Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2136: Pray That The Country Will Not Be Wiped Out By Ghosts. (1 More)

Deep in the misty sea, in the underground passage.

Gulu Gulu~~~"

Mu Liang kept moving forward at top speed, and the aura of ghosts in the passage was still strong.

"Six hundred and fifty-two." With a cold light in his eyes, he killed an approaching Void Ghost, and the flesh and blood sprayed in all directions.

With a wave of Mu Liang's hand, the surrounding space twisted, swallowing all the splashed flesh and blood, and the surrounding aura weakened a lot.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Xu Gui's cry sounded again, his expression remained unchanged, he stared at the oncoming ninth-level Xu Gui, and stretched out his hand casually to grab it from the air.


The next moment, the ninth-level virtual ghost was strangled by the distorted space, and his body exploded like a squeezed watermelon.

Wherever Mu Liang passed, the passage behind him would collapse, burying the passage dug by King Xugui.

"Boom boom~www

Amid the roaring sounds, Mu Liang keenly noticed that the flow of the sea water had become faster.

"Is it coming to the end?" He frowned, and suddenly accelerated to fly forward.

Ten minutes later, Mu Liang left the ground and felt an electric current in the water, so he swam towards the surface of the sea.


He rushed out of the sea, the sky was raining heavily, 713 was surrounded by lightning and thunder, and at the same time a strong wind was blowing.

"This is the sea of ​​storms..." Mu Liangxin sank, the rain and lightning falling from above his head were blocked by the invisible barrier and did not fall on him.

He turned his head to look behind him, and there was a wall of fog that reached the sky.

"After all, I didn't stop it." Mu Liang frowned, and looked sideways at the endless vast sea. Where did the ghosts go?

As soon as he moved his mind, three heads and six arms appeared, followed by a double image on his body, and in the next second the double image turned into three people.

This is the ability of Haohua Qinglian to evolve to the tenth level. It can differentiate into three people, who can act as the five sense organs of the main body, and go wherever you want. Even if it dies suddenly, it will not affect the main body. This is different from the wooden clone.

The ability to create Qinglian is equivalent to the shadow of Mu Liang, and what she sees and hears can be presented in the mind of the main body in real time.

"Go, find the ghost nearby." Mu Liang ordered.


The three figures ejected and left in different directions.

In Mu Liang's mind, three pictures appeared, which were the pictures that the three avatars could see.

"I hope to find the ghost king." Mu Liang sighed, stepped forward and disappeared in place, and used his space to jump back to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In the palace, Mino was kneeling on the sofa, with his chin resting on the back of the sofa, his blue eyes staring at the palace gate.

"Why hasn't Mu Liang come back yet?" She said in a long voice.

Xi Beiqi was also worried: "Yes, it's already afternoon, why haven't you come back?"

Yue Feiyan said uncertainly: "I should be back soon..."

Lan Xi sat aside, not knowing what the girls were worried about.

She came here to wait for work arrangements. Mu Liang said before that he personally arranged her work.

"Did something happen?" Lan Xi couldn't help asking.

Yue Qinlan rubbed her temples with her hands, and responded casually: "I don't know for now, I won't know until Mu Liang comes back.

"Where did your Majesty go?" Lan Xi asked suspiciously.

Yue Feiyan said weakly: "Go to the Misty Sea."

Lan Xi tilted her head, thought for a while and said, "Go to the Misty Sea, can't you come back?"

"Bah, don't talk nonsense." All the girls spoke in unison, and gave Lan Xi a blank look.

Lan Xi hurriedly bent down and apologized: "I was wrong."

"What are you doing?" A clear voice sounded, and Mu Liang appeared in the palace out of nowhere, with a tired look on his face.

"Mu Liang, you're back!" Mino's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Yue Feiyan hurriedly stood up and asked, "Mu Liang, are you alright?"

Mu Liangya shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "I'm fine, but the New World is going to be very peaceful.

"Did Xugui really cross the sea of ​​mist?" Yue Qinlan exclaimed in surprise.

Mu Liang nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Well, I don't know how many ghosts have passed by."

"This is troublesome..." Yue Qinlan had a bitter smile on her face.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said: "The movie should be finished soon, let's show it directly on the TV, and by the way, make a video to tell the people in the New World to deal with the ghost's attack in advance.

Yue Qinyi's movie has been finished, and the editing work can be completed in two days.

Yue Qinlan sighed: "That's the only way."

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Contact the factories and commercial areas on the New World side, enter the first-level alert state, and be ready to evacuate at any time.

"Yes." Li Yue replied.

Mu Liang continued to order: "Over there in the kingdom of the orcs, remind the orcs that it is best to gather in the royal city, and if there are branches of the tree of life that are in danger, the avatars can go there and deal with them.

There are branches of the tree of life in the royal city of the orc kingdom, and the wooden clone can pass there in a very short time.

"Okay." Alina responded, turned around and went directly to the contact room.

Yue Qinlan worried: "Should those factories be shut down?"

"Well, let's stop first." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

He thought of something, and said: "The transport spaceship outside must remain invisible at all times, and if you encounter a virtual ghost, directly activate the space teleportation magic circle.

"I'll notify them." Buff heard the words and turned around to deliver the order.

Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang and asked, "Will the business district over there be closed?"

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Temporarily suspend the business, wait until the virtual ghost kings are dealt with, or the traces of the virtual ghosts are confirmed, and reopen if there is no impact."

Some of the people working in the business district of the New World came from the Xuanwu Kingdom, and Mu Liang had to consider their safety.

Mu Liang thought of something, and said, "Or reduce the price in these two days and sell the goods in stock."

"I'll talk to Hu Immortal about this, she will decide." Yue Qinlan said softly.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, get the staff to evacuate as soon as possible, don't delay too long."

Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone: "At the speed of King Xu Gui, it will take two days to reach the land, and I will arrange it as soon as possible.

There are air-raid shelters built underground in the commercial area, which are 100 meters deep underground, and this is the only shelter in the commercial area.

"The ghost king went to land..." Mu Liang murmured softly.

His eyes lit up: "Yes, you can block the Void Ghost King at the junction of land and sea.

Yue Qinlan said in a serious tone: "It's very difficult for us to do it alone."

Mu Liang said in a deep voice: "Go to contact the kingdoms along the coast and tell them about the king. If you are willing to unite, you can stop Xu Gui together."

A cold light flashed across Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes: "What if you don't want to?"

"Then ask for blessings, and pray that the country will not be destroyed by the ghosts." Mu Liang said calmly.

"I understand, I'll contact you." Yue Qinlan lifted her spirits, turned around and left quickly.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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