Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2137: New Blood Food Captivity. (2 More)

Lan Xi said: "Your Majesty?"

Only then did Mu Liang look at Lan Xi, and motioned, "Follow me to the study."

"Yes." Lan Xi hurriedly responded, and followed Mu Liang to the study.

Mu Liang walked into the study and said casually: "The New World is going to be in chaos soon, I hope your Magicians Association won't be the first to escape again."

Lan Xi opened his mouth, but still asked: "Your Majesty, why is there such chaos in the New World. 7"

Hearing this, Mu Liang sat down, took out a book from the bookshelf behind him, handed it to Lan Xi and said, "After reading this, you will know why."

Lan Xi looked at the cover of the book in his hand, and read softly: "The Apocalypse of the Xu Clan."

She turned to the first page and started from the beginning.

As time passed, the woman's expression gradually became dignified, and she was horrified when she saw the face behind her.

"It's terrible-." Lan Xi exclaimed in surprise.

Mu Liang tapped the table with his fingers, and said in a deep voice: "The ghost king has already crossed the sea of ​​mist, and there are still some high-ranking ghosts, the New World will be chaotic."

"This is terrible, how could this happen..." Lan Xi's expression changed drastically.

"The sins of the predecessors can only be dealt with by the descendants." Mu Liangtou said.

If there is no ghost, then he will live very comfortably.

Mu Liang didn't continue to chat about Xu Gui's matter, and said calmly: "What can you do with me?"

Lan Xi took a deep breath and said, "I'm here to ask what kind of work I do."

"Can you draw a magic circle?" Mu Liang asked.

Lan Xi nodded and said: "Easy ones can, but those over the eighth level can't."

Hearing this, Mu Liang reached out and flipped through it, and took out a box of Warcraft crystals, which contained various space magic arrays and a stack of magic array drawings.

He handed the things to the woman, and said: "You learn these magic circles first, and your job in the future is to help describe the magic circle of the space system."

Lan Xi looked at the Warcraft spar and blueprints in her hands, her beautiful eyes widened, and she became excited as if she had found a treasure.

As a space magician, the most difficult thing to get is all kinds of space magic and magic circles, which can be said to be hard to come by.

The blueprints of the magic circle given by Mu Liang are not too much to be compared to rare treasures for Lanxi.

"Come here." Mu Liang said suddenly.

Lan Xi froze for a moment, subconsciously got up and came to Mu Liang, holding the box and blueprints in his arms.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and lightly pressed Lan Xi's forehead, using the ability of consciousness communication to transfer the experience of drawing the magic circle to the woman.

There are many restrictions on this kind of transmission, which can only make Lan Xi feel familiar with the magic circle, and it cannot be achieved without learning.

The whole process lasted for half an hour, and by the time Mu Liang let go, Lan Xi was already beyond shock.

The magic circle, which I couldn't understand before, can already be grasped at this time, which greatly reduces the difficulty of learning.

Mu Liang waved his hand and said: "Go and practice by yourself, and ask me if you don't understand.

"Yes." Lan Xi nodded vigorously.

At this time, for her, the Association of Magicians is not important anymore, the most important thing is to improve her own strength.

She left the study with the Warcraft spar and blueprints in her arms, and walked excitedly to her place of residence.

Lan Xi slowed down and thought of a question: "Where did Your Majesty get this magic circle?"

"Of course His Majesty researched it himself." A clear voice sounded, Buff blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the woman.

Lan Xi was shocked: "These magic circles are all researched by His Majesty?"

"Yes." Buff nodded delicately, left a word and turned to leave.

Lan Xi opened her red lips wide, the shock in her heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

She tightened her grip on the things in her hands, the space magic circle that Mu Liang had worked so hard to research, and now let herself learn it casually, this is how much she valued her.

"I will study hard." Lan Xi's eyes were firm, and he suddenly felt that working in the Xuanwu Kingdom for twenty years was not a bad thing.

As everyone knows, Mu Liang only wants to teach her space magic, so that he can relax in the future, and don't have to do everything by himself. After all, there are still many things that he needs to do by himself.

She hugged the things in her arms tightly, strode back to her residence, and began to concentrate on studying the magic circle.

With the help of Mu Liang's experience, it will be much easier for her to learn the magic circle.

If Lan Xi hadn't signed the queen bee contract with Mu Liang, then it wouldn't even be able to touch a corner of the space magic circle, let alone learn it casually.

While she was busy, Liyue and the others were also busy, dialing out all the resonant phone calls, and all places related to the Xuanwu Kingdom received emergency evasion notices.

At the same time, Mu Liangmu's avatar also returned to the transfer base, ready to be sent to the orc kingdom in the New World through the branch of the tree of life at any time.

...asking for flowers o...

On the vast sea, ghost kings flapped their wings and flew forward, followed by a group of high-ranking ghosts.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that the crossing was really successful." Xu Shiwang said excitedly.

The Ten King Xu said in a deep voice: "It will be more than half a year to prove that the plan is feasible, as long as you devour enough blood food, you should be able to complete the evolution before Lord Roy wakes up.

Xu Qiwang said hoarsely: "There are more humans in this continent than the humans on the other side. If you swallow a few cities, you can devour enough blood food."

Xu Shiwang grinned: "Jie Jie Jie, I am really looking forward to it."

"I can't feel the breath of the Eleventh King and the Twelve Kings anymore. The Fourth King suddenly said.


"How could it be?" The other Ghost Kings stopped, and looked at the Fourth King Xu in astonishment.

Xu Si Wang said solemnly: "Same as Xu Ba and the others, the breath suddenly disappeared.

Xu Er Wang said in a deep voice: "It seems that he was discovered."

King Xu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Then we must hurry up."

"What about the Eleventh King Xu and the Twelve King Xu?" asked the Seventh King Xu in amazement.

Xu Erwang asked with a strange smile: "Jie Jie Jie, do you want to go back and save them?"

"Forget it then." Xu Qiwang twitched his mouth, thinking that devouring blood to complete evolution is more important.

Xu Er Wang grinned and said: "Jie Jie Jie, let's act separately, how much blood food we can devour depends on our respective strengths."

"That's right, don't gather together, so as not to fight over blood food."

King Xu Yi reminded: "Then let's separate, remember that before Master Roy wakes up, everyone has to go back to the other side of the continent.

"Jie Jie Jie, you don't need to remind me. Xu Erwang said coldly, and suddenly accelerated to leave the current sea area.

King Xu Yi showed anger on his face, he gritted his teeth and left.

The other virtual ghost kings separated one after another and flew in different directions.

The high-level virtual ghosts also dispersed, approaching the land from different positions.

During the period, many merchant ships and pirate ships were encountered, and all of them were destroyed and devoured by the ghosts.

"Jie Jie Jie, this is the new captivity." The virtual ghost kings roared arrogantly.

. . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize seven. .

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