems that the distance is not far away, but it takes several times longer to actually fly.

If there is no fog, the flight time can be greatly shortened.

Mu Liang looked straight ahead and didn't feel the ghost king's aura, but when he encountered many ghosts, he dealt with them smoothly.

"There are more and more virtual ghosts."

Mu Liang murmured to himself: "I'm afraid some ghosts have already gone to the New World."

The new continent is too big, and the sea area is larger than the salt water area of ​​the old continent. If the virtual ghosts cross the sea of ​​mist to get there, they will be like swarms of shrimps entering the sea. "It will be difficult to wipe them all out."

"I hope not."

Mu Liang pursed his lips and silently accelerated his pace.

Heights, inside the palace.

Yue Qinlan, Yan Bing and the others waited for Mu Liang to come back, but it was already midnight and they hadn't waited for anyone yet.

Yue Feiyan was a little worried and said, "Why haven't you come back yet?"

"Is it going to happen?" Shibeki became nervous.

Elena said unhappily: "What are you talking about? With Mu Liang's strength, even if you meet a few Void Ghost Kings, you can easily deal with them. 17"

"That's right, I said something wrong." Hiberi pouted.

Yue Qinlan comforted her softly: "Don't worry too much, something might happen and it's just a delay.

Yue Feiyan nodded approvingly: "Yeah, (Qian's Zhao) I think so too, if something happens to Mu Liang, Xiao Xuanwu will definitely pass by."

"So don't worry, let's all go to rest, it's getting late." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

All the girls looked at each other, stood up and left one after another, only Yue Qinlan and the maids were left in the main hall.

"Master Qinlan, don't you want to rest?" Buff asked in a low voice.

Yue Qinlan sighed secretly, waved her hand and said, "I'm not sleepy, just pour me a cup of tea."

"Okay." Buff went to the tea room.

Xiao Zi and the others looked at each other, and they all understood that Yue Qinlan was worried about Mu Liang, and she said she wasn't worried, but she was actually more worried than anyone else.

Yue Qinlan frowned beautifully, and whispered to herself: "The ghost king wants to cross the misty sea. If he really goes to the new continent, then this continent will really be in chaos."

To people in the New World, virtual ghosts are completely unfamiliar existences. They have only been seen in movies made by the Xuanwu Kingdom, but this has only been seen by a very small number of people.

Only now did she really feel the sense of urgency. With the current strength of the Xuanwu Kingdom, it is no problem to deal with the ghost tide. What about other kingdoms?

"I don't know how many people will be killed or injured." Yue Qinlan sighed.

She didn't want a war, because it would be of no benefit to the Xuanwu Kingdom if the people on the mainland would be wiped out. It would save a lot of Warcraft spar.

The little maid poured hot tea and brought it over, and waited with Yue Qinlan for Mu Liang to come back.

In the side hall, Elina and the others were also awake, paying attention to the movement in the main hall.

Everyone waited until dawn, but the improvement did not come back.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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